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Releases: sscovil/python-dev-cli

Expand Environment Variables

30 Sep 21:44
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[1.1.0] - 2023-09-30


  • Add parse_help setting, to disable parsing script templates in the dev CLI help page
  • Add Template Parsing subsection to the Caveats section of
  • Add caching for Scripts.context property, to avoid rebuilding the context dictionary on every access


  • Modify Scripts.__resolve() to use os.path.expandvars() for parsing environment variables in script templates
  • Modify boolean property setters in Settings to correctly parse string values as booleans
  • Update with new parse_help setting and information about parsing environment variables


  • Raise ModuleNotFoundError when attempting to import a missing module, instead of raising TypeError
  • Only raise an exception and show stack trace if -d or --debug flag is set in dev CLI

Fix GitHub Action Publish Workflow

25 Sep 19:03
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Apparently, the PyPI publish GitHub Action doesn't build the package for you. 🤦

This release adds the missing build step to the publish workflow. No changes to the actual Python code.

Cross-Platform Testing

25 Sep 18:24
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This release ensures tests are run on ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest, using Python versions 3.11, 3.12.0-rc.3. In order for tests to pass on Windows, a minor change needed to be made to Scripts.run_script() so that function will no longer raise a FileNotFoundError if shutil.which() does not find the executable for a given script command. This was necessary because unit tests make liberal use of the echo command, which is a built-in command (not an executable file) on Windows. Moreover, the dev CLI should not enforce this restriction; instead, it now defers to

Tag Commit For Release

24 Sep 05:39
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Previous run of the publish workflow failed with this error:

ERROR    HTTPError: 400 Bad Request from        
         '1.0.3.dev0+g6f63100.d20230924' is an invalid value for Version. Error:
         Can't use PEP 440 local versions. See                                   for more     

This is an attempt to prevent the .dev prefix from being added to the version by setuptools_scm.

Fix GitHub Action Publish Workflow

24 Sep 05:11
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Minor change to fix a failing code lint step in the new publish workflow.

Dynamic Versioning & Automated Releases

24 Sep 04:36
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This release makes no changes to the dev CLI itself, but it removes an unnecessary dev dependency on pip-tools as well as the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txtfiles, in favor of using thepip install -e ".[dev]"` command.

It also uses setuptools_scm to synchronize the package version with GitHub release tags; and adds a GitHub Action to automate the publication of new versions when a GitHub release is published.

Initial release

23 Sep 20:59
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This is the first stable version of Python Dev CLI, ready for publication on PyPI. Requires Python >=3.11, as it utilizes the built-in tomllib module.