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Davis W. Frank committed Jun 17, 2011
1 parent a692ff8 commit 3775919
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 86 deletions.
92 changes: 6 additions & 86 deletions Rakefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'json'
require 'tilt'
require 'term/ansicolor'
require 'term/ansi-color'

Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tasks/**/*.rb"].each do |file|
require file
Expand All @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ end
task :default => :spec

task :require_pages_submodule do
raise "Submodule for Github Pages isn't present. Run git submodule update --init" unless File.exist?('pages/download.html')
raise "Submodule for Github Pages isn't present. Run git submodule update --init" unless pages_submodule_present

task :require_node do
raise "\nNode.js is required to develop code for Jasmine. Please visit to install.\n\n" unless node_installed?

def pages_submodule_present

def node_installed?
`which node` =~ /node/
Expand All @@ -26,87 +30,3 @@ end

Term::ANSIColor.coloring = STDOUT.isatty

#namespace :jasmine do
# desc 'Prepares for distribution'
# task :dist => ['jasmine:build',
# 'jasmine:doc',
# 'jasmine:build_pages',
# 'jasmine:build_example_project',
# 'jasmine:fill_index_downloads']
# end
# downloads_file = 'pages/download.html'
# task :need_pages_submodule do
# unless File.exist?(downloads_file)
# raise "Jasmine pages submodule isn't present. Run git submodule update --init"
# end
# end
# desc "Build the Github pages HTML"
# task :build_pages => :need_pages_submodule do
# Dir.chdir("pages") do
# FileUtils.rm_r('pages_output') if File.exist?('pages_output')
# Dir.chdir('pages_source') do
# system("frank export ../pages_output")
# end
# puts "\nCopying Frank output to the root of the gh-pages branch\n\n"
# system("cp -r pages_output/* .")
# end
# end
# desc "Build jasmine documentation"
# task :doc => :need_pages_submodule do
# puts 'Creating Jasmine Documentation'
# require 'rubygems'
# require 'jsdoc_helper'
# FileUtils.rm_r "pages/jsdoc", :force => true
# do |t|
# t[:files] = jasmine_sources << jasmine_html_sources
# t[:options] = "-a"
# t[:out] = "pages/jsdoc"
# # JsdocHelper bug: template must be relative to the JsdocHelper gem, ick
# t[:template] = File.join("../".*(100), Dir::getwd, "jsdoc-template")
# end
# Rake::Task[:lambda_jsdoc].invoke
# end
# desc "Build example project"
# task :build_example_project => :need_pages_submodule do
# require 'tmpdir'
# temp_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'jasmine-standalone-project')
# puts "Building Example Project in #{temp_dir}"
# FileUtils.rm_r temp_dir if File.exist?(temp_dir)
# Dir.mkdir(temp_dir)
# root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
# FileUtils.cp_r File.join(root, 'example/.'), File.join(temp_dir)
# substitute_jasmine_version(File.join(temp_dir, "SpecRunner.html"))
# lib_dir = File.join(temp_dir, "lib/jasmine-#{jasmine_version}")
# FileUtils.mkdir_p(lib_dir)
# {
# "lib/jasmine.js" => "jasmine.js",
# "lib/jasmine-html.js" => "jasmine-html.js",
# "src/html/jasmine.css" => "jasmine.css",
# }.each_pair do |src, dest|
# FileUtils.cp(File.join(root, src), File.join(lib_dir, dest))
# end
# dist_dir = File.join(root, 'pages/downloads')
# zip_file_name = File.join(dist_dir, "jasmine-standalone-#{jasmine_version}.zip")
# puts "Zipping Example Project and moving to #{zip_file_name}"
# FileUtils.mkdir(dist_dir) unless File.exist?(dist_dir)
# if File.exist?(zip_file_name)
# puts "WARNING!!! #{zip_file_name} already exists!"
# FileUtils.rm(zip_file_name)
# end
# exec "cd #{temp_dir} && zip -r #{zip_file_name} . -x .[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
# end

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