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Teensy Firmware for FADER_4 and FADER_8 motorized fader banks from Stage Hacks. Download the latest FADER_X firmware on the Releases page.


  • Generic MIDI
  • QLab (MIDI + UDP OSC)
  • ETC Eos (TCP OSC)
  • X32/M32 (UDP OSC)
  • DiGiCo (UDP OSC)


  • Built-in web server hosts a configuration web app
  • Up to 4 pages/banks of faders
  • Advanced motion easing for motorized fader moves
  • Custom OSC library


Accessing Configuration Web App

Configuring your FADER_X device is done through your web browser. Navigate to the IP Address of the FADER_X device in your browser to access the connfiguration web app. The default factory IP for the app is You will likely need to set your computer to a compatible Static address, such as with subnet


Changing Fader Pages

FADER_X devices support (4) virtual Fader Pages. Each can have a unique channel assigned to each Fader. As they have no buttons, changing Fader Page is accomplished via MIDI or OSC.

via MIDI

Send a MIDI Program Change to the device via USB MIDI. The MIDI Channel is adjustable in the web app.

via OSC

Send a /page {1-4} USP OSC message to port 29979. For example, /page 2 would activate page 2.


Device Configuration

Generic MIDI

No OSC messages are sent when the FADER_X device is in MIDI mode. The configuration web server is active, and the FADER_X responds to /page messages.


Parameter Factory Value
Send Channel 1
Listen Channel 1


On the Console

  • Navigate the main screen to Setup > External Control.
  • Ensure External Control is set to YES
  • Add a new External Device if necessary
  • Ensure the Enabled column displays a checkmark for all devices you wish to use.
  • DiGiCo consoles on software V685 only support one OSC device.

On FADER_X Configuration web app

  • Configure FADER_X OSC Destination Port parameter to match a OSC Receive port on your console.
  • Configure FADER_X Receive Port parameter to match a OSC Send port on your console.


  • Connects to the console via UDP OSC.
  • Configure OSC Destination Port parameter to match QLab. QLab's default listening port is 53000.
  • QLab always replies on port 53001.
  • QLab's main fader is Channel 0, so make sure to include that on your fader page(s).
Parameter Factory Value
OSC Passcode 5353 OSC Passcodes are enabled by default in QLab 5!
Maximum Volume 12db Should match Max Volume Limit in Workspace Settings / Audio
Maximum Volume -60db Should match Min Volume Limit in Workspace Settings / Audio
MIDI - When Page 3 or 4 is active, FADER_X will behave as if it's in MIDI mode. Useful for controlling QLab Lighting
Auto MIDI Switch - Toggle between pages 1/2 or 3/4 depending on if the selected cue has a Levels tab


  • Connects to the Eos console with a TCP connection on port 3037. Make sure "Third Party OSC" is enabled in the Shell.
  • OSC Destination Port parameter is ignored.
  • To change Fader_X pages from an Eos Magic Sheet, use the Command /page=1 on an object with Target: Command
Parameter Factory Value
OSC Bank ID 1 Eos requires all attached OSC Fader Banks to have a unique ID. Remote apps for tablets have ID 0.
Fader Count 40 The highest number of fader you wish to control


  • Connects to the console via UDP OSC on port 10023.
  • OSC Destination Port parameter is ignored.



Factory Resetting

Holding down the buttons labeled DHCP or Static for 5 seconds will reset the FADER_X device to factory settings. Depending on which button is held, it will restore to Static IP or DHCP networking.


Reprogramming a FADER_X Device

From precompiled .hex file

  1. Install Teensy Loader
  2. Download the latest binary from Releases
  3. Open Teensy Loader
  4. Press the indicated button on your Teensy
  5. Click the Open HEX File icon in Teensy Loader and select the binary file
  6. Click the Program icon in Teensy Loader
  7. When complete, click the Reboot icon in Teensy Loader

From Source Code

In broad strokes, here's how to reprogram the Teensy 4.1 inside a FADER_X using Teensyduino. You should be somewhat comfortable with Arduino programming before going this route.

  1. Install Teensyduino
  2. Download this repository and open it in Teensyduino
  3. Naviage to Tools > Manage Libraries to open the Library Manager
  4. Install the libraries QNEthernet and Easing
  5. Connect the Teensy to the computer with a USB Cable
  6. Naviage to Tools > Board > Teensyduino and select Teensy 4.1
  7. Naviage to Tools > Port and select the Teensy
  8. Naviage to Tools > USB Type and select MIDI



The FADER_X Device will periodically print its IP Address and other useful troubleshooting data to a monitoring application on a host PC connected via USB cable. The Teensyduino Serial Monitor is a suitable free way to view this information, as is the excellent Serial app for macOS. The Serial connection is 9600 baud.


Hardware Tuning

The physical resistance to touch on a fader can be dgusted using the following procedure.

  1. Remove the front cover of the FADER_X using a M2.5 hex tool
  2. For each fader to adjust, slightly loosen the screws holding the motor to the metal channel. Use a Phillips 0 or 00 screwdriver.
  3. Adjust the motor's position to suit, then tighten the screws.

Changing the tension on the faders may require adustment of the Minimum Speed parameter in the configuration web app.