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Stb-tester release notes

These release notes apply to the Stb-tester open-source version. Customers of Ltd. should refer to the release notes at instead.

v35 (unreleased)


Breaking changes since v34
  • stbt power - Dropped support for PDU types "pdu" and "ipp" as there were several issues with their implementation #805. If you were using one of these PDU types please raise an issue on GitHub.
Major new features
Minor additions, bugfixes & improvements
  • stbt power - Added support for APC7xxx PDUs #805.


14 June 2023.

Changes in behaviour since v33
  • load_image: Normalize alpha channel when loading numpy arrays. Calling load_image with a numpy array now behaves the same as calling it with a PNG filename. #783

  • Mask: Add from_alpha_channel constructor. Useful when you have a reference image with some transparent parts, but you want to use that same mask for an operation other than match. #791

  • match: Don't ignore reference image's alpha channel if frame is a single-channel (grayscale) image. Previously the reference image was converted to grayscale before matching; now the frame is converted to color before matching. This is unlikely to affect any existing tests as grayscale frames are only created as a result of explicit image processing. #792 #789

  • wait_for_motion, detect_motion, press_and_wait, wait_for_transition_to_end: Make BGRDiff the default diffing algorithm. #785

    The previous default (GrayscaleDiff) doesn't detect changes that are different in colour but of a similar overall intensity, such as the blue (focused) vs. white (unfocused) letters in the Xfinity on-screen keyboard.

    Note that the noise_threshold of BGRDiff is different in scale (it's now 0-255 instead of 0.0-1.0) and in direction (a smaller number means a stricter threshold). BGRDiff's default threshold is 25, so it's slightly stricter (GrayscaleDiff's threshold of 0.84 would correspond to roughly a value of 40 in the BGRDiff algorithm).

    To continue using the previous algorithm, run the following code early in your test script (for example at the top level of your package's

    stbt.detect_motion.differ = stbt.GrayscaleDiff()
    stbt.press_and_wait.differ = stbt.GrayscaleDiff()

    Note that the above 2 lines also affect wait_for_motion and wait_for_transition_to_end.

Other new features and fixes
  • press_and_wait, wait_for_transition_to_end: Add frames parameter (consistent with wait_for_motion). This will allow performing some custom transformation on the video (such as removing background behind a translucent overlay) before it's processed by the motion detection of press_and_wait. #797

  • press_and_wait: Add retries parameter. If the keypress had no effect at all, retry this number of times. Defaults to 0, so you have to opt-in to this behaviour by specifying, for example, retries=1 or retries=2. #798

  • Mask.to_array: Log a warning if adding or subtracting masks results in an empty region. Useful for debugging issues with the coordinates in your test script. #790

  • wait_until: Log how long the wait_until call took until it succeeded. #788

  • New Differ API for customising the diffing algorithm used by wait_for_motion, press_and_wait, and related APIs. This is an API for power users who are comfortable implementing their own image processing. It is an unstable API — that is, the API or its behaviour might change in future stb-tester releases. BGRDiff and GrayscaleDiff are concrete implementations (subclasses) of this API, and their constructors are stable APIs. #799

  • Implement BGRDiff in C for performance improvement. #801


13 July 2022.

Major new features
  • Target Ubuntu 22.04 / Python 3.10 / OpenCV 4 / pylint2. Dropped support for Python 2.

  • Add support for RedRat-X Bluetooth/RF4CE remote control via RedRat Hub HTTP REST API.

  • Reworked API for interacting with Android TV devices over ADB.

  • New Mask API to construct masks from Regions. You can add, subtract or invert regions to construct a mask. This is often much more convenient than creating a mask PNG in an image editor. For example, this will create a mask that processes the whole screen but ignores the region where a spinner can appear and the region where picture-in-picture video is shown:

      spinner_region = stbt.Region(...)
      pip_region = stbt.Region(...)
      mask = stbt.Region.ALL - spinner_region - pip_region

    You can pass a single Region, or a Mask constructed from regions, to the mask parameter of any API that previously accepted a filename.

    If you are implementing your own image-processing function that accepts a mask parameter, call load_mask on the caller-supplied value to convert it to a Mask.

  • Color: New class to convert between OpenCV-style (blue, green, red) tuples and web-style "#rrggbb" strings. APIs that previously accepted the former (namely ocr's text_color parameter) can now accept either format.

  • find_file: New API to find files relative to the test-script (similar to load_image but for any type of file).

  • MultiPress: New API to enter text using a numeric keypad.

  • press: The key argument can be an Enum (press will use the Enum's value, which must be a string).

Breaking changes since v32
  • Dropped support for Python 2. In CI we're only testing Ubuntu 22.04 / Python 3.10.

  • Removed stbt record command line tool. It was extremely basic and we've never used it in practice.

  • Move stbt_core.pylint_plugin to _stbt.pylint_plugin so that pylint can import it without having to import the whole of stbt_core (including OpenCV, numpy, etc).

  • Reworked API:

    • Changed order & defaults of AdbDevice constructor arguments to make it more suitable for Android TV devices (as opposed to mobile devices).
    • Made AdbDevice.adb more like
    • Support standard location for ADB host key to support stateless test-runners.

    See #736 for details.

  • Keyboard: Removed the first parameter of the constructor. Since v32 it would raise an exception if you passed this parameter, so nobody should be using it by now. All the remaining parameters must be specified by keyword.

  • load_image: The returned image is read only; call its copy() method to make a writeable copy if you need to modify it.

Deprecated APIs
  • The region parameter of is_screen_black, detect_motion, wait_for_motion, press_and_wait, and wait_for_transition_to_end is deprecated. Pass your region to the mask parameter instead. For now, the region parameter is an alias of mask. Conceptually masks are a superset of regions.

    Note that functions that don't accept an arbitrary mask (only a Region) still take a region parameter — namely match and associated APIs, ocr and match_text, Keyboard.add_key and Keyboard.find_key.

Minor additions, bugfixes & improvements
  • stbt.debug: Use Python's logging framework. Each debug line now starts with the logger name and logging level (namely "DEBUG:stbt:").

  • stbt.Direction: New helper type. It's an enum with values HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL. Not yet used by any APIs.

