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SARL Middleware for Java-based Elevator Simulator

This project provides the basic middleware infrastructure, through a capacity/skill, to develop agent-based controllers for the Java Elevator Simulator (RMIT Version) in the SARL Language agent programming framework. The project also a includes a basic demo SARL elevator agent-based controllers that uses the middleware infrastructure (mostly for testing purposes).

The SARL Middleware (MW) infrastructure can be used "off-the-shelf" to develop complex SARL-based controllers for the elevator simulator. The MW provides the core basic skills for a SARL agent to control the set of elevators in the simulator, by receiving sensor-events and issuing command-events to the simulator.

This project was part of a team-based programming project course under the supervision of A/Prof. Sebastian Sardina (see below for contacts). The main part of such project, however, involved extending the Java-based elevator simulator from here.

This framework can be accessible via JitPack by adding the corresponding dependency and repository on the pom.xml (see below).

Semantic versioning is used with versions of the form Major.Minor.Patch. Each version will rely on a particular SARL version, which is indicated via <sarl.version> property in the POM file.


The following dependencies are resolved via Maven and JitPack automatically:


In most cases, one would just use the middleware to develop SARL controllers in your own application. See the next section to learn how to do that.

To try the MW and test it when developing it further, the MW comes with a simple demo controller DummyMultiCarController that continuously makes cars go up and down, without doing anything else.

The demo controller is in package

First compile it using Maven by running: mvn clean package

Then, run the booting class BootMAS via mvn exec:java (remember to start the elevator simulator server first).

You can install the MW in your local Maven repository (e.g., ~/.m2) using mvn clean install.


You can use this project off-the-shelf to make use of the SARL connectivity infrastructure so as to build your own SARL controllers.

To do so, you first need to have the JAR file for the middleware installed in your local Maven repo for your controller application to use it.

First the pom.xml of your SARL controller application using the this middleware should have the following dependency to the middleware:

<!--  SARL Elevator Control framework -->

There are then two ways to install the corresponding JAR file for the middleware:

  1. Manually get the corresponding JAR file for the middleware for the SARL version you intend to use from the Download section (or produce the JAR yourself by cloning and compiling this repo yourself) and run something like this to install it:

    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=elevator-sarl-mw- -Dpackaging=jar \
    	-DgroupId=com.github.ssardina-agts -DartifactId=elevator-sarl-mw -Dversion= 

    This will install the middleware infrastructure in your local maven repository and your application will now have access to it. Done!

  2. You can specify your application to get it automatically via Maven. To do so, include this repository for the JitPack service:


    When you build your application, Maven via JitPack will get middleware from this repo, compile it, package, and install it.

Below we describe the MW framework (that is, what is provided for you to use in your SARL elevator controller project).

In a nutshell, two capabilities with skills are provided to connect and interact with the elevator simulator and to report domain messages (like an elevator arriving to a floor or a person requesting service). In addition a set of events are defined signaling events in the elevator simulator. These are the events that your agent should handle.


  1. Cap_Reporting: tools to report various meaningful domain messages, such as a car arriving to a floor, a person leaving or entering a car, car passing by a floor while traveling, person requesting service at a floor, etc.
  2. Cap_SimulatorInteraction: allows for actions to be submitted to the Elevator Simulator. Currently only supports two actions:
    • Sending a car to a floor via method sendCar(action : SendCarAction).
    • Establishing the connection to the server: act_connectToSimulator()


The Skill_ConsoleReporting

Implements Cap_Reporting capacity by printing in console. Formatting is allowed, such as the following action to report a message:

reportMessage("Successfully connected to elevator hardware at {1}:{2}", simulator_host, simulator_port);

or the following to report arriving to a floor:

on CarArrivedPercept {
	reportArrivedAt(, occurrence.floor)
	currentFloor = occurrence.floor
	moving = false

The Skill_SingleSimulatorInteraction

This is the main core skill implementing the Cap_SimulatorInteraction capacity, It allows SARL agents to connect and receive information from the elevator simulator and send back actions to perform in the simulator.

The skill is initialized with the address of the simulator (hostname + port) and the SARL space agentSpace where events coming from the elevator need to be emitted.

