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Make Hapi with Typescript a little less painful. This is derived from the original "Chipper" library written by @pprice.

  • Manifest driven server composition
  • Hapi plugins as ES6 classes
  • Service composition and injection via decorators
  • HTTP routing via decorators
  • Websocket support

Depends on Hapi >= 17.x

Example index.ts

    // The manifest is an object that specifies the server port and the order
    // of service and plugin composition. It has the following form:
    // {
    //     server: {
    //         port: PORT,
    //         app: {
    //             // settings go here...
    //         } as any
    //     },
    //     services: [ // compose all the services
    //         './services'
    //     ],
    //     plugins: [ // compose all the plugins
    //         ...[
    //             {
    //                 plugin: '@hapi/inert'
    //             }
    //         ],
    //         ...[
    //             {
    //                 plugin: './plugins'
    //             }
    //         ],
    //         ...[
    //             {
    //                 plugin: './apis'
    //             }
    //         ]
    //     ]
    // }

    import { manifest } from './manifest'; // import something like above
    import { compose, ComposeOptions } from 'spryly';

    const composeOptions: ComposeOptions = {
        relativeTo: __dirname,
        logCompose: true // auto-import hapi-pino logger

    async function start() {
        try {
            const server = await compose(manifest, composeOptions);

            server.log(['startup', 'info'], `🚀 Starting HAPI server instance...`);

            await server.start();

            server.log(['startup', 'info'], `✅ Server started`);
        catch (error) {
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
            console.log(`['startup', 'error'], 👹 Error starting server: ${error.message}`);



API (Route) Example

    import { inject, RoutePlugin, route } from 'spryly';
    import { Server } from '@hapi/hapi';
    import { Request, ResponseToolkit } from '@hapi/hapi';
    import { AuthService } from '../services/auth';
    import * as Boom from 'boom';

    export class AuthRoutes extends RoutePlugin {
        private server: Server;

        private auth: AuthService;

            method: ['POST', 'GET'],
            path: '/api/v1/auth/generate',
            options: {
                auth: {
                    strategies: ['sample-jwt'],
                    scope: ['admin']
                tags: ['auth'],
                description: 'Generate tokens'
        public async generate(request: Request, h: ResponseToolkit) {
            const payload: any = request.payload;

            if (!payload.scope) {
                throw Boom.badRequest('Missing scope field in payload');

            const tokenInfo = await this.auth.generateToken(payload.scope);

            return h.response(tokenInfo).code(201);

Plugin Example

    import { HapiPlugin, inject } from 'spryly';
    import { Server } from '@hapi/hapi';
    import { AuthService } from '../services/auth';
    import * as HapiAuthJwt from 'hapi-auth-jwt2';

    export class AuthPlugin implements HapiPlugin {
        private server: Server;

        private auth: AuthService;

        public async register(server: Server) {
            try {
                await server.register([HapiAuthJwt]);

                        key: this.auth.secret,
                        validate: this.auth.validateRequest.bind(this.auth),
                        verifyOptions: { issuer: this.auth.issuer }
            catch (error) {
                this.server.log(['AuthPlugin', 'error'], 'Failed to register auth strategies');

Service Example

    import { service, inject } from 'spryly';
    import { Request, ResponseToolkit } from '@hapi/hapi';
    import { randomBytes as cryptoRandomBytes } from 'crypto';
    import { sign as jwtSign } from 'jsonwebtoken';
    import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid';

    const SECRET_LENGTH = 64;

    export class AuthService {
        private secretInternal;
        private issuerInternal;

        public get secret() {
            return this.secretInternal;

        public get issuer() {
            return this.issuerInternal;

        public async init() {
            this.server.log(['AuthService', 'info'], 'initialize');

        public async generateToken(scope) {
            const id = uuidV4();
            const arrayOfScope = Array.isArray(scope) ? scope : [scope];
            const payload = { scope: arrayOfScope, id };

            const options = {
                issuer: this.issuerInternal

            const token = await jwtSign(payload, this.secretInternal, options);

            return { token, id };

        // @ts-ignore (request, h)
        public async validateRequest(decoded, request: Request, h: ResponseToolkit) {
            // TODO: validate incoming request

            // Ensure there are ids and scopes
            if (! || !decoded.scope || !Array.isArray(decoded.scope)) {
                return {
                    isValid: false

            // Build the "profile", we really just need to copy the scopes over so hapi can later validate these
            return {
                isValid: true,
                credentials: { scope: decoded.scope }


TypeScript support for HapiJS







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