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The Hotness

Stay up to date with the new Github repos all the cool kids are starring.

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The Hotness shows you the trending new repos on Github. It grabs the repos that have been created in the last 24 hours, week, or month, that have been starred by the most users.

It is very similar to the Github Explore daily email, except that the email shows repos that have received the most stars, whereas The Hotness shows only the repos that have received the most stars and that have been created in the time window.

Get it on Google Play.


This was the model for the project in an Android course I taught in the autumn of 2016 at the University of Washington. It is relatively simple while still doing interesting things, like using the network and persisting things to disk.

It also uses a number of popular libraries, like Retrofit, Dagger 2, Butterknife, and RxJava.