Internally, the skill extends the abstract skill Java class ClientElevatorSimulator which acts a middle layer between the elevator simulator and the SARL framework in pure Java. ClientElevatorSimulator connects and maintains the network connection to the simulator via an object of class NetworkConnection. It then continuously receives JSON messages from simulator server, decodes them into objects, and calls corresponding abstract methods for each type of event. Such methods are to be implemented in a fully instantiated skill, which is what Skill_SingleSimulatorInteraction does by emitting the following corresponding events for agents registered in the agentSpace:

  • onModelChanged
  • onCarRequested
  • onDoorOpened
  • onDoorClosed
  • onDoorSensorClear
  • onCarArrived
  • onPersonEnteredCar
  • onPersonLeftCar
  • onFloorRequested
  • onFloorPassed
  • onActionProcessed
  • onSimulationEnded

All these event carry the id of the event and the timestamp, together with additional information relevant to the event. SARL agents who are registered to space agentSpace (could be the agent of the skill or holons of it, for example) can then just handle these events via SARL behaviors.

The skill also implements the two capacity actions:

  • act_connectToSimulator(): connect to the game server (with the address defined when skill created)
  • sendCar(action : SendCarAction): do action in simulator, which contains car id, floor to go, and advertised next direction.

The skill will send corresponding JSON messages to the simulator.

In most cases, users developing SARL controllers will not need to bother with the ClientElevatorSimulator infrastructure. All they need to do is to handle the above SARL events and send cars to destinations by issuing a sendCar(action: SendCarAction) action.

Here is the core of the Dummy agent every time a door has been closed in a given car:

on DoorClosedPercept {
	var next_floor : int = -1
	var next_dir : Direction

	if (currentFloor == highestFloor) {
		next_floor = lowestFloor
		next_dir = Direction.UP
	} else if (currentFloor == lowestFloor) {
		next_floor = highestFloor
		next_dir = Direction.DOWN

	if (next_floor > -1) {
		// this is the actual MOVEMENT action!
		sendCar(new SendCarAction(, next_floor, next_dir)) 
		reportTravellingTo(, next_floor, next_dir)
		moving = true


To establish the connection, the agents adopts the skill and then issue the connection action:

setSkill(new Skill_SingleSimulatorInteraction(simulator_host, simulator_port, defaultSpace), Cap_SimulatorInteraction)
reportMessage("Successfully connected to elevator hardware at {1}:{2}", simulator_host, simulator_port);

The Skill_MultipleSimulatorInteraction

This is a further extension of skill Skill_SingleSimulatorInteraction to share a connection to the elevator simulator amongst multiple SARL agents/skills.

For example, in a multi-agent SAR application, each agent can register to control one car with this skill, but tere will be only one actual connection to the simulator via a static singleton object sharedConnection of class NetworkConnection. The first time the skill is created, the connection will be established and sharedConnection will be instantiated. After that, it will be re-used.

Each agent should then connect as follows:

setSkill(new Skill_MultipleSimulatorInteraction(simulator_host, simulator_port, #[carID], defaultSpace), Cap_SimulatorInteraction)

The third argument is a list of car ids that the agent is allowed to control (in this case, just one). When a sendCar action is issued by an agent, it is only allowed (and corresponding message sent to simulator) if agent is controlling the corresponding car.

NOTE: While the network connection will be one, each agent will have its own Skill_MultipleSimulatorInteraction skill, which in term is a Skill_SingleSimulatorInteraction. So when a JSON message arrives, any of those underlying skills using the same NetworkConnection handler could read it and act upon (emit corresponding event). This is a bit non-robust as one never knows which skill/agent will read a message from the simulator server and post the corresponding message (and in which space).


The following self-explanatory events signal something that happened in the simulation:


There is also an event corresponding to the send car action:



If you have errors, these will usually tend to be as a result of a Maven issue or a SARL compilation issue.

  1. Make sure your pom.xml contains the right version of SARL.
  2. If using ECLIPSE, make sure you are using the right version distribution wrt pom.xml
  3. Try to clean up Maven dependencies/cache:
    • SARL Eclipse Distribution Update:
      1. Right-click on the project directory in Eclipse and go to Maven > Update Project.
      2. Check Force Update of Snapshots/Releases and click OK.
      3. When the project has finished updating, go to Project > Clean. Click OK.
    • From command line (CLI):
      1. Run mvn clean install (this will regenerate Maven dependencies).
    • If you are still having errors, navigate to ~/.m2 on Linux or C:/Users/<user>/.m2 on Windows and delete the repositories that may be causing issues (deleting the whole repository/ directory could be too drastic) so that they will forcibly be regenerated.


  • Sebastian Sardina (Project Supervisor & Contact -
  • Matthew McNally (Capstone Project Coordinator and SARL Agent Developer)
  • Joshua Richards (Java Elevator Sim Server developer)
  • Joshua Beale (SARL Agent Developer)
  • Dylan Rock (Documentation)


This project is using the GPLv3 for open source licensing for information and the license visit GNU website (


SARL Middleware for controlling Elevator Simulator