  • Frame and Image:

    • Add width, height, and region properties.
    • Fix IndexError in __repr__ when the Frame or Image has undergone numpy operations that change its shape (such as numpy.max, which will preserve the stbt.Image or stbt.Frame type of its argument).
  • FrameObject:

    • The __repr__ only prints the values of properties that have already been calculated. That is, it doesn't trigger evaluation of all public properties.
    • The __repr__ shows the frame (self._frame) so you can see the timestamp of the frame associated with each FrameObject instance.
    • Fix comparison operators (== and !=). Previously they would raise TypeError if either operand had a property that returned None; or they could return the wrong result if comparing an instance of a class F against an instance of F's subclass.
    • Remove ordering operators (<, etc). They were buggy and there's no use-case for ordering Page Object instances.
  • Keyboard:

    • Added type Keyboard.Key: This is the type returned from Keyboard.find_key. Previously it was an opaque, private type; now it is a public, documented API.
    • Better support for slow/laggy keyboards:
      • Recover from missed or double keypresses by re-calculating the path from the current state of the device-under-test. To disable this behaviour specify retries=0 when calling enter_text or navigate_to (retries defaults to 2).
      • Increased default navigate_timeout from 20 to 60.
      • Wait longer for the selection to reach the final target when we're not verifying every keypress.
    • Better error message when user's Page Object's selection property returns None (it's a bug in your Page Object if it says is_visible==True but selection==None).
  • load_image:

    • Cache the last 5 loaded images. This will avoid repeating the same PNG decoding for every frame when you do something like stbt.wait_until(lambda: stbt.match("reference.png")).
    • New color_channels parameter, replacing flags which is now deprecated.
    • Raise FileNotFoundError with the correct errno, instead of IOError without an errno. Note that FileNotFoundError is a subclass of IOError.
    • Normalize the alpha channel (if any) so that each pixel is either fully transparent (0) or fully opaque (255). Previously this normalization was done in match.
  • match: Fixed position of the match (output) region drawn on the debug html output, when the caller specified the input region parameter.

  • ocr: corrections parameter: Fix matching non-word characters at word boundaries.

  • press_and_wait: The return value has new started, complete, and stable properties. This is often clearer than checking the value of the status attribute:

      transition = stbt.press_and_wait("KEY_OK")
      if not transition.started:
      # versus:
      # if transition.status == stbt.TransitionStatus.START_TIMEOUT:
  • Size: New helper type. It's a tuple with width and height.

  • core: Raise NoVideo instead of restarting the source pipeline when we receive EOS on the source pipeline. This behaviour was originally introduced to support VidiU video-capture hardware, but we believe it isn't used and the implementation had several disadvantages. See #715 for details.

  • pylint plugin: Increase Astroid's inference limit to fix various false positives.


1 October 2020.

Major new features
  • Keyboard: Support keyboards with multiple modes (for example lowercase, uppercase, and symbols).

  • New Python API last_keypress(): Returns information about the last key-press sent to the device under test.

  • ocr: New corrections parameter: A dict of {bad: good} mappings to correct known OCR mistakes.

    • New function apply_ocr_corrections to apply the same corrections to any string -- useful for post-processing old test artifacts using new corrections.
    • New function set_global_ocr_corrections to specify the default value for ocr's corrections parameter. Call this early in your tests, for example in the top-level of tests/
  • ocr: Calls to Tesseract are cached if all the ocr parameters (including all the pixels in the frame & region) are identical. This cache is persisted on disk between test-runs.

  • Region:

    • New center property that returns a Position value with x and y attributes.
    • contains accepts a Position as the argument (previously it only accepted a Region).
    • translate can take another Region as its argument, instead of separate x and y coordinates.
  • Support for OpenCV 4.

  • Pylint plugin: Support pylint 2 / astroid 2.

Breaking changes since v31
  • Python module renamed from stbt to stbt_core. This doesn't apply to customers.

  • stbt run: Don't expose press, match, etc. as globals (now you have to import the Python module explicitly). This was an ancient behaviour that has been deprecated for at least 6 years. This doesn't apply to customers, who never had this behaviour.

  • Keyboard:

    • Changed the internal representation of the Directed Graph. Manipulating the networkx graph directly is no longer supported.
    • Removed Keyboard.parse_edgelist and grid_to_navigation_graph. Instead, first create the Keyboard object, and then use its add_key, add_transition, add_edgelist, and add_grid methods to build the model of the keyboard.
    • Removed the Keyboard.Selection type. Instead, your Page Object's selection property should return a Key value obtained from Keyboard.find_key.
  • is_screen_black: Increase default threshold to 20. This doesn't apply to customers, who were all already using the new threshold. To keep the old default, set threshold = 10 in the [is_screen_black] section of your config file.

  • MatchResult (the return value from match): The image attribute is now an instance of Image. Previously it was a string or a numpy array, depending on what you had passed to match.

  • ocr and match_text: If region is entirely outside the frame, raise ValueError instead of returning an empty string. (This is likely to be an error in your test-script's logic.) This is now consistent with all the other image-processing APIs such as match.

  • press_and_wait now uses the same difference-detection algorithm as wait_for_motion. This algorithm is more tolerant of small noise-like differences (less than 3 pixels wide). To use the previous algorithm, run the following code early in your test script (for example at the top level of tests/

      stbt.press_and_wait.differ = stbt.StrictDiff
Minor additions, bugfixes & improvements
  • draw_text: Also write text to stderr.

  • get_config: Allow None as a default value.

  • Keyboard:

    • The edgelist format now allows key names with "#" in them. Previously anything starting with "#" was treated as a comment. Now comments are lines starting with "###" (three hashes), optionally preceded by whitespace.
    • enter_text adds a short inter-press delay when entering the same letter twice, because some keyboard implementations ignore the second keypress if pressed too quickly.
  • load_image:

    • Fix UnicodeDecodeError when filename is utf8-encoded bytes.
    • Allow passing a numpy array (in this case load_image is a no-op and just returns the given image).
    • Return type changed from numpy.ndarray to Image, which is a sub-class of numpy.ndarray with the additional attributes filename, absolute_filename, and relative_filename.
  • match: Disable pyramid optimisation if the reference image has too few non-transparent pixels, to avoid false negatives with small, mostly transparent, reference images.

  • crop: Implicitly clamp at the edges of the frame, if the region extends beyond the frame. Previously, this would have raised an exception. It still raises ValueError if the region is entirely outside of the frame.

  • Fix from stbt_core import * with Python 2.7.

  • HDMI CEC control:

    • Re-scan CEC bus if transmit fails.
    • Log debug messages from libcec.
  • stbt-control-relay: Add --timeout argument.

  • Pylint plugin:

    • Fix false positive for user-defined functions called "wait_until_...".
    • Verify that FrameObject refresh() return value is used.
  • Allow utf-8 paths in $STBT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

  • Fix frame timestamps drawn on output video: It should be the frame's time, not the current wall-clock time. Stb-tester's sink pipeline buffers half a second of frames to give the user code enough time to draw annotations on them before they are pushed to the video encoder -- so these timestamps were all wrong by half a second.

  • Packaging changes: Importing the stbt_core Python module doesn't require GStreamer. Without GStreamer installed you can't run a test but you can call APIs like match() if you pass a frame in explicitly, for example a screenshot loaded from disk. More importantly, this allows IDEs to import the Python module and provide linting & autocompletion, without having to install GStreamer.

    • Make GStreamer dependencies optional when importing stbt_core Python module.
    • get_frame, press, ocr, etc: Improve error message if called without GStreamer/LIRC/Tesseract being installed/configured/initialised.
    • match: Make the sqdiff C optimisation optional.
    • imgproc_cache: Disable cache if we can't import lmdb.


