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Election results March 1, 2016

Thought is to have a two pronged project:

  • Precinct-level results from Travis and possibly Williamson County, based off of last year.
  • County-level results for presidential races, maybe scraped from here? (We should build a pipeline for county-level data on all state-level races.)
  • We should also include Williamson and Hays, but Williamson was not ready the afternoon after the election. We have done it in the past and have the geo files for it from an earlier election. Hays was pretty lost on how to get us the data.


Scrape the data

Hit a quick python script by @cjwinchester to scrape tables of county-level state results:

# you can virtualenv it up if you're feeling fancy
pip install requirements.txt
cd public/county-results
## for a json file of 2016 Democratic presidential primary results in Texas
fab scrape:d > dems.json results
##for a json file of 2016 GOP presidential primary results in Texas:
fab scrape:r > gop.json

This dumps two json files in the public/county-results directory. I pulled a slimmed-down version of our Texas county geojson file into the race-data directory, deleting every property except FIPS and county name. (I did this manually with some regex, but this could be automated.)

Some javascript loops over the geojson to populate the map with initial data, storing race information as a value for the key at, which gets passed to the sidebar's underscore template on hover. (We're using county FIPS as the geojson-to-data lookup key.) There are also some helper functions to return a unique list of county winners, and one that calculates state totals, though actually we're not using that one? An update function loops over the polygons and changes color, opacity and data values. It is not the best.

There is a better way to do this! Among other things, we oughta:

  • Script a process to fetch and parse the geojson
  • Merge the race results with the geojson (csvkit? csvkit!) on the fly so we're not making three AJAX calls lol
  • Refactor that pile of spaghetti js into something reusable
  • Abstract the python scrapers into properly classed, reusable modules
  • Incorporate/update that FIPS getter script @cjwinchester made a million years ago 'stead of pulling them manually

Travis precincts

Get the file from Travis county elections. I typically reach out to Ginny Ballard in advance and ask her to ftp it to Perhaps for the general we can get the races in advance?

Ginny Ballard CERA Public Information Coordinator Travis County Clerk – Elections Division 512-854-4177


  • The file comes as something like 20160301unconsolidatedtallyexportwithoversandunders.txt
  • I uploaded this into mysql and then ran a consolidation based on candidate, with 20160301_Travis as my table name:
  • I then exported that to /results/travis.csv
  • I did a separate query to get the titles so I can build the files list for processing:
  • I then took each line of that file and started creating the python array in a file called contest_titles_travis_py.csv. It looks something like this:
build_race_file(["PRESIDENT - DEM"], 'p-d')
build_race_file(["DISTRICT 35, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE - DEM"], 'rd35-d')

The last field has to be unique for the race, and will be used in the name of the JSON file, and for the dropdown in the map. I had to decide myself what to call each race.

I then used regex on that to create contest_selects_travis.txt, which is formatted like this and later added to the html page of results:

<option data-zoom="-1" data-center="30.329632, -97.758797" value="p-d">PRESIDENT - DEM</option>
<option data-zoom="-1" data-center="30.329632, -97.758797" value="rd35-d">DISTRICT 35, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE - DEM</option>

The data-zoom and data-center options there can be used to center the map for that race, which I did after everything else was done.

  • Lastly, I put in a blank williamson.csv file with only headers so the next step wouldn't choke.

Creating the JSON files

The script walks through the results/travis.csv and and results/williamson.csv files to combine them. I took the contents of my contest_titles_travis_py.csv file and replaced what was at the bottom of and then ran the python script. (It did fail first when I didn't have a williamson.csv file it expected.)

Updating index.php

I had to sub in the contest_selects_travis.txt info into this file, rearranging it to make sense.