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StakeWise Labs V3 SDK

The official SDK designed for effortless data retrieval from the StakeWise platform. This SDK provides a streamlined interface over GraphQL requests and contract interactions.

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Table of Contents


For successful utilization of this library, ensure you have ethers version 6.12.1 or higher installed. The ethers package isn't bundled within the SDK. Instead, we leverage peerDependencies to maintain a lean package size.

Note: If your project uses version 5 of ethers, consider installing version 6 alongside it. Adjust import paths via a bundler. Additionally, you might consider loading our SDK asynchronously using dynamic imports to optimize your application's initial load performance. Here's a sample configuration with webpack:

npm i ethers-6@npm:ethers@6.12.1

  new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
    /ethers$/m, (resource) => {
      const isStakeWise = /@stakewise\/v3-sdk/.test(resource.context)

      if (isStakeWise) {
        resource.request = resource.request.replace(/ethers/, 'ethers-6')

You can do something similar for other builders as well

Installation and Setup

npm i @stakewise/v3-sdk

If your builder doesn't support .graphql files, then you need to add a plugin. For example, for webpack this would be graphql-tag. If you are using another builder, you can easily find GQL support plugins

    test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
    loader: 'graphql-tag/loader',
    exclude: /node_modules/,

Create SDK instance

import { StakeWiseSDK, Network } from '@stakewise/v3-sdk'

const sdk = new StakeWiseSDK({
  network: Network.Mainnet,
  endpoints: {
    web3: '',

SDK Constructor Arguments:

Name Type Required Description
network Network Yes Chain id
provider BrowserProvider or JsonRpcProvider No You can provide your implementation of the provender for ethers
endpoints.web3 string OR Array<(string | { url: string, headers: Headers })> No Your urls for connecting to blockchain. This parameter is required if provider is not provided. If more than one URL is provided, they will be used as fallbacks.
endpoints.subgraph string No stakewise subgraph url
endpoints.api string No stakewise backend url

Quick Links

Request table:
Vault osToken RewardSplitter
vault.getStakerActions osToken.getBurnAmount rewardSplitter.getClaimAmount
vault.getSnapshots osToken.getHealthFactor
vault.getExitQueuePositions osToken.getAPY
vault.getValidators osToken.getPosition
vault.getVault osToken.getMaxMint
vault.getMaxWithdraw osToken.getSharesFromAssets
vault.getHarvestParams osToken.getAssetsFromShares
vault.getStakeBalance osToken.getRate

All of these methods (except synchronous getHealthFactor) return a promise that can be aborted by invoking the abort() function.

If abort() is invoked, the in-progress promise will not be resolved or rejected, and the network request will be canceled. If the promise has already been resolved or rejected, invoking abort() will not have any effect.

Using abort() can be beneficial when querying lists such as whitelist or blocklist. If we are retrieving the list based on a filter string from user input, even with debounced requests, the user might continue typing and modify the filter after the initial request is sent. In such cases, a second request may be initiated. To prevent fetching data from the first request, we can call abort().

const promise = sdk.vault.getWhitelist({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',

Table of transactions:
Vault RewardSplitter osToken
sdk.vault.create sdk.rewardSplitter.create
sdk.vault.deposit sdk.rewardSplitter.claimRewards sdk.osToken.burn
sdk.vault.withdraw sdk.rewardSplitter.updateFeeRecipients




Get a list of interactions with the vault.


Name Type Required Description
vaultAddress string Yes -
userAddress string No If a user address is specified, the query will look for events for that address and the vault address only
types AllocatorActionType Yes Event types can be found in enum AllocatorActionType which you can import from the library
limit number Yes To implement pagination
skip number Yes To implement pagination


type Output = Array<{
  actionType: AllocatorActionType
  createdAt: number
  assets: string
  shares: string
  link: string
  id: string

In events related to osToken you can use shares, in all other assets

Name Description
id Event identifier
assets Transaction amount
shares Transaction amount
createdAt Transaction date
actionType Type of action
link Transaction link (etherscan/blockscout)


import { AllocatorActionType } from '@stakewise/v3-sdk'

await sdk.vault.getStakerActions({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 20,
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  types: [



TVL and APY snapshots for the vault. With the help of this data it is possible to build a chart.


