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nui - the Native cell-structured UI framework

nui is a DOM like abstract cell-structured UI interface. It's written in purely ANSI C, without any platform-spec codes. It's only have a consist interface for really GUI construct codes.

nui has several main types:

  • NUIstate: the nui state handle.

  • NUInode: NUInode is the center structure in nui. All widget in nui is a NUInode. NUInode is tree-structured, So it has parent, children, brothers. A NUInode has nothing to do with actually underlying OS widgets/controls, But you can "map" real widgets to a node. "mapping" can be done with type/comp mechanisim.

  • NUIattr: NUInode have a attribute system. You can query any attribute of NUInode. A back-end (OS controls mapper or actually widget implementor) can register some attribute to NUInode, when you query/setting/delete a attribute in NUInode, a function in NUInode will called. Attribute is association with a NUIkey.

  • NUItype, NUIcomp: type/comp mechanisim is same with Unity's Component system. can you create a new type with nui_newtype() after that, you can create a comp to any node. a comp can contain information of the sematics of node. e.g. you can make a "button" type, and add this type to a node makes it behaves like a button.

  • NUIevent: NUInode is also a EventTarget. nui implements the DOM Event Model, you can use full functionality of DOM Event in nui, including capture, bubbles, default behavior and stop/cancel event.

  • NUItimer: although event model give nui powerful ability to maintain UI change, nui still include a soft-implement of timer. timer APIs only need host implement time() and wait() function. so you can merge timer into OS event loop. it's very fast, and if you don't use nui with any OS, nui itself offer the default implement of timer.

  • NUIkey: ref-counted interned string. NUIkey is immutable after creation, all same key share a single NUIkey pointer. So compare NUIkey pointer is the same as compare the value in NUIkey. NUIkey used as the hashtable key, so find a keyword in table needn't compare string content itself.

  • NUItable/NUIentry: the hashtable implement. it use a NUIkey as key so it's very fast. and it contains a non-sematics pointer as value.

  • NUIpool: memory pool, it makes nui run very fast. because mostly time nui needn't memory allocation. the pool get one memory page when needed, so nui avoid a large amount of small memory piece.

nui can be used as a interface to actually OS GUI APIs. It allows reduce the amount of API used when you manipulate GUI.

nui has not NUIstate creation API, A backend should offer one. To create a NUIstate in a backend, you should call nui_newstate with a backend NUIparams structure, With the implement of several OS-relative routines. e.g. wait function, timing function, error handling, etc. When your work was done with nui, a nui_close should called.

A typical backend should offer a header file to specify the creation function for NUIstate, this function construct a NUIparams structure, and call nui_newstate to get a NUIstate structure. After that, backend should using nui_newtype to create the concrete GUI widget class, such as button, textedit, label, group, etc. Then backend can return NUIstate to user. user can call nui_node on this state to get the real NUInode.

backend can also add some event processor to root node. when a event emits out, default event processor can do it's work. e.g. "quit" action can quit the main loop.

A NUIstate is also a NUInode, use macro nui_rootnode() to get it, or type casting NUIstate to NUInode yourself. NUIstate is the root node of all nodes, except of detached nodes. a backend can use root node's children as the top-level window frame.

A user's nui code should looked like this:

#include "nui.h"
#include "nui_win32.h"

int main(void) {
    NUIstate *S = nui_openwin32();
    NUInode *win = nui_node(S);
    nui_adcomp(win, nui_gettype(S, NUI_(Window)));
    nui_setparent(win, nui_rootnode(S));

    NUInode *lable = nui_node(S);
    nui_adcomp(label, nui_gettype(S, NUI_(Label)));
    nui_setparent(label, win);

    NUInode *btn = nui_node(S);
    nui_adcomp(btn, nui_gettype(S, NUI_(Button)));
    nui_setparent(btn, win);

    nui_setattr(win,   NUI_(style.margin), "10.0");
    nui_setattr(label, NUI_(text),  "Hello World!");
    nui_setattr(label, NUI_(style.display),  "block");
    nui_setattr(btn,   NUI_(text),   "OK");
    nui_setattr(btn, NUI_(style.float),  "right");

    nui_addhandler(btn, NUI_("onaction"), 0, do_quit, NULL);

    NUIevent *ev = nui_newevent(S, "show", 0, 0);
    nui_emitevent(win, ev);

    return nui_loop(S);

You may notice that above code using the DOM/CSS sematics. it's recommended to implement DOM/CSS sematics in underlying backend. it's easy to understand and easy to learn.

The code looks not very good. The main purpose of nui is create a easy use GUI toolkit in scripting language, such as Lua. in Lua, a nui code may looks like this:

local nui = require "nui.win32" ()
local N = nui.node

local win = N"Window" {
    style = {
        margin = "10px";

    N"Label" {
        style = { display = "block" };
        text = "Hello world!";

    N"Button" {
        style = { float = "right" };
        text = "OK";
        action = function() nui.emitevent "quit" end;


Looks really nice, isn't? :)


nui is a header-only project. only contain nui.h into your project and implement your own backend to use it!

define macro NUI_IMPLEMENTATION in ONLY ONE source file to contain the implements of nui. if you want ot use it privately in only one source, define NUI_STATIC_API. nui APIs will not exported after that.


The license is the same as Lua programming.

Things to do

  • A sample back-end. (Windows, or OpenGL-based)
  • the default layout algorithm to place NUInode in window.
  • the Lua binding for nui.


the Native cell-structured UI framework






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