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Revision history

staffann edited this page Mar 28, 2015 · 1 revision

#Revision History

##0.8.87 for Sporttracks 3

  • Workaround for issue 36: Suunto Ambit exercise without GPS-data not created correctly in FB. The ST Suunto Ambit importer creates an empty GPSRoute when the GPS has been switched off during a workout. This is different from the import from other devices like Garmin where no GPSRoute is created in the same situation. This workaround ignores an empty GPSRoute when exporting to funbeat.

##0.8.85 for Sporttracks 3

  • Corrected a bug where the wrong custom data field was used to check for a previous export of an activity
  • Issue 34 - Added possibility to set the default route privacy.
  • Issue 35 - Password is no longer stored without encryption
  • Activity mappings and equipment mappings with default values are no longer stored between sessions. This will make the mapping list smaller, especially for people who try different logbooks.

##0.8.82 for Sporttracks 3

  • Fix for issue 32, making sure that funbeat doesn't create an empty route when the activity lacks GPS data.

##0.8.80 for Sporttracks 3

  • Corrected exported lap info for regular distance intervals.
  • Check added for improved stability between threads

##0.8.78 for Sporttracks 3

  • Better workaround for the server not being able to handle two or more points with identical GPS location.

##0.8.77 for Sporttracks 3

  • Workaround for the server throwing an exception when two subsequent GPS point have the same position.

##0.8.75 for Sporttracks 3

  • Corrected a bug showing itself as an exception when ST equipment wasn't mapped to funbeat equipment.

##0.8.72 for Sporttracks 3

  • Contains a workaround for a server issue where the server throws an exception if the GPS track contains two points with the same time stamp. Such files seem to be generated by some Garmin devices. This was issue 29.

##0.8.70 for Sporttracks 3 This version is a major update in the respect that it uses a new API that funbeat now provides. The old API will soon be removed. There are good and bad news. The good news is that the new API has more features. The bad new is that in order to use it (and therefore ST2Funbeat) it will be necessary to have a premium membership on funbeat. Please not that this release should be considered beta!

  • Uses new funbeat API
  • The exported training is shown immediately on funbeat. It is not necessary anymore to go to the funbeat website and edit it.
  • Laps are exported
  • Cadence track is exported if available
  • Equipment is exported. Map the equipment in ST and funbeat on the settings page.
  • The default settings in ST were not always used due to incorrect use of ActivityInfo. Now corrected.

##0.7.54 for Sporttracks 3

  • This version is for ST3! Modifications to the code was necessary.
  • The user can now enter Intensity (Rate of Percieved Exertion) according to the Borg scale, Suunto Training Effect, Sets and Repetitions into Sporttracks and expert them to funbeat. The data is entered in the daily activity view into the ST2funbeat activity detail page. It can be shown in tables within ST and should be possible to see in charts in the Activity Report view as soon as custom data fields are made chartable in ST (should be soon).
  • It is now possible to preview what information will be exported to funbeat in the ST2funbeat activity detail page.
  • Issue 22 is fixed, Average cadence is now exported if available.
  • Issue 23 is fixed, ST2funbeat now adheres to the ST settings regarding stopped time and watch pauses. That affects the total distance and time. It seems that at the moment funbeat overrides the information send by ST2funbeat.
  • Average and max heart rate is rounded instead of truncated which can be more accurate.
  • The last number in the version name is now the version number in Subversion.

##0.6.1 for Sporttracks 2.1

  • Issue 21, No pace exported when activity is created with foot pod (no GPS track), is corrected. Now all relevant data tracks are exported when available.
  • Issue 19, ST restart necessary before changed login name or password takes effect, is corrected.
  • Issue 18, Better error message needed when login nane and/or password is missing, has been improved.

##0.6.0 for ST2

Targets Sporttracks 2.1. The changes since 0.5 are:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented proper function unless an older version of the plugin had been installed first.
  • Fixed two exceptions that could cause an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". The first one was triggered by not having a HR track and the second one was triggered by watch pauses.
  • HR track is now exported even if no GPS track exists.
  • Manually entered HR values (max, mean) are exported when present.
  • The start time of the activity is now exported to funbeat. Most code was there already but a flag telling funbeat to use the time was not initialised.
  • NaN is now removed from the elevation track during export, allowing funbeat to handle it properly. Was an issue with Garmin 310XT and possibly others./
  • It is now possible to scroll within the plugin settings page.
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