Name Type Type Description
vaultAddress string Yes -
dateFrom number Yes Time to start


type Snapshot = {
  APY: number
  TVL: string

type Output = {
  days: Record<number, Snapshot>
  first: Snapshot
Name Description
days The result of the query on your parameters, is returned as an object where the keys are timestamps
first We always send the very first saved snapshot regardless of the request parameters, this helps for rendering the chart


await sdk.vault.getSnapshots({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  dateFrom: 1695730032793,



This method is used to fetch information indicating the effectiveness or performance level of the vault. The retrieved data includes percentiles corresponding to various statuses.


type Output = {
  percentile25: number
  percentile50: number
  percentile75: number
Name Description
percentile25 Represents the value corresponding to the lowest status. It is associated with the color (red)
percentile50 Represents the value corresponding to the moderate status. It is associated with the color (orange)
percentile75 Represents the value corresponding to the good status. It is associated with the color (light green)

For values greater than percentile75 the status corresponds to excellent with color (green)


await sdk.vault.getScorePercentiles()



Daily rewards for the user who has made a deposit in the vault. With the help of this data it is possible to build a chart.


Name Type Type Description
vaultAddress string Yes -
userAddress string Yes -
dateFrom number Yes Time to start
dateTo number No Time to end
fillGaps boolean No Fill in the empty days with zeros


type UserReward = {
  date: number
  sumRewards: string
  dailyRewards: string
  dailyRewardsEur: string
  dailyRewardsGbp: string
  dailyRewardsUsd: string

type Output = {
  days: Record<number, UserReward>
Name Description
days The result of the query on your parameters, is returned as an object where the keys are timestamps


await sdk.vault.getUserRewards({
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  dateFrom: 1695730032793,



Fetch the whitelist for private vaults. Only addresses included in this list are eligible to stake in the private vault. The number of addresses in this list is indicated by the vault whitelistCount field.


Name Type Type Description
vaultAddress string Yes -
addressIn string[] No Filters results to include only addresses in the provided list. Helps to check, for example, if several addresses are added to the whitelist
orderDirection 'asc' | 'desc' No Specifies the sorting order. Defaults to desc (descending order)
search string No Filters results by the address field
limit number No Limits the number of addresses returned. Defaults to 100
skip number No Skips the specified number of addresses. Defaults to 0


type List = {
  createdAt: number
  address: string

type Output = {
  whitelist: List[]
Name Description
whitelist An array of objects representing the result of the query based on your parameters


await sdk.vault.getWhitelist({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Fetch the blocklist for blocklisted vaults. Addresses included in this list are not eligible to stake in the blocklisted vault. The number of addresses in this list is indicated by the vault blocklistCount field.


Name Type Type Description
vaultAddress string Yes -
addressIn string[] No Filters results to include only addresses in the provided list. Helps to check, for example, if all OFAC addresses are added to the blocklist
orderDirection 'asc' | 'desc' No Specifies the sorting order. Defaults to desc (descending order)
search string No Filters results by the address field
limit number No Limits the number of addresses returned. Defaults to 100
skip number No Skips the specified number of addresses. Defaults to 0


type List = {
  createdAt: number
  address: string

type Output = {
  blocklist: List[]
Name Description
blocklist An array of objects representing the result of the query based on your parameters


await sdk.vault.getBlocklist({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Fetch the list of created reward splitters. A reward splitter is a contract designed to distribute vault rewards among multiple fee recipients in predefined proportions. To use a reward splitter, its address should be added to the vault as a fee recipient.


Name Type Type Description
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
id string No Reward splitter address
owner string No The owner of the reward splitter


type FeeRecipient = {
  shares: bigint
  percent: number
  address: string

type RewardSplitter = {
  owner: string
  address: string
  totalShares: bigint
  feeRecipients: FeeRecipient[]

type Output = {
  rewardSplitters: RewardSplitter[]
Name Description
rewardSplitters An array of objects representing the result of the query based on your parameters


await sdk.vault.getRewardSplitters({
  owner: '0x...', // OR id: '0x...'
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Returns the withdrawal queue for a specific user.