18 September 2019.

Major new features
  • Supports test-scripts written in Python 3 (Python 2 is also still supported from the same stb-tester codebase, but you will need separate stb-tester installations). If building stb-tester from source, you need to do make install python_version=3. So far we haven't created a debian package for the Python 3 version.

  • New Python APIs: stbt.Keyboard for navigating on-screen keyboards, and stbt.Grid for describing grid-like regions. See the Python API reference for details.

  • The RedRat-X infrared transmitter is now supported via ethernet (USB is still not supported). Configure your RedRat X as an IRNetBox in your stbt.conf file. Thanks to Martin Sidén for the pull request & testing.

Breaking changes since v30
  • Dropped support for Ubuntu 16.04.

  • Removed unmaintained tools stbt auto-selftest, stbt batch, stbt camera, and irnetbox-proxy. If you want to use any of these tools feel free to maintain them in a separate repo as per the [license].

  • Removed support for restart_source config setting. This was a workaround for a bug in the Hauppauge HDPVR video-capture device, which is ancient and unreliable hardware. As far as I know, nobody uses this setting. What it did was watch for source pipeline underruns (without receiving an explicit EOS) and then restart the source pipeline. If you need this behaviour, the correct solution is to fix your GStreamer source element. Note that stbt run still restarts the source pipeline if it receives EOS.

  • Removed source_teardown_eos config setting. This was a workaround for an ancient bug in decklinksrc (the GStreamer element for Blackmagic video-capture cards). As far as I know, nobody uses this since we made the behaviour optional in v28.

Minor additions, bugfixes & improvements
  • stbt lint: New checkers:

    • E7006: FrameObject properties must use self._frame, not stbt.get_frame().
    • E7007: FrameObject properties must not have side-effects that change the state of the device-under-test by calling or stbt.press_and_wait().
    • E7008: "assert True" has no effect.
  • stbt lint: Teach pylint that assert False is the same as raise AssertionError. This fixes incorrect behaviour of pylint's "unreachable code" and "inconsistent return statements" checkers.

  • stbt.match: Fix false negative when using MatchMethod.SQDIFF and a reference image that is mostly transparent except around the edges (for example to find a "highlight" or "selection" around some dynamic content).

  • stbt.match: Improve error message when you give it an explicit region that is smaller than the reference image.

  • stbt.ocr: New parameter char_whitelist. Useful when you're reading text of a specific format, like the time from a clock, a serial number, or a passcode.

  • stbt.press_and_wait: Ignore small moiré-like differences between frames (temporal dithering?) seen with Apple TV.

  • stbt.press_and_wait: Draw motion bounding-box on output video (similar to stbt.wait_for_motion).

  • stbt.press_and_wait: Add key attribute (the name of the key that was pressed) to the return value.

  • stbt.Region: The static methods intersect and bounding_box will fail if called on an instance. That is, instead of calling self.intersect(other) you must call stbt.Region.intersect(self, other). Previously, if called on an instance it would silently return a wrong value.

  • stbt.wait_for_motion: More sensitive to slow motion (such as a slow fade to black) by comparing against the last frame since significant differences were seen, instead of always comparing against the previous frame.


22 February 2019.

Major new features
  • Supports Ubuntu 18.04, OpenCV 3, Tesseract 3.05 and Tesseract 4.

  • stbt.match transparency support: Transparent pixels in the reference image will be ignored when looking for a match within the video-frame. To use this feature your reference image must be a PNG with an alpha (transparency) channel. We only support fully-opaque or fully-transparent pixels: any pixels that aren't fully opaque are treated as fully transparent. This requires OpenCV 3.0 or newer.

    • stbt.load_image will include the image's alpha (transparency) channel if it had any transparent pixels.
  • Added new MatchMethod.SQDIFF for stbt.match, and made it the default match method. This works better and more consistently than MatchMethod.SQDIFF_NORMED (the previous default). SQIFF_NORMED doesn't work at all for completely black images or images with transparency, and it exaggerates differences for dark images. The "certainty" number for the new SQDIFF method is still normalised so that it is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, but the normalisation no longer depends on how bright the images were, so the result is more consistent. The new default match_threshold is 0.98.

  • stbt.ocr takes a new engine parameter to select the OCR engine if you're using Tesseract 4:

    • stbt.OcrEngine.TESSERACT (the default) means the "legacy" engine from Tesseract 3. Works with either Tesseract 4 (provided that the necessary data files are installed) or Tesseract 3. Note that Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't ship the data files for the legacy engine; see

    • stbt.OcrEngine.LSTM means Tesseract's new engine based on a "Long Short-Term Memory" neural network. Requires Tesseract 4.

  • Support for Rittal 7955.310 network-controlled power supplies.

Breaking changes since v29
  • Changed the default match_method to MatchMethod.SQDIFF and the default match_threshold to 0.98. See "New features" above for a description of this new match method. To preserve the old defaults, set this in your stbt.conf file:

  • stbt.match: Inverted the meaning of confirm_threshold. Now numbers closer to 0 mean "less strict" and numbers closer to 1 mean "more strict". This is for consistency with match_threshold. The default value has changed accordingly, from 0.3 to 0.7.

    If you were overriding the default value, you need to set the new value to (1 - previous_value), for example change 0.16 to 0.84.

  • stbt.load_image will now return a 4-channel image (BGRA, where the 4th channel is the alpha, or transparency, channel) if the file had any transparent pixels.

  • Removed API stbt.detect_match. This has been redundant since we introduced stbt.match in 0.21 (Dec 2014). It is unlikely there are many uses of it in the wild, it is confusing for users that aren't expecting a generator (a generator is itself a truthy value so they wonder why it always "matches"), and it is redundant given stbt.frames and stbt.match.

    If you were using stbt.detect_match you can replace code like this:

      for m in stbt.detect_match("reference_image.png"):

    with this:

      for frame in stbt.frames(timeout_secs=10):
          m = stbt.match("reference_image.png", frame)
  • Removed compatibility flag global.use_old_threading_behaviour. This was introduced in v28, but seems to be unused. See release notes for v28 below for more information.

Minor additions, bugfixes & improvements
  • stbt.FrameObject: Add refresh method, used by navigation functions that modify the state of the device-under-test.

  • stbt.match allows matching a grayscale reference image against a grayscale frame (for example if you've applied some custom pre-processing, such as edge detection, to both the frame & reference images).

  • stbt.MatchParameters: The match_method and confirm_method can be specified as enums (stbt.MatchMethod and stbt.ConfirmMethod respectively). Passing the old string values is still supported for backwards compatibility. For example:

  • stbt.ocr shows error messages from Tesseract if it fails.

  • stbt.OcrMode has new values:

    • SPARSE_TEXT: Find as much text as possible in no particular order. Requires Tesseract 3.03 or later.
    • SPARSE_TEXT_WITH_OSD: As above, with Orientation and Script Detection. Requires Tesseract 3.03 or later.
    • RAW_LINE: Treat the image as a single text line for direct input to the LSTM model, bypassing Tesseract preprocessing. Requires Tesseract 3.04 or later.
  • now returns a object containing information about the keypress, including the start time & end time of the keypress signal. This is intended to help making performance measurements.

