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johnbeattie2 edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

Join the React Server Community and Collaborate!

We're thrilled to have you interested in collaborating on React Server! We believe that open-source projects thrive when developers from all backgrounds and skill levels come together to contribute and collaborate. Your participation is invaluable to the project's growth, improvement, and success.

How to Get Started

  1. Join the Community: First, join our community to stay up-to-date with the latest news, releases, and discussions about React Server. You can sign up for our mailing list, follow our social media accounts, or join our chat rooms.

  2. Explore the Codebase: Get familiar with the codebase by cloning the repository, setting up the development environment, and running the project locally. This will help you understand the project's structure, organization, and coding conventions.

  3. Read the Documentation: Read through the project's documentation carefully, including the README, contributing guidelines, and any other relevant resources. This will give you a better understanding of how to contribute effectively.

  4. Find an Issue: Browse the project's issue tracker to find an issue that interests you. Look for issues labeled "good first issue" or "help wanted" as these are usually beginner-friendly and have been identified as priorities by the project maintainers.

  5. Discuss Your Ideas: Before starting any work, it's a good idea to discuss your ideas or plans with the project maintainers and the community. This will help ensure that your contributions align with the project's goals and that your time and effort are well-spent.

Ways to Contribute

There are many ways you can contribute to React Server, including:

Bug Reporting: If you encounter a bug or issue while using React Server, please report it on our issue tracker. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue, any error messages, and your environment information.

Feature Requests: If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement, create an issue in our issue tracker to discuss it with the maintainers and the community. Be sure to provide a clear description of the feature and explain why you think it would benefit the project.

Code Contributions: You can contribute code by fixing bugs, implementing new features, or improving existing functionality. Be sure to follow the project's coding conventions and submit your changes as a pull request.

Documentation: Help improve the project's documentation by fixing typos, clarifying instructions, or adding new examples and tutorials.

Testing: Assist with testing the project by running the test suite, testing new features, or helping to identify and reproduce bugs.

Community Support: Help answer questions, provide support, and offer guidance to other community members on forums, chat rooms, or social media platforms.

A Welcoming and Inclusive Environment

We are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. We expect everyone participating in the React Server community to treat one another with respect, empathy, and kindness. Please review our Code of Conduct to learn more about our expectations for behavior.

We're excited to have you join the React Server community, and we look forward to collaborating with you to make this project even better!

Head over to Github to get started.

Branching Guide for React Server

This branching guide outlines a strategy that utilizes feature branches, release branches, and fix branches to improve your team's workflow and overall software development process for React Server.

Branching Overview

There are three main types of branches in this strategy:

  1. Feature branches: feature/my-feature
  2. Release branches: release/v2.0.1-pre-alpha
  3. Fix branches: fix/issue-description

Branching Workflow

Feature Branches

  • Create a new branch from the latest release branch.
  • Name the branch using the format: feature/my-feature
  • Work on your feature, committing changes as needed.
  • When the feature is complete, create a pull request to merge it into the release branch.

Release Branches

  • Create a new release branch from the master branch.
  • Name the branch using the format: release/v2.0.1-pre-alpha
  • Merge completed feature branches into the release branch in iterations.
  • Test and review the release branch thoroughly.
  • When the release branch is stable and ready, create a pull request to merge it into the master branch.
  • Tag the new release on the master branch with the appropriate SemVer.

Fix Branches

  • Create a new branch from the latest release or master branch, depending on where the issue is found.
  • Name the branch using the format: fix/issue-description
  • Work on the fix, committing changes as needed.
  • Create a pull request to merge the fix branch into both the release and master branches.

Important Notes

  • Master branch only receives stable SemVer releases merged from release branches.
  • Release branches receive completed features and undergo testing and review before merging into the master branch.
  • Branch protection is enabled on the master branch to ensure stability.