Name Type Required
userAddress string Yes
vaultAddress string Yes


type Position = {
  exitQueueIndex: bigint
  positionTicket: string
  timestamp: string

type Output = {
  total: bigint
  duration: number | null
  withdrawable: bigint
  positions: Position[]
Name Description
positions Queue positions
total Total queued assets (e.g. ETH)
duration Queue duration time (in seconds).
- It represents the approximate time after which the assets can be collected (in seconds).
- If the value is null, the time is still being calculated.
- If the value is 0, the assets are available and can be collected.
withdrawable Assets available for withdrawal (e.g. ETH)


await sdk.vault.getExitQueuePositions({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',



Returns the running vault validators.


Name Type Required Description
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
limit number No Limits the number of validators returned. Defaults to 100
skip number No Skips the specified number of validators. Defaults to 0


type Output = {
  createdAt: number
  publicKey: string
  earned: string
  link: string
  apy: string
Name Description
createdAt Date of Creation
publicKey Validator public key
earned Validator balance (in ETH)
link Link to beaconchain
apy Current validator apy


await sdk.vault.getValidators({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 5,
  vaultAddress: '0x...'



Returns eigen pods for restake vault.


Name Type Required Description
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
limit number No Limits the number of eigen pods returned. Defaults to 100
skip number No Skips the specified number of eigen pods. Defaults to 0


type Output = {
  link: string
  owner: string
  operator: string
  restaked: string
  createdAt: number
  podAddress: string
Name Description
createdAt Date of Creation
link Link to beaconchain
operator The eigenPod's operator
podAddress The eigenPod's address
restaked EgenPod's restaked (in ETH)
owner The address of the eigen pod owner


await sdk.vault.getEigenPods({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 5,
  vaultAddress: '0x...'



Returns the master data of the vault


Name Type Required
vaultAddress string Yes


type Output = {
  apy: number
  version: number
  isErc20: boolean
  capacity: string
  createdAt: number
  feePercent: number
  isPrivate: boolean
  isRestake: boolean
  vaultAdmin: string
  totalAssets: string
  performance: number
  feeRecipient: string
  vaultAddress: string
  mevRecipient: string
  whitelistCount: number
  blocklistCount: number
  imageUrl: string | null
  isSmoothingPool: boolean
  tokenName: string | null
  whitelistManager: string
  blocklistManager: string
  depositDataManager: string
  tokenSymbol: string | null
  displayName: string | null
  description: string | null
  restakeOperatorsManager: string
  restakeWithdrawalsManager: string
  osTokenConfig: {
    ltvPercent: string
    thresholdPercent: string
Name Description
apy Current vault apy
isErc20 Does the vault have its own ERC20 token
capacity Maximum TVL of Vault
createdAt Date of Creation
feePercent Commission rate
isPrivate Whether the storage is private
isRestake Indicates whether the Vault is a restaking vault
isBlocklist Whether the storage has blocklist
vaultAdmin Vault administrator address
totalAssets TVL of Vault
feeRecipient Vault fee address
whitelistManager Whitelist manager
vaultAddress Address of vault
mevRecipient Validator fee recipient
whitelistCount Number of addresses in the whitelist
blocklistCount Number of addresses in the blocklist
imageUrl Link for vault logo
blocklistManager Blocklist manager
depositDataManager Keys manager address
isSmoothingPool Smoothing poll or Vault escrow
tokenName ERC20 token name
tokenSymbol ERC20 token symbol
displayName Name of vault
description Description of vault
whitelist List of authorized users for deposits
blocklist List of blocked users for deposits
performance Vault performance indicator (percent)
version Vault version
restakeOperatorsManager If the Vault is a restaking vault, restake operators manager can add/remove restake operators
restakeWithdrawalsManager If the Vault is a restaking vault, restake withdrawals manager can manage EigenLayer withdrawals
osTokenConfig contains the ltvPercent, which is the percentage used to calculate how much a user can mint in OsToken shares, and thresholdPercent, which is the liquidation threshold percentage used to calculate the health factor for the OsToken position


await sdk.vault.getVault({ vaultAddress: '0x...' })



How much a user can withdraw. Use this method if the user has mintedAssets, if minted balance is null then maxWithdraw will be equal to stakedAssests.