  • respects interpress_delay_secs if hold_secs is specified.

  • stbt.Region: New methods dilate and erode to grow or shrink the region in all directions.

  • stbt.Region.bounding_box and stbt.Region.intersect can take more than 2 regions.

  • HDMI CEC control: Add "KEY_MENU" alias for "KEY_ROOT_MENU", and add "KEY_TV" for CEC keycode 16 (16 is "reserved" in the CEC spec, but the Apple TV recognises it as the "TV" button).

  • Roku HTTP control: Enforce 3 second timeout on all HTTP requests.

  • stbt lint fixes:

    • Compatibility with pylint 1.8 (Ubuntu 18.04).
    • Removed compatibility for pylint < 1.5.
    • New checker stbt-uncommitted-image: Filename given to stbt.match (and similar functions) exists on disk, but isn't committed to git.
    • stbt-frame-object-missing-frame: Also checks for missing frame parameter when calling class constructors (not just class methods).
    • stbt-unused-return-value: Also checks that the return value of stbt.press_and_wait is used.
    • stbt-missing-image: Reports the full path to the missing image (relative to your git repository root).
    • stbt-missing-image: Ignores filenames inside str.replace and re.sub.
  • stbt match command-line tool: Add --all flag to print all matches of the reference image.

  • Many improvements to the "stbt-debug" HTML that is generated with stbt run -vv for debugging image-processing operations.


New APIs for measuring animations and transitions, and for sending infrared repeat signals (pressing and holding a button). Plus a bunch of usability improvements and bug fixes.

19 June 2018.

Breaking changes since v28
  • stbt.frames() returns an iterator of stbt.Frame objects, instead of an iterator of tuples (stbt.Frame, int). The second field of the tuple was a timestamp in nanoseconds; this has been deprecated since we added stbt.Frame.time in v26, 2 years ago. If you were calling it like this:

      for frame, _ in stbt.frames():

    then you should change it to this:

      for frame in stbt.frames():
  • Similarly, removed the deprecated timestamp attribute (nanoseconds) from stbt.MatchResult, stbt.TextMatchResult, and stbt.MotionResult. Use the time attribute instead (seconds).

  • stbt.is_screen_black returns an object with black and frame attributes, instead of a bool. This evaluates to truthy or falsey so this change is backwards compatible, unless you were explicitly comparing the result with == True or is True. This change was made so that you can get the exact frame that changed to (or from) black, for more precise performance measurements.

  • The stbt.NoVideo exception inherits from Exception instead of stbt.UITestFailure. This means that it will be considered a test error, not a failure. NoVideo is usually a fault with your video-capture pipeline or hardware, not the device-under-test; most video-capture hardware continues to deliver video frames (typically black) even without a video source.

  • stbt run will no longer show an output video window by default. This is a better default for headless environments like stbt-docker. You can re-enable this by setting global.sink_pipeline = xvimagesink sync=false in your stbt.conf file.

  • Remove tracing infrastructure (which would report the current test & line number to a file specified via the --save-trace argument or to a socket specified via the STBT_TRACING_SOCKET environment variable). This was a proof of concept at best, and as far as we know it isn't used by anyone.

New features
  • Added stbt.press_and_wait: Detection and frame-accurate measurement of animations and transitions.

  • accepts a new hold_secs parameter to hold a key down for the specified duration. This is implemented for the LIRC, CEC, and Roku controls.

  • Added stbt.pressing: A context manager that will hold a key down for as long as the code in the with block is executing.

  • can be configured to use the ADB keypress mechanism from See the documentation for --control in the stbt(1) man page.

  • will convert some standard Stb-tester key names like "KEY_OK" to the equivalent Android KeyEvent keycodes.

  • stbt.wait_for_motion, stbt.wait_for_match, stbt.detect_motion and stbt.detect_match all now take a new optional frames parameter. This defaults to stbt.frames() which preserves the existing behaviour.

  • stbt.ocr and stbt.match_text: Added text_color_threshold parameter, to configure the threshold used with the text_color parameter.

Bug fixes & improvements
  • If your test-pack is a Python package (that is, it contains an file in each directory under tests/) then relative imports from your test scripts will now work. This allows you to organise your tests into multiple directories easily.

  • Fix AttributeError when using a stbt.FrameObject instance from multiple threads.

  • Fix timing of the key-press visualisation in the recorded video. The key-press was appearing a few frames earlier than it was actually sent.

  • stbt.Frame: Show timestamp & dimensions in repr output, instead of the verbose numpy repr.

  • Internal improvements & simplifications to the GStreamer pipeline.

  • Debug logging: stbt.is_screen_black logs the result of its analysis, similar to stbt.match, stbt.ocr, etc.

  • Debug logging: Only log 3 decimal places for frame timestamps. 60fps is 16ms per frame, so higher precision is misleading.

  • stbt auto-selftest bug-fixes: Don't fail if there are Python files in the root of the test-pack; don't abort if one of the files specified explicitly doesn't have any selftests; when specifying files explicitly, remove the generated file if the source file no longer has any selftests.

  • stbt batch run will write the final screenshot to the results directory even if the test-script changed the current working directory with os.chdir.


Better defaults; multithreading support; Android & VNC control mechanisms; many API improvements and bugfixes.

24 January 2018.

Breaking changes since v27
  • The default parameters for the image-matching algorithm have changed from MatchParameters(confirm_method="absdiff", confirm_threshold=0.16) to MatchParameters(confirm_method="normed-absdiff" confirm_threshold=0.30). This has been our recommended setting for several years; now it's the default. The "normed-absdiff" algorithm works better in most cases, except when you're looking for an image with very little structure (for example a plain patch of a single colour). We recommend that you always include some structure (edges) in your reference images; if you really need to match a plain blob of colour, you can override the algorithm for specific invocations of stbt.match by passing a match_parameters argument.

    To keep using the previous defaults, add this to the [match] section of your stbt config file:


    Note that users of the [Stb-tester hardware] have always been been using these new values, as we provide a custom stbt.conf file to our customers.

  • The default interpress_delay_secs for is now 0.3 instead of 0. This matches best practices and what the documentation actually says. To keep using the previous default, add this to the [press] section of your stbt config file:

    interpress_delay_secs = 0

    Thanks to Rinaldo Merlo for the bug report.

    Note that users of the [Stb-tester hardware] have always been using the best-practices default value of 0.3, as we provide a custom stbt.conf file to our customers.

  • Passing region=None to stbt.ocr raises a TypeError. Use region=stbt.Region.ALL instead. Note that passing None has printed a deprecation warning since v0.21 (three years ago); raising an exception will force users to update their test scripts, allowing us to change the behaviour again in a future release to be consistent with stbt.match_text where None means an empty region.

