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flbulgarelli edited this page Feb 2, 2012 · 4 revisions


Quick Overview

Staccatissimo-Lang is the core library of the Staccatissimo project, that resolves simple and common everyday problems. It provides abstract and concrete implementations of function-like interfaces Staccatissimo-Defs, as well as options, tuples, builders.

Learn More

  • RelevantState and BasicEquals - Consistently implementing equals, hashcode, toString, and/or compareTo in an efficient way and without boilerplate code.

  • Nulls and Option - Handling nulls and optional values

  • Abstract Builders - Templates for creating builder-pattern style objects

  • MapBuilder and CollectionBuilder - Builders for creating unmodifiable collections and maps

  • Compare - Functions and utilities for comparing elements

  • Tuples

  • Predicates, Functions and Thunks - abstract and concrete implementations of the rich, function-like interfaces defined by Staccatissimo-Defs

  • Equiv - Common equality relation implementations

  • SoftExceptions

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