Name Type Required Info
vaultAddress string Yes Address of vault
ltvPercent bigint Yes sdk.vault.getVault
mintedAssets bigint Yes sdk.osToken.getPosition
stakedAssets bigint Yes sdk.vault.getStakeBalance


type Output = bigint


await sdk.vault.getMaxWithdraw({
  ltvPercent: 0n,
  mintedAssets: 0n,
  stakedAssets: 0n,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Necessary to update the vault state


type Output = {
  reward: string
  proof: Array<string>
  canHarvest: boolean
  rewardsRoot: string
  unlockedMevReward: string 


await sdk.vault.getHarvestParams({ vaultAddress: '0x...' })



Getting user's balance in the vault


Name Type Required
userAddress string Yes
vaultAddress string Yes


type Output = {
  shares: bigint
  assets: bigint
Name Description
shares Balance in vault tokens
assets Balance in ETH


await sdk.vault.getStakeBalance({
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',




How many osToken burn do you need to make to withdraw all deposit.


Name Type Required Description
vaultAddress string Yes Address of vault
ltvPercent bigint Yes sdk.vault.getVault
mintedAssets bigint Yes sdk.osToken.getPosition
stakedAssets bigint Yes sdk.vault.getStakeBalance
newStakedAssets bigint Yes The future amount of stake after the deposit


type Output = bigint


  ltvPercent: 0n,
  mintedAssets: 0n,
  stakedAssets: 0n,
  newStakedAssets: 0n,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Get the health of the position


Name Type Required Description
thresholdPercent bigint Yes sdk.vault.getVault
mintedAssets bigint Yes sdk.osToken.getPosition
stakedAssets bigint Yes sdk.vault.getStakeBalance


type Output = {
  value: number
  health: OsTokenPositionHealth
Name Description
value Numerical value
health Position Health (enum)


  thresholdPercent: 0n,
  mintedAssets: 0n,
  stakedAssets: 0n,



Current os token APY


type Output = string


const apy = await sdk.osToken.getAPY()



osETH average rewards per second


type Output = bigint


const averageRewardsPerSecond = await sdk.osToken.getAvgRewardsPerSecond()



User position data


Name Type Required Description
thresholdPercent bigint Yes sdk.vault.getVault
stakedAssets bigint Yes sdk.vault.getStakeBalance
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


type Output = {
  minted: {
    fee: bigint
    assets: bigint
    shares: bigint
  healthFactor: {
    value: number
    health: OsTokenPositionHealth
  protocolFeePercent: bigint
Name Description
minted.fee Usage fee amount
minted.shares Balance
minted.assets Balance in ETH
healthFactor sdk.osToken.getHealthFactor
protocolFeePercent Usage fee percent


await sdk.osToken.getPosition({
  stakedAssets: 0n,
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  thresholdPercent:  0n,



Maximum number of shares for minting


Name Type Required Description
vaultAddress string Yes Address of vault
ltvPercent bigint Yes sdk.vault.getVault
stakedAssets bigint Yes sdk.vault.getStakeBalance
mintedAssets bigint Yes sdk.osToken.getPosition


type Output = bigint


await sdk.osToken.getMaxMint({
  ltvPercent: 0n,
  mintedAssets: 0n,
  stakedAssets: 0n,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',



Convert osToken to ETH


Name Type Required
amount bigint Yes


type Output = bigint


await sdk.utils.getAssetsFromShares({ amount: 0n })



Convert ETH to osToken


Name Type Required
amount bigint Yes


type Output = bigint


await sdk.utils.getSharesFromAssets({ amount: 0n })



Returns ETH - osToken rate


type Output = string


await sdk.utils.getRate()




Creates a reward splitter contract to distribute vault rewards among multiple fee recipients in predefined proportions. Subsequently, the address of the created reward splitter must be added to the vault as a fee recipient in order to utilize it. Please note that only vault admin is permitted to perform this action.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user initiating the action. This address will become the owner of the reward splitter and must be the vault admin
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault


const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.rewardSplitter.create(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.rewardSplitter.create.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.rewardSplitter.create.estimateGas(params)



Calculates the amount of assets that the user can claim from the reward splitter.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user making the request
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
rewardSplitterAddress string Yes The address of the reward splitter


type Output = bigint


const claimAmount = await sdk.rewardSplitter.getClaimAmount({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',
  rewardSplitterAddress: '0x...',



Claims rewards from the reward splitter contract


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user initiating the action. This address will become the owner of the reward splitter and must be the vault admin
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
rewardSplitterAddress string Yes The address of the reward splitter
assets bigint Yes The amount of assets to claim


const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',
  rewardSplitterAddress: '0x...',
  assets: parseEther('100'),