  • Passing type_=bool to stbt.get_config now returns False for values of "0", "false", "off", and "no" (all of these are checked in a case-insensitive manner). Previously it would always return True for any non-empty value.

  • Removed workaround for 4 year old deadlock bug in decklinksrc. If this is still necessary, set source_teardown_eos = True in the [global] section of your stbt config file, and let us know on the mailing list as we may remove the workaround completely in a future release.

  • A call to stbt.get_frame() is no-longer guaranteed to return a new frame, it may return the same frame that the previous call to stbt.get_frame() returned. This may have subtle effects on the timing of existing test-scripts. Functions that depend on this behaviour should be refactored to use the stbt.frames() iterator method instead.

    If this change causes you problems you can add:

    use_old_threading_behaviour = true

    to your stbt.conf to restore the old behaviour. This option may be removed in the future. Please let us know on stb-tester/stb-tester#449 if this will cause you problems.

    The benefit is that you can now call stbt.get_frame() from multiple threads and usage like wait_until(lambda: match('a.png') or match('b.png')) will run faster as the second match will no longer block waiting for a new frame.

  • stbt.get_frame() and stbt.frames() now return read-only frames for better performance. Use frame.copy() to get a writeable copy of the frame.

New features
  • Python API: stbt can now be used from multiple threads simultaneously. Each call to stbt.frames() returns an independent iterator that can be used concurrently. Example, wait for tv to start playing or an error screen:

    pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool()
    result = pool.imap_unordered(apply, [
          lambda: wait_for_motion(),
          lambda: wait_for_match("error-screen.png")
    if isinstance(result, MotionResult):
        print "TV is playing ok"
        print "Error screen"
  • New Android control mechanism to send taps, swipes, and key events. See the docstrings for usage instructions. You can capture video from an Android mobile device using HDMI video-capture via an "MHL" USB-to-HDMI cable, or with the Stb-tester CAMERA pointed at the device's screen, or even by taking screenshots via AdbDevice.get_frame (but if you're using AdbDevice.get_frame the Android device wont be visible in the output video as this mechanism bypasses stb-tester's GStreamer pipeline). See for a discussion of the trade-offs of each video-capture mechanism.

  • New control mechanism using the VNC RFB protocol. This protocol is used by Cisco to control some of their set-top boxes. Thanks to Antonio Fin and Fabrice Triboix, both at Cisco.

  • Python API: New function stbt.crop to crop a region from a video-frame.

  • Python API: New function stbt.load_image to load an image from disk, using the same path lookup algorithm that stbt.match uses.

  • Python API: The mask parameter to stbt.detect_motion, stbt.wait_for_motion, and stbt.is_screen_black can be an OpenCV image (previously it could only be a filename). This makes it easier to construct masks programmatically.

  • Python API: stbt.detect_motion, stbt.wait_for_motion, and stbt.is_screen_black can take a new region parameter.

  • Python API: stbt.wait_until has two new parameters: predicate and stable_secs. Together they allow waiting for something to stabilise (for example to wait for the position of a moving selection to stop moving).

  • Python API: stbt.ocr and stbt.match_text have a new parameter text_color. Specifying this can improve OCR results when tesseract's default thresholding algorithm doesn't detect the text, for example for light-colored text or text on a translucent overlay.

  • Python API: The pre-processing performed by stbt.ocr and stbt.match_text can now be disabled by passing upscale=False. This is useful if you want to do your own pre-processing.

  • Python API: The default lang (language) parameter to stbt.ocr and stbt.match_text is now configurable. Set lang in the [ocr] section of your configuration file.

  • Python API: Added region parameter to stbt.press_until_match. Thanks to Rinaldo Merlo for the patch.

  • OpenCV 3 compatibility: stb-tester will now work with either OpenCV 2.4 or OpenCV 3. This support is in beta, please let us know if you see anything not working properly with OpenCV 3. OpenCV 2.4 is still our primary supported target version of OpenCV.

  • Output video now runs a the full frame-rate of the input video rather than slowing down during wait_for_match. As a side-effect the latency of the video has increased by 0.5s and if the image processing is particularly slow the annotations won't appear on the output video. Apart from that caveat, annotations now appear if you got the frame using stbt.get_frame() (previously the annotations only appeared if the frames came from a stbt.frames() iterator). "Annotations" means the yellow & red rectangles showing the current match, etc.

Minor fixes and packaging fixes
  • The irnetbox control now understands "double signals" in the irNetBox config file generated by the RedRat IR Signal Database Utility. Thanks to Rinaldo Merlo for the fix.

  • Fixed stbt power for ATEN power supplies with more than 8 ports. Thanks to Lucas Maneos at YouView for the patch.

  • stbt batch run: New option --no-save-video disables video recordings of each test-run. This can be used to reduce CPU consumption when video recordings aren't required or are being captured in some other way.

  • stbt lint: Catch & ignore pylint inference exceptions.

  • stbt auto-selftest: Fix when running for the first time (when the auto_selftest directory doesn't exist).

  • Python API: The is_visible property of stbt.FrameObject subclasses can call other public properties. Furthermore, the value of is_visible is always a bool, so you don't have to remember to cast it to bool in your implementation.

  • Python API: stbt.wait_until will try one last time after the timeout is reached. This allows you to use a short timeout_secs with operations that can take a long time.

  • Python API: The stbt.MotionResult object returned by stbt.detect_motion and stbt.wait_for_motion includes the video-frame that was analysed. This allows you to perform additional analysis -- for example if there was no motion is the frame black?

  • Configuration: global.sink_pipeline can now be set to an empty value (sink_pipeline=). This will have the same effect as sink_pipeline = fakesink but with lower resource utilisation.


Added HDMI CEC control; various API improvements.

16 January 2017.

New features
  • Python API: stbt.Region has the following new methods: above, below, right_of and left_of. They return a new Region relative to the current region.

  • New remote-control type "hdmi-cec". With the help of a USB-CEC adapter such as this allows stb-tester to send keypresses over HDMI, to control devices that don't have infrared input such as Sony PlayStation.

    This remote control isn't included in the stb-tester Ubuntu packages we publish, because it uses libcec which has a GPLv2+ license (stb-tester is LGPL licensed). To get the CEC remote control, install the stb-tester-gpl package (currently only available for Ubuntu 16.04).

    Thanks to Daniel Andersson (@danielandersson) for the initial prototype and research.

Minor fixes and packaging fixes
  • Python API: stbt.match_text can take single-channel images (black-and-white or grayscale).

  • Python API: stbt.match_text normalises punctuation such as em-dash and en-dash, just like stbt.ocr already does.

  • Python API: stbt.match_text has a new parameter case_sensitive. It defaults to False (that is, ignore case), which was the previous behaviour.

  • Remote controls: Added error: remote control that raises RuntimeError when the test script calls If you don't want to use any of the built-in remote controls, this allows you to catch unintended uses of in your test script. This is now the default remote control, instead of none (which ignores keypresses).

  • Remote controls: Added file: remote control which writes keys pressed to a file. Mostly intended for debugging.

