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flbulgarelli edited this page Jan 28, 2012 · 1 revision

Check API Walkthrough

The core of Staccatissimo-CHeck is the net.sf.staccatocommons.check.Check<E> class. It implements more than 40 common checks with automatic error messages building, in a method-chaining fashion. For example, the following code will check that bar != null && foo.compareTo(bar) <= 0 && baz.size() == 1 && baz.contains(foo), throwing an exception and generating a proper message if any of the constraints is violated:

Check<... more about this parametrization later ...> check = ...obtain a reference to a check...
check.isNotNull("bar", bar)
     .isGreaterThan("foo", foo, bar)
     .isSize("baz", baz, 1)
     .contains("baz", baz, foo);

All automatic check methods take at least two arguments: a mnemonic for the object - normally the variable or attribute name - and the object to check. It is not necessary to pass any extra message, as all the invocation have enough information to generate them.

In addition to those checks, it offers general boolean condition tests and forced failures methods. For example:

check.that(account.hasEnoughFonds(),  "Account %s must have enough fonds", account);
check.failure("Code should not have reached here");

Those methods take at least a message argument, as they have no enough information to construct one.

Check class, however, is abstract, and does not define the specific exception to be thrown on failure.
It is parameterized instead by the exception type it throws, and is responsibility of subclasses to define that.

To address that, the API provides three concrete implementations of Check:

  • Ensure's: throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, and is used to check generic preconditions. A reference to it can be obtained through the Ensure utility class:
    .isNotEmpty("bananas", bananas)
    .isMinSize("pineapples", pineapples, 2);

It offers also some class method shortcuts to the most frequent checks:

Ensure.isNotNull("jukebox", jukebox);
  • Assert's: Throws java.lang.AssertionError, and is used to check generic postconditions and invariants. There exists an Assert utility class, similar to the Ensure.

  • Validate's: Throws exceptions of any given type - in particular, they do not need to be java.lang.RuntimeExceptions. It is used to perform domain specific validations. Instances of it can be created through Validate.throwing(Class) class method:

  .that(!line.isBuys(), "The line %s must not be busy", line)
  .that(destination.isReachable(), "The destination %s is unreachable", destination); 
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