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pydroscape constitutes Python3 functions for many sorts of river-related analyses, including tools for geodata statistics, plotting and processing of other data.

Installed as local package, the functionalities can be accessed in Python with pydroscape.e_..., where the following functions are available:

  • e_geostat: Calculate raster statistics and correlation between two rasters.
  • e_plot: x-y, 2D (heatmap), and 3D plots with numpy and matplotlib.
  • e_xlsx: Process workbooks.
  • e_data: Process experimental data recorded with any kind of data logger.

In addition, pydroscape comes with built-in geospatial functions for converting vector (polygon, point or line shapefiles) to rasters (GeoTIFF), and vice versa. These functions are available as:

  • pydroscape.raster2vector(src_raster, target_dir, dst_layername, field_name="gridcode") and
  • pydroscape.vector2raster(input_shp, output_dir, output_raster_name, reference_raster, gdalformat='GTiff', burn_value=1)


The current setup of pydroscape is quite simple (but not robust though): Download this repository, or (at least a little bit) more robust, clone this repository. Make sur to install Git Bash to leverage the power of GitHub. Then:

  1. Open Git Bash (or Terminal on Linux or MacOS)
  2. Create or select a target directory for pydroscape
  3. Type cd "D:/Target/Directory/" to change to the target installation directory
  4. Clone the repository: git clone
  5. When using python, add the target directory to the system path; for example, within a Python script, add the following lines in the script header.
import os, system
sys.path.append("D:/Target/Directory/")  # Of course: replace "D:/Target/Directory/" ...

Alternatively, one may use only parts of pydroscape and embed code functions directly in other packages - feel free to do so. Then, add "thank you pydroscape" (well, this phrase is not serious...). There are better ways to add pydroscape as a sitepackage to Python and future developments aim at automated setup.


  • Python 3.x
  • Fundamental packages: numpy, matplotlib, openpyxl
  • Packages for handling tables and geospatial data: pandas, qgis.core, osgeo (gdal)

pydroscape exclusively uses freely available packages and software (among others: QGIS).


Example for reading matrix data from a workbook and plotting the data on a heatmap:

import pydroscape as pye
a_workbook = pye.e_xlsx.read_book('D:/Documents/a_workbook.xlsx')
a_workbook_data_matrix = workbook.read_matrix(start_col='C', start_row=4)  # reads all coherent data from a workbook
x_data_labels = a_workbook.read_row_str(3, 'C')
y_data_labels = a_workbook.read_column('B', 4)

a_plot = pye.e_plot.Plotter()
a_plot.width = 6.0  # figure width in inches
a_plot.height = 9.0  # figure height in inches
a_plot.font_size = 11.0  # set font_size
a_plot.legend_active = True  # put a legend
a_plot.y_label = 'A data y label'
a_plot.colobar_label = 'Pearson r [--]'  # Define a colorbar label
a_plot.colorbar_aspect = 20  # modify a colorbar shape
a_plot.save_fig_dir = 'D:/this_is_where_I_store/figures.png'  # name of the heatmap
a_plot.make_heatmap(a_workbook_data_matrix, x_data_labels, y_data_labels)  # creates and saves the heatmap


The Wiki contains details about installing and using pydroscape.


Python Tools for Riverscape and Hydraulic Data Analyses







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