  • stbt auto-selftest generate now accepts a source filename, to generate self-tests for a single file instead of the whole test-pack.

  • stbt lint: Updated to support pylint version 1.5.0 and newer (including the latest version as of this writing, pylint v1.6.4).

  • stbt lint: Added FrameObject checker. It checks that FrameObject properties pass an explicit frame parameter to functions like stbt.match.

  • Tab-completion for the command-line tools now adds trailing slashes after directory names.

Maintainer-visible changes
  • Stb-tester's suite of self-tests now uses pytest instead of nose. The tests written in shell still use shell (it would be nice to port them to pytest too, at some point).


New APIs to support frame-accurate performance measurements.

12 July 2016.

Breaking changes since 25
  • We no longer provide RPM packages for Fedora. Download statistics indicate that everybody is using Ubuntu. Please contact the mailing list if you'd like to maintain the Fedora packages.

  • TextMatchResult (returned from match_text) and MotionResult (returned from wait_for_motion) no longer derive from tuple. We don't expect that this will break any real-life test scripts.

New features
  • Python API: stbt.get_frame and stbt.frames now return a stbt.Frame instead of a numpy.ndarray. Frame is a subclass of numpy.ndarray with an additional attribute: time. This is the time at which the video-frame was captured, as a floating point number expressed in seconds since the epoch (so you can compare it against Python's time.time()).

    The accuracy and precision of this time attribute depends on your video-capture hardware and source-pipeline configuration. See this blog post for details on the precision guaranteed by the stb-tester ONE hardware.

    Note that stbt.frames() yields pairs of frame, timestamp. The timestamp element of that pair is now deprecated (it's a number in nanoseconds not seconds). Use the frame's time attribute instead.

  • Python API: MatchResult, TextMatchResult, and MotionResult have a new time attribute. This is the time at which the matching video-frame was captured. The timestamp attribute of these classes is now deprecated. See the previous bullet point for details.

  • Python API: MotionResult has a new region attribute which indicates where in the frame the motion was detected.

Minor fixes and packaging fixes
  • The stbt Python package is now installed to the system Python path. This means that you can import stbt from a Python script that is run with python instead of stbt run. Video-capture won't work, but you can use stbt.match and stbt.ocr if you pass in an explicit frame parameter. This can be useful for self-tests using screenshots, and for using stb-tester's image-matching with other frameworks such as Selenium.

  • Python API: wait_for_motion reports the time when the motion started, not the time after consecutive_frames of motion have elapsed.

  • Python API: MotionResult now defines __nonzero__. This means you can write if result: rather than having to write if result.motion. This is a minor ergonomic improvement for consistency with MatchResult and TextMatchResult.

  • The way motion detection is visualised on the output video has changed. Instead of colouring the in-motion areas red we draw a red rectangle around the area with motion. This is consistent to the match visualisation.

  • The debug log output of match, wait_for_match and match_text shows the matching region as (x, y, right, bottom) instead of (x, y, width, height).

  • stbt lint automatically hides some useless warnings generated by GLib, pygobject, and libdc1394.

Maintainer-visible changes
  • Video frames are now reference-counted, so we no longer need our with numpy_from_sample context manager when dealing with frames internally. We still return a copy from stbt.get_frame and stbt.frames because we haven't yet tested that users can change these frames without affecting the output video recording, but we intend to remove the copy in a future release.


New features stbt.FrameObject and stbt auto-selftest that work in tandem to make writing and maintaining tests much easier; new tool stbt virtual-stb for testing any application that can run under X (instead of testing a physical set-top box); new tool stbt-docker to run commands in a docker container that has stbt installed.

3 June 2016.

Breaking changes since 24
  • The frame parameter of the MatchResult returned from stbt.match, stbt.detect_match and stbt.wait_for_match is now read-only. Use frame.copy() if you need a writable copy.
New features
  • Python API: New base class stbt.FrameObject makes it easier to structure your test-pack according to the Frame Object pattern. For details see the stbt.FrameObject reference documentation and this tutorial.

  • Python API: New function stbt.match_all that searches for all instances of a reference image within a single video frame. It returns an iterator of zero or more MatchResult objects (one for each position in the frame where the reference image matches).

  • New tool: stbt auto-selftest captures the behaviour of Frame Objects and other helper functions that operate on screenshots, by generating doctests.

    This allows you to develop your test scripts more quickly: To implement & test your Frame Objects you only need some screenshots, so you don't need to run tests against a real set-top box to test your Frame Objects. These selftests will also catch unintended changes in the behaviour of your code when you are refactoring or changing your Frame Objects.

    For instructions see stbt auto-selftest --help and this tutorial.

  • New tool: stbt virtual-stb configures stb-tester to control and get its video from a program running on the local PC. It supports any program that can run under X11 (the "X Window System" used on Linux desktops). This can be used to test set-top box software running in emulators, or HTML5 UIs running in a browser. For example:

    • To test set-top box UIs during early development when the real hardware is not yet available.
    • As a first stage test in a continuous integration pipeline to build confidence in your implementation and in your tests before testing with real hardware. This approach can be particularly useful to reduce the cost of test maintenance.

    For instructions see stbt virtual-stb --help.

    To install on Ubuntu or Fedora, install the stb-tester-virtual-stb package (it's a separate package to avoid installing the dependencies for users who don't need virtual-stb). Note known issues with virtual-stb on Fedora.

  • New tool: stbt-docker runs the specified command in a docker container that is set up like an stb-tester ONE but without video-capture or infrared hardware.

    The docker container will have stbt and all its dependencies installed, as well as your test-pack's own dependencies as specified in config/setup/setup. This makes it easier to run stbt commands on a CI server or on a developer's PC for local test-script development, when video-capture is not needed: For example to run pylint, stbt auto-selftest, etc.

    stbt-docker is built with portability in mind so it should run on Mac OS and Windows. The only dependencies are Python and Docker. stbt-docker is self-contained and relocatable so it can be deployed as a single file with no dependency on anything else in stbt.

    stbt-docker development is done in its own git repository: See the README file there for usage & installation instructions.

  • The stbt templatematch command-line tool has been renamed to stbt match (for consistency with the Python API terminology). The old name remains as an alias, for backwards compatibility.

  • New roku remote control that uses the Roku HTTP control protocol. Stb-tester's standard key names (like "KEY_HOME") will be converted to the corresponding Roku key name, or you can use the Roku key names directly. For configuration instructions see the documentation for --control in the stbt(1) man page.

  • The x11 remote control now converts stb-tester's standard key names (like "KEY_UP") to the key names that xdotool expects. This allows you to run the same test scripts (without needing to change the key names) against a real set-top box and against an emulator running under stbt virtual-stb. You can also now specify a custom mapping of key names (see the stbt(1) man page).

  • The stbt camera calibration videos have been modified to use QR codes rather than text and OCR. This makes calibration faster, but will require the videos to be re-generated on first use.

