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FILE /Users/sroche/AeroFS/Python/Projects/apperian/apperian/

CLASSES Ease Publish

class Ease
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, user, pw, region='default')
 |  app_data(self, psk)
 |      List data for a specific app
 |      :param psk: Unique ID of the app
 |      :return: Returns dict of metadata about the specified application. Specify the app with app_psk.
 |  app_list_all(self)
 |      List application data about all the native applications stored in the EASE database for the authenticated
 |      user’s organization.
 |      :return: Dict with key:value pairs of the app psk and it's metadata. For example: {123:{METADATA}}
 |  app_list_available(self)
 |      List application data about all the applications available in EASE to the authenticated user. An application is
 |      considered available if it is assigned to a group to which the user belongs
 |      :return: Dict with key:value pairs of the app psk and it's metadata. For example: {123:{METADATA}}
 |  app_list_catalogs(self)
 |      List data for all app catalogs
 |      :return: Returns data about all the App Catalogs in the authenticated user's organization
 |  app_toggle(self, app_psk, state)
 |      Allows you do enable or disable and app in your account.
 |      :param app_psk: Unique ID of the app. Use the app_list_available() method
 |      :param state: Boolean Value of desired state of the app
 |      :return: Dict of request status
 |  app_usage(self, psk, start_date, end_date)
 |      List download and usage count for a specific app
 |      :param psk: Unique ID for the app.
 |      :param start_date: Start date for the statistical period. For example: 2014-01-15
 |      :param end_date: End date for the statistical period. For example: 2014-01-30
 |      :return:Returns Download Count and Usage Count for an application during a specified statistical time period.
 |  auth(self, user=None, password=None)
 |      Authenticate user to the python API. If user and password params are left blank, function will use the
 |      credentials instance was started with
 |      :param user: User ID for a valid EASE user in your organization’s EASE account
 |      :param password: User’s password
 |      :return: Boolean
 |  group_add(self, data)
 |      Adds a new group to the authenticated user’s organization.
 |      :param data: Dict with metadata for group. Required keys are: group_name, group_description
 |      :return: Dict of new groups details. Dict keys are: psk, name, description
 |  group_add_apps(self, group_psk, app_list)
 |      Adds applications to a specified group. Specify apps by app_psk.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :param app_list: Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to add to the group.
 |      :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: apps_added, apps_failed
 |  group_add_member(self, user_psk, groups)
 |      Adds a specified user to a list of groups. Specify groups by group_psk.
 |      :param user_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the user you want to add to the list of groups
 |      :param groups: Comma-separated list of the group psks
 |      :return:Dict of lists. Dict keys are: added_groups, failed_groups
 |  group_add_members(self, group_psk, user_list)
 |      Adds a list of users to a specified group. Specify users by user_psk.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :param user_list: Comma-separated list of the user_psks for the users you want to add to the group.
 |      :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: users_failed, users_added
 |  group_delete(self, group_psk)
 |      Permanently deletes a group from the authenticated user’s organization.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :result: Dict with deleted groups metadata. Dict keys are: psk, name, description
 |  group_delete_apps(self, group_psk, app_list)
 |      Removes applications from a group. Specify apps by app_psk
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :param app_list: Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to remove from the group.
 |      :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: apps_removed, apps_failed
 |  group_list(self)
 |      list of all the groups for the authenticated user’s organization. This list includes the number of users
 |      and number of applications belonging to each group.
 |      :return: List of dicts of the groups. Dict keys are: app_count, psk, user_count, name, description
 |  group_list_apps(self, group_psk)
 |      Returns a list of the applications that are in the specified group.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :return: List of dicts. See API docs for dict keys
 |  group_list_members(self, group_psk)
 |      Lists users who are members of a specified group.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :return: List of Dicts. See API docs for dict keys
 |  group_remove_members(self, group_psk, user_list)
 |      Removes applications from a group. Specify apps by app_psk
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :param user_list: Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to remove from the group.
 |      :return: Dict of lists. Dict keys are: users_failed, users_removed
 |  group_update(self, group_psk, data)
 |      Updates data for an existing group in the authenticated user's organization.