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.rewardSplitter.claimRewards(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.rewardSplitter.claimRewards.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.rewardSplitter.claimRewards.estimateGas(params)



Updates the reward splitter fee recipients and predefined fee splitting proportions. Please note that only the vault admin, who is also the owner of the reward splitter, is permitted to perform this action.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user initiating the action. It should be the vault admin, who is also the owner of the reward splitter.
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
rewardSplitterAddress string Yes The address of the reward splitter
feeRecipients Array<{ address: string, shares: bigint }> Yes The list of the vault fee recipients with their addresses and shares amount. For simplicity, we suggest setting the amount as a percentage converted to a BigInt value. For example, for 100% shares: parseEther('100')
oldFeeRecipients Array<{ address: string, shares: bigint }> No The current list of the vault fee recipients that will be updated within this action. It is needed to calculate how many shares will be added or removed from each fee recipient. If not provided, it will be requested from the sdk.vault.getRewardSplitters action


const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',
  rewardSplitterAddress: '0x...',
  feeRecipients: [
      address: '0x...1', // The fee for this address will be increased from 20% to 50%.
      shares: parseEther('50'),
      address: '0x...4', // This address will be added as a fee recipient with 50% fee distribution.
      shares: parseEther('50'),
  oldFeeRecipients: [
      address: '0x...1', // The fee for this address will be increased from 20% to 50%.
      shares: parseEther('20'),
      address: '0x...2', // This address will be removed from the fee recipients since it is not in the `feeRecipients` list.
      shares: parseEther('40'),
      address: '0x...3', // This address will also be removed from the fee recipients.
      shares: parseEther('40'),

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.rewardSplitter.updateFeeRecipients(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.rewardSplitter.updateFeeRecipients.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.rewardSplitter.updateFeeRecipients.estimateGas(params)




Current price of SWISE token to USD.


type Output = string


await sdk.utils.getSwiseUsdPrice()



Retrieving a transaction to verify that the data went into the subgraph after the transaction


Name Type Required Description
hash string Yes Transaction hash


type Output = Array<{
  id: string


await sdk.utils.getTransactions({ hash: '0x...' })


Transactions work through the provider you sent when creating an instance of our SDK class. Or, if you are a custodian, you can get the transaction data and sign it yourself. Each transaction also gives you the opportunity to get an approximate gas for sending it. For custodians, it is more reliable to calculate the gas yourself. Each transaction has encode and estimateGas methods for your convenience



Create a vault. When the transaction is executed, one gwei of the deposit token must be stored in the vault to avoid inflation attack. Pay attention to chains where the deposit token is not a native token (such as Gnosis or Chiado). On these chains before creating the vault, ensure that you call the approve function on the deposit token contract, allowing the vault factory address to spend one gwei. You can retrieve the vault factory contract using the helper function: sdk.getVaultFactory({ vaultType: params.type, isErc20: params.isErc20 }).


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user initiating the action. This address will become the vault admin
type VaultType No Allowed vault types: Default, Private and Blocklist. Available vault types can be found in the enum VaultType which you can be imported from the library
vaultToken { name: string, symbol: string } No If provided, the vault will be created with its own ERC20 token
capacity bigint No If provided, should be defined in gwei. By default, capacity is MaxUint256; the minimum allowed capacity is parseEther('32')
keysManagerFee number No If provided, should be between 0 and 100, inclusive with a maximum of two decimal digits allowed (e.g., 15.35). By default, the fee is 0
isOwnMevEscrow boolean No Defines whether to send block rewards to the Smoothing Pool (false) or keep them only to your Vault (true). By default, this value is false
image string No The vault image in base64 string format (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 1 MB)
displayName string No The vault display name (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 30 characters)
description string No The vault description (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 1000 characters)


const params = {
  userAddress: '0x...',
  type: VaultType.Default,
  vaultToken: {
    name: 'Vault Token',
    symbol: 'vlt',
  capacity: MaxUint256,
  keysManagerFee: 0,
  isOwnMevEscrow: false,
  image: 'data:image/png;base64,...',
  displayName: 'Example vault',
  description: 'Example description',