  • stbt camera learned how to control Android TVs over adb for calibration.

Minor fixes and packaging fixes
  • When match and wait_for_match can't find the specified reference image, the error message now says the actual path & filename you specified (that is, a path relative to the test script), not an absolute path under the current working directory.

  • match_text now logs a line (when debug output is enabled) saying whether it found a match or not, much like match and wait_for_match already do. Thanks to Rinaldo Merlo for the patch.

  • The "stb-tester" packages for Ubuntu & Fedora no longer install the dependencies for the x11 remote control; they are installed by the "stb-tester-virtual-stb" package instead.


Updated to work with Ubuntu >= 14.10 and Fedora >=21; and many small additions, bugfixes, and improvements.

13 January 2016.

Breaking changes since 23
  • stbt lint no longer works with pylint < 1.0. If your distro provides an older pylint, we recommend installing a newer pylint from PyPI.
User-visible changes since 23
  • Work around a regression in PyGObject 3.13 (#305). This will allow stb-tester to work out of the box on Ubuntu >= 14.10 and Fedora >= 21.

  • Updated stbt.match_text to work with tesseract 3.04 (Ubuntu >= 15.10 and Fedora >= 23).

  • Python API: New method stbt.Region.replace to set any of the edges of a region to the given coordinates. It is similar to stbt.Region.extend, but it takes absolute coordinates within the image instead of adjusting the edge by a relative number of pixels.

  • Python API: stbt.wait_for_match and stbt.detect_match take an optional region parameter, just like stbt.match already did.

  • Python API: stbt.match_text now adds the expected text to tesseract's dictionary, which fixes some false negatives.

  • Python API: Bug fix: stbt.wait_until no longer raises an exception if you passed a functools.partial object (or an instance of a class with a __call__ method) and wait_until timed out. Thanks to Martyn Jarvis for the patch.

  • Python API: You can now raise an exception with unicode in the exception's message. Previously the testrun's failure reason would show a "UnicodeEncodeError" instead of your actual exception message.

  • The video-recording of a test run will show the name of the image that stbt.wait_for_match is searching for. Thanks to Lewis Haley for the patch.

  • stbt run will now save a screenshot at the end of all failing test runs, rather than just those which failed due to an exception with a screenshot attached.

  • The screenshot that stbt batch run saves is more likely to be relevant to the issue seen. Now we save the last frame that the test-script saw; previously we took a new screenshot at some point soon after the test-run had completed.

  • stbt batch run: New --no-html-report option to disable HTML report generation. Normally stbt batch run generates an HTML report before each testrun (so that the report shows a "running..." row for the current test) and again after the testrun (to update that row with the test's result). This report generation gets slower as you have more results because it scans all the results in the output directory each time. If you have your own reporting system, this report generation is superfluous. Apart from the "index.html" inside the testrun directory and the "index.html" one directory above it (at the root of the output directory), no other files are affected. That is, the result format on disk won't change (this on-disk result format is a public, stable API). You can still generate the HTML reports afterwards with stbt batch report.

  • stbt batch run wasn't generating HTML reports if you gave it an --output directory name with spaces.

  • stbt lint will complain if you don't use the return value from is_screen_black, match, match_text, ocr, or wait_until. When the return value from wait_until isn't used in an if statement or assigned to a variable, you've probably forgotten to use assert.

  • stbt lint will complain if the argument to wait_until isn't callable (such as a function or a lambda expression). This will catch mistakes like wait_until(is_screen_black()) when you meant to say wait_until(is_screen_black).

  • stbt lint no longer complains if the filename given to cv2.imwrite doesn't exist.


New stbt batch run --shuffle option to run test cases in a random order.

10 July 2015.

User-visible changes since 22
  • stbt batch run learned a new option: --shuffle. The --shuffle option runs the given test cases in a random order. This can be useful if you have structured your test pack as a large number of short targeted tests. You can then use:

      stbt batch run --shuffle \

    to attempt a random walk of different journeys though your set-top-box UI. This can be particularly effective at finding hard to trigger bugs and get more value out of the test-cases you have written.

    Some tests may take much longer than other tests, which will then use up a disproportionate amount of your soaking time. To work around that we measure how long each test takes the first time it is run, and use that as a weighting when choosing the next test to run attempting to equalise the time spent in each test case.

    This makes it reasonable to include both tests that take 10s and tests that take 10min in the same random soak.

  • There is new structured logging/tracing infrastructure allowing monitoring what stbt run is doing in real-time and saving this data for replay and analysis later. stbt run will write this data to file if it is given the --save-trace command-line option and will write it to the unix domain socket given by the STBT_TRACING_SOCKET environment variable.

    This is used by the stb-tester ONE to display the current status of the executing test. The tools for replay have not yet been written. For more information, including the format definition see _stbt/

  • The text drawn by stbt.draw_text and on the recorded video now fades out over a few seconds. This makes it easier to distinguish the new messages from the old messages.

Maintainer-visible changes since 22
  • Much of the code has moved from stbt/ to _stbt/ This is part of the work in progress to allow stbt to be used as a library from other Python code without having to use stbt run.

  • stbt batch run has been partially rewritten in Python for better maintainability and extendability.

  • stbt batch run now uses process groups to keep track of its children, rather than just using the process heirarchy.

  • Support for the ATEN network-controlled power supply has been rewritten in Python (from bash). (Thanks to Martyn Jarvis and YouView for the patch.)


Support for testcases as Python functions and using assert in testcases; new wait_until function; improved report formatting; support for the Aviosys USB Net Power 8800 Pro power outlet.

27 March 2015.

Note: The version numbering scheme has changed from this release onwards. Instead of "0.22" this is version "22". Stb-tester has been usable, stable, backwards-compatible software for years now so carrying a "0." is misleading and adds no information.

Breaking changes since 0.21
  • stbt run will now set the encoding of stderr and stdout to utf-8 when writing to a file or pipe (or otherwise not connected to a terminal with LANG set) rather than defaulting back to ASCII. This makes the behaviour more consistent between using stbt run (interactively) and stbt batch run which logs to a file. Previously a UnicodeEncodeError would be raised when printing a unicode string like print u"Alfonso Cuarón".

    This is the same (sensible) behaviour that Python 3 has by default.

  • stbt run and stbt batch run treat AssertionErrors as test failures, not test errors. Along with the introduction of match in stb-tester 0.21 and wait_until in this release, this provides a more composable API. See the documentation for wait_until for more details. stbt functions now (correctly) raise ValueError if the arguments passed are incorrect rather than checking for correctness with assert.

  • stbt record now creates python files with the testcase in a Python function instead of at the top level of the file. See the change to stbt run in the next section for more details.

  • MatchResult.image now returns the template image name as passed to stbt.match, rather than the absolute path to the template. This is the previously documented behaviour and allows constructs like:

      m = stbt.wait_until(
          lambda: stbt.match("success.png") or stbt.match("error.png"))
      assert m
      if m.image == "error.png":
  • Removed the noise_threshold parameter of wait_for_match, detect_match and press_until_match. This parameter had been deprecated for almost two years, since stb-tester 0.13.