 |      :param group_psk: Unique ID assigned by EASE to the group.
 |      :param data: Dict of group metadata to change. Required keys: group_name, group_description
 |      :return: Dict with updated metadata. Dict keys are: psk, name, description
 |  org_delete(self, psk)
 |      :param psk: psk of the organization to be deleted
 |      :return: returns "ok", "auth", or the error message
 |  set_default_region(self)
 |      Allows you to change the default region this module uses without having to manually edit endpoints.json
 |      If you have never run this function the default region will be North America
 |  set_region(self, region='default')
 |      Change the region you access for this session and authenticates you to the new environment.
 |      If 'list' is provided as the value for region you will see a list of options to manually choose from.
 |      :param region: Optional. Provide alternate region string. Use region='list' to manually select one
 |  user_add(self, data)
 |      Must be authenticated as an EASE admin. Adds a new user to the EASE organization of the authenticated user.
 |      :param data: a dict of the user details you want to add.
 |      :return: A successful response provides a unique key (user_psk) for the user.
 |  user_delete(self, psk)
 |      Deletes a user from your EASE organization. A deleted user can no longer access the App Catalog or the EASE
 |      Portal. If a deleted user tries to log in, the user will see a message that advises the user to contact support.
 |      :param psk: psk of the user to be deleted
 |      :return: returns "ok", "auth", or the error message
 |  user_list(self, psk)
 |      Returns information stored in the database about a user, such as user ID, email, phone number,
 |      and the date when the user was created.
 |      :param psk: Unique ID assigned to the user you want to look up
 |      :return: Returns a dict with the target user's details
 |  user_list_all(self)
 |      Lists user details for every user in the org you are authenticated to. must be admin user to run
 |      :return: Returns a list of dicts. Dict keys are: psk, first_name, last_name, modified_date, deleted, email,
 |      mobile_phone, role, created_date, until_date, disabled_reason, id, last_login_from_catalog
 |  user_update(self, psk, payload)
 |      Updates the following data attributes for a user in your EASE organization: email, password, first_name,
 |      last_name, phone.
 |      When you request this resource, you will need to provide the user_psk value assigned when you added the user.
 |      :param psk: Unique ID assigned to the user by EASE.
 |      :param payload: a dict with the following keys: email, password, first_name, last_name, phone
 |      :return: Dict with status and result of True/False
class Publish
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, user, pw, region='default')
 |  add_new_app(self, file_name, metadata)
 |      Adds a new app to your EASE instance under the category "Company Wide".
 |      Uses the functions create, upload, and publish
 |      :param file_name: name of the file you will be uploading. Can be a relative or absolute path
 |      :param metadata: Dict of the metadata needed to publish to ease. See API docs for dict keys
 |      :return:
 |  auth(self, user=None, password=None)
 |      :param user: Admin username
 |      :param password: Admin password
 |      :return: Boolean
 |  create(self)
 |      Creates an entry in EASE for the publishing API to upload a file to.
 |      Uses a token from the auth function
 |      :return: Returns transaction ID
 |  get_credentials(self)
 |      Lists all stored signing credentials for authenticated user's account
 |      :return: List of dicts with needed credential info. Each stored credential gets its own dict
 |  get_list(self)
 |      Lists all of the native apps in the organization you are authenticated to. Does not include webapps, or public
 |      app store links
 |      :return: List of dicts of app metadata. Dict keys are: ID, author, bundleID, longdescription, shortdescription,
 |          status, type, version, versionNotes
 |  publish(self, metadata, data)
 |      :param data: Dict of the metadata that is required to upload to ease.
 |  set_region(self, region='default')
 |      Change the region you access for this session and authenticates you to the new environment.
 |      If 'list' is provided as the value for region you will see a list of options to manually choose from.
 |      :param region: Optional. Provide alternate region string. Use region='list' to manually select one
 |  sign_application(self, app_psk, credentials_psk)
 |      Signs an app with the specified stored credential
 |      :param app_psk: Unique ID of app in ease. Can be found using list_apps()
 |      :param credentials_psk: Unique ID of the credentials to be used. Can be found via get_credentials()
 |      :return:
 |  update(self, app_id)
 |  upload(self, data)
 |      :param data: Dict with the file anme and transaction ID. Dict keys are: file_name, trans_id
 |      :return: returns fileID for the publish step

FUNCTIONS region_options(data)

response_check(r, *args)

DATA ENDPOINTS = {u'att': {u'Custom HTML5 App Catalogs': u'https://*.appcat... author = 'Shawn Roche'

AUTHOR Shawn Roche

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