// Transaction example
// Send transaction to create a vault
const hash = await sdk.vault.create(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to, value } = await sdk.vault.deposit.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.deposit.estimateGas(params)



Deposit (stake) in a vault


Name Type Required Description
assets bigint Yes Deposit amount
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const params = {
  assets: 0n,
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.deposit(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to, value } = await sdk.vault.deposit.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.deposit.estimateGas(params)



Withdrawal of funds from a vault


Name Type Required Description
assets bigint Yes Withdraw amount
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const amountAssets = 200n // from input mb

const [
  { osTokenConfig: { ltvPercent, thresholdPercent } },
] = await Promise.all([
    vaultAddress: '0x...',
    vaultAddress: '0x...',
    userAddress: '0x...',

const osToken = await sdk.osToken.getPosition({
  stakedAssets: stake.assets,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

const maxWithdrawAssets = await sdk.vault.getMaxWithdraw({
  mintedAssets: osToken.minted.assets,
  stakedAssets: stake.assets,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',

if (amountAssets > maxWithdrawAssets) {
  // There is a withdrawal restriction if you have an osToken.


const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',
  assets: amountAssets,

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.withdraw(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.withdraw.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.withdraw.estimateGas(params)



Withdraws exited assets from the queue.


Name Type Required Description
positions string Yes postions from sdk.vault.getExitQueuePositions
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const exitQueue = await sdk.vault.getExitQueuePositions({
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

if (!exitQueue.withdrawable) {
  // The exit queue has not yet accumulated funds for withdrawal

if (! {
  // No withdrawal positions

const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.claimExitQueue(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.claimExitQueue.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.claimExitQueue.estimateGas(params)



Adding root validators to vaults version 2 or higher


Name Type Required Description
validatorsRoot string Yes The vault validators merkle tree
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const params = {
  validatorsRoot: 'hash',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataRoot(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataRoot.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataRoot.estimateGas(params)



Adding deposit data manager to vaults version 2 or higher


Name Type Required Description
managerAddress string Yes New deposit-data manager
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const params = {
  managerAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataManager(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataManager.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.setDepositDataManager.estimateGas(params)



Adding eigen pod to the vault. Only for restake vaults and only restake operators manager can perform this action.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user making the request
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault


const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.createEigenPod(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.createEigenPod.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.createEigenPod.estimateGas(params)



Adding operator to the current eigen pod. This action is specific to restake vaults and can only be executed by the restake operators manager.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user making the request
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
ownerAddress string Yes The address of the eigen pod owner
operatorAddress string Yes New operator for current eigen pods


const params = {
  operatorAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.setEigenPodOperator(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.setEigenPodOperator.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.setEigenPodOperator.estimateGas(params)



Update operator to the current eigen pod. This action is specific to restake vaults and can only be executed by the restake operators manager.


Name Type Required Description
userAddress string Yes The address of the user making the request
vaultAddress string Yes The address of the vault
ownerAddress string Yes The address of the eigen pod owner
operatorAddress string Yes New operator for current eigen pods


const params = {
  operatorAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.updateEigenPodOperator(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.updateEigenPodOperator.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.updateEigenPodOperator.estimateGas(params)



Updates the vault by authorized personnel such as the vault admin, whitelistManager, blocklist manager, validators manager, or deposit-data manager.


Name Type Required Access Description
whitelistManager Array<{ address: string, isNew: boolean }> No whitelistManager List of addresses to update the whitelist. Use isNew: true to add a new address, isNew: false to remove an existing one. Max count at time - 700 addresses.
blocklist Array<{ address: string, isNew: boolean }> No Blocklist manager List of addresses to update the blocklist. Use isNew: true to add a new address, isNew: false to remove an existing one. Max count at time - 700 addresses.
depositDataManager string No Deposit-data manager Address of the vault keys manager. Support only first version on valults. For second verion use vault.setDepositDataManager
validatorsManager string No Admin Address of the vault deposit data manager. Support only second version on valults.
restakeWithdrawalsManager string No Admin The restake withdrawals manager must be assigned to the wallet connected to the operator service. It is responsible for withdrawing exiting validators from the EigenLayer.
restakeOperatorsManager string No Admin The restake operators manager can add EigenPods and update EigenLayer operators.
whitelistManager string No Admin Address of the vault whitelistManager
feeRecipient string No Admin Address of the vault fee recipient
validatorsRoot string No Keys manager The vault validators merkle tree root. Support only first version on valults. For second verion use vault.setDepositDataRoot
blocklistManager string No Admin The blocklisted vault blocklist manager
image string No Admin The vault image in base64 string format (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 1 MB)
displayName string No Admin The vault display name (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 30 characters)
description string No Admin The vault description (will be uploaded to IPFS; maximum size is 1000 characters)
userAddress string Yes - The address of the user making the update (admin, whitelist manager, blocklist manager or keys manager)
vaultAddress string Yes - The address of the vault


