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longjie edited this page Oct 11, 2014 · 1 revision

What you need

  • PC and webcam
  • Chrome browser (other browser may work, but we recommend to use Chrome)
  • Google+ account

How to setup a Telemba communication

Setup a google+ event

1 go to your Google+ event page 2 Click "Plan hangouts" button on upper side 3 Fill the event name and schedule. Share the event with the one who use your telemba.

Telemba side user

1 Install the Telemba controller app. 2 Connect your telemba's USB cable to the Android tablet. 3 Telemba app will start automatically. Tap Home button to return the launcher screen. 3 Start the Google+ app. 4 Go to "Events" tab to show the hangout event 5 Tap the "Hangouts" link to start the hangtous.

Remote side user

1 Click this Telemba app link to memorize the app location to your hangout. This step is needed only once at first time. 2 Click the "hangout" link of the event to join the hangout. 3 Click "Telemba" app icon on the left side. 4 Enter the login name and password.

Usage of Telemba app