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Being too busy to worry about backup is like being too busy driving a car to put on a seatbelt.



The location where the files are copied. Can be: SSH, LOCAL, S3, etc…​


Utility which resides on client computer. bc-node backups data to bc-destination.




The app uses rsync to periodically backup directories on your computer to different hard drives or to remote hosts thru SSH connections.

The backup is incremental - only changed files are copied. Also the backup configuration is very flexible. Each directory can be backuped to multiple destinations. And for each backup task you can specify different backup schedule using CRON expression. So, for example, you can backup your books collection to external HDD each hour and to remote SSH host each day.

App runs in background but there is an icon in system tray, which changes each time backup is running.

Also the app has a web UI, which can be launch from a system tray. A web UI lists all the backup tasks with some historical information about each task. For example, it shows information about few last backups: when it was triggered, how many data were transferred, how long it took, etc…​.

You can trigger ad-hoc backup tasks from web UI.

In addition, the app can notify you about different events thru XMPP (other channels are comming…​).



See application-example.yml for configuration options.

The main idea:

  • Each bc-node has uniq Application Id. This ID is used in folder layout on bc-destinations. Also in future this ID might be used in bc-master to identify backup clients.

  • Configuration contains a list of bc-destinations. Currently SSH and LOCAL destinations are supported.

  • Configuration contains a list of backup items. For each backup item you should specify Destination ID and CRON expression.


  • Ensure JAVA_HOME env variable points to JDK8

  • See x-build.cmd as an example build script. Essentially that it does is simple:

    mvn clean install

Running from IDE

  • Main class: synitex.backup.Application

  • VM options:

    • -Djava.awt.headless=false, for GUI mode

    • -Djava.awt.headless=true, for CLI mode

  • Program arguments: To load configuration file from ./bc-node/config/application-dev.yml.

    You can copy example configuration file ./bc-distro/config/application-example.yml to ./bc-node/config/application-dev.yml.

  • Working directory: {project.path}\bc-node