// Data to update the vault by admin.
const params = {
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  image: '...',
  displayName: '...',
  description: '...',
  feeRecipient: '0x...',
  validatorsRoot: '0x...',
  blocklistManager: '0x...',
  whitelistManager: '0x...',
  validatorsManager: '0x...',
  depositDataManager: '0x...',
  restakeOperatorsManager: '0x...',
  restakeWithdrawalsManager: '0x...',

// Data to update the vault by vault keys manager.
const params = {
  validatorsRoot: '...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Data to update the private vault by whitelist manager.
// The whitelist contains addresses allowed to stake or mint within
// the vault.
const params = {
  whitelist: [
      address: '0x...',
      isNew: true,
      address: '0x...',
      isNew: false,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Data to update blocklisted vault by blocklist manager. 
// The blocklist contains addresses disallowed to stake or mint within
// the vault.
const params = {
  blocklist: [
      address: '0x...',
      isNew: true,
      address: '0x...',
      isNew: false,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.vault.operate(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await sdk.vault.operate.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.vault.operate.estimateGas(params)


Getting osToken. The amount of token you can get depends on the user's current deposit in the vault. Use data from methods sdk.osToken.getMaxMint and sdk.osToken.getHealthFactor to block a call to mint() if the number of shares is greater than what getMaxMint returns or if the number of osToken after the transaction would make the position unhealthy


Name Type Required Description
shares bigint Yes mint amount
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


import { OsTokenPositionHealth } from '@stakewise/v3-sdk'

const amountShares = 200n // from input mb

const [
  { osTokenConfig: { ltvPercent, thresholdPercent } },
] = await Promise.all([
    vaultAddress: '0x...',
    vaultAddress: '0x...',
    userAddress: '0x...',

const osToken = await sdk.osToken.getPosition({
  stakedAssets: stake.assets,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',

const maxMint = await sdk.osToken.getMaxMint({
  mintedAssets: osToken.minted.assets,
  stakedAssets: stake.assets,
  vaultAddress: '0x...',

if (amountShares > maxMint) {
  // The value of amountShares is more than we can mint

const newMintShares = osToken.minted.shares + amountShares
const newMintAssets = await sdk.osToken.getAssetsFromShares({
  amount: newMintShares

const { health } = sdk.osToken.getHealthFactor({
  stakedAssets: stake.assets,
  mintedAssets: newMintAssets,

if (health !== OsTokenPositionHealth.Healthy) {
  // If you do a minting with so many amountShares, your position is no longer healthy

const params = {
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  userAddress: '0x...',
  shares: amountShares,

// Send transaction
const hash = await
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to } = await
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await



Burns your osToken


Name Type Required Description
shares bigint Yes Burn amount
userAddress string Yes -
vaultAddress string Yes -


const params = {
  shares: 0n,
  userAddress: '0x...',
  vaultAddress: '0x...',

// Send transaction
const hash = await sdk.osToken.burn(params)
// When you sign transactions on the backend (for custodians)
const { data, to, value } = await sdk.osToken.burn.encode(params)
// Get an approximate gas per transaction
const gas = await sdk.osToken.burn.estimateGas(params)

Description of other parts of the api

To retrieve the storage data, you just need the method above. Other parts of the api are needed for specific tasks.

StakeWise class

Name Description
contracts Instances of our contracts
vaultMulticall A method to implement a transaction with vault update
rewardSplitterMulticall A method to implement a reward splitter transaction with vault update
config Object with contract addresses and other data
provider Current provider for blockchain communication
network Selected network


Name Description
BigDecimal Wrapper over bignumber.js
configs Data for each network
createContract A wrapper over the Contract class from the ethers package