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Release process

Eleftheria Stein-Kousathana edited this page Dec 8, 2023 · 1 revision

The Minder SaaS server can be updated independently of the CLI, as long as there are no backward incompatible changes between the two.

Updating the Minder SaaS server

Follow the guidelines in the infra repo.

Updating the Minder CLI

  1. Create a git tag with named after the new version.

You can see a list of the already released versions here. Increment the latest release version by 1 when creating the tag.

git tag v0.0.11
  1. Push the tag to the Minder repo.
git push origin v0.0.11
  1. Create a release from the new tag.

Navigate to the releases and select "Draft a new release".
Use the "Choose a tag" dropdown to select the new tag.
Click the "Generate release notes" button to generate a changelog for this release.
Click the "Publish release" button at the bottom of the page.

This will trigger the Release workflow to run, which will release a new artifact.

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