  • stbt power status now always requires the outlet to be explicitly specified for network controlled PDUs, rather than printing the statuses of each outlet in some implementation-dependent format.

User-visible changes since 0.21
  • stbt run and stbt batch run can now run a specific Python function in the test file if you give the testcase name as

    For example, if you have a file that looks like this:

      import stbt
      def test_that_logo_is_shown():
      def test_that_menu_appears():

    ...then you can run one of the tests like this:

      stbt run

    This has several advantages over the existing one-test-per-file approach:

    • It encourages smaller, more descriptive testcases.
    • It makes it easier to factor out and share common code between testcases.
    • You can attach documentation or metadata to testcases (using docstrings, nose.plugins.attrib.attr, etc.) which can be queried by importing the test file and inspecting the functions.
    • It is the same approach used by nose and pytest which opens doors in the future to make use of facilities that these test frameworks provide. See our blog post for some possible future directions.

    This is the format we recommend going forward (of course the old format is still supported). We have used this format exclusively for 6+ months in a client's project and it works well. The stb-tester ONE appliance requires this format.

    We recommend that you name your testcase functions to start with "test_", for future compatibility with test frameworks like nose and pytest.

  • The video that is saved by stbt run --save-video and stbt batch run now displays the wall-clock time at the top of each frame. This makes it easier to relate timestamps from the logfiles with the video. (Thanks to Dariusz Wiatrak, Máté Szendrő, and YouView for the patch.)

  • The text drawn on the video that is saved by stbt run --save-video and stbt batch run now uses a more legible font and background, to make it easier to read. (Thanks to Máté Szendrő and YouView.)

  • API: New function wait_until runs any given function or lambda expression until it succeeds, or until a timeout. This provides the waiting behaviour of wait_for_match, but more general -- you can use it to look for a match or the absence of a match, you can use it with match_text, is_screen_black, user-defined functions, etc. See the API documentation for more details.

  • report: The stbt batch run report now uses a logarithmic y-axis for test duration, so the graph is still readable when there are very long test runs alongside shorter ones.

  • report: Improved table layout so that it doesn't overflow into the right-hand details pane if the window is too small. We don't allow table rows to overflow, so the row height for each testrun is consistent and neater. We also truncate the cell contents (such as the failure-reason column) using CSS instead of truncating it in the HTML; this allows the full text of the table cell to be searchable from the search box at the top of the report.

  • API: is_screen_black() now no longer requires a frame to be passed in. If one is not specified it will be grabbed from live video, much like match().

  • stbt power: Added support for "Aviosys USB Net Power 8800 Pro" USB-controlled power outlets.

Bugfixes and packaging fixes since 0.21
  • stbt camera calibrate no longer hangs during colour calibration (#264)

  • report: Fixed filtering results for columns where the first row could be confused as a date, because the date matching regex was too broad.

  • stbt batch run will no longer skip tests if the test-script reads data on stdin.

Maintainer-visible changes since 0.21
  • stbt power is now implemented in Python rather than bash, although for the time being it still calls back into the bash implementation to control/query the ATEN, IP Power 9258 and PDUeX KWX outlets. Users of these PDUs are encouraged to contribute Python implementations and automated tests for these devices.


Composable API, match_text, stbt camera, triaging improvements

12 Dec 2014.

Breaking changes since 0.20
  • The internal representation of Region has changed from (x, y, right, bottom) to (x, y, width, height). The constructor Region(x, y, width, height), and the width and height properties, remain for backward compatibility, so this is not intended as an externally visible change. However, some details may leak through the cracks. These include:

    • The string returned by __repr__ lists right and bottom rather than width and height. This is necessary as repr should be unambiguous.
    • If you use subscripting to get at the internal representation of the Region (e.g. region[2:]) this will now return right and bottom.
  • stbt batch run now exits with non-zero exit status if any of the tests in the run failed or errored. In addition if only a single test was executed a single time stbt batch run will propogate the exit status through. This, in combination with the -1 option makes it easier to use from and integrate with external CI systems and makes it possible to use stbt batch run as a better stbt run.

  • stbt.ConfigurationError now inherits from Exception instead of stbt.UITestError. (In future we may replace UITestError throughout stbt -- see #86.)

User-visible changes since 0.20
  • Added new API stbt.match which was previously conspicuous in its absence. It checks a single frame of video and returns a MatchResult.

    MatchResults can now be treated as a boolean. Together, this makes it much easier to compose matching operations in user code. For example:

      assert stbt.match('template.png') or stbt.match('template2.png')
  • Added new API stbt.match_text to match text using OCR. It takes a string and returns a TextMatchResult, much like how stbt.match takes an image filename and returns a MatchResult. The TextMatchResult can be treated as a boolean, and it provides additional information such as the region of the match. It should be very helpful for UIs which consist of menus of text, which seem to be most UIs.

  • Added experimental support for testing TVs by capturing video from a camera. Install the stb-tester-camera package and use stbt --with-experimental to enable. We call it "experimental" because in the future we intend to change some aspects of the implementation, the calibration process, the command-line API, and the configuration options. For instructions see

  • Added new "x11" remote-control type for sending keypresses to an X display. It can be used with GStreamer's ximagesrc for testing desktop applications and websites. For details see the documentation for --control in the stbt(1) man page.

  • The videos recorded by stbt batch run are now shown inline in the HTML report using the HTML5 video tag. This looks great and makes triage easier.

  • The search/filter functionality of the stbt batch html reports is now hooked up to the URL's querystring, so you can share a link to a subset of the report.

  • stbt batch run has a new -o flag to specify the output directory where you want the report and test-run logs to be saved. If not specified it defaults to the existing behaviour, which is to write to the current working directory.

  • The STBT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable can now specify multiple config files, separated by a colon. Files specified earlier in the list are searched first.

  • Region now has convenience methods extend and translate and the function intersect to make it easier to receive a region, modify it and then pass it to another function.

  • Region.ALL represents the entire 2D frame from -∞ to +∞ in both the x and y directions. This is useful to pass to functions that take a region= parameter to say that we want the whole frame considered.

    In 0.20, stbt.ocr's region parameter defaulted to None, which meant to use the whole image for OCR. Region.ALL is the new default value with the same meaning. Passing region=None to ocr is still supported but deprecated; in the future we may change its meaning to mean the empty region, for consistency with Region.intersect.

  • The MatchResult object returned by match and wait_for_match now includes the region of the match, not just the top-left position. This makes it convenient to pass the region to other functions, for example to read the text next to an icon:

      m = stbt.wait_for_match('icon.png')
      text = stbt.ocr(region=m.region.extend(right=200))
  • is_screen_black logs debug images to stbt-debug when additional debugging is enabled with stbt run -vv, similar to wait_for_match etc.

  • The location of the keymap file used by the interactive stbt control command can now be specified in the control.keymap configuration key. Previously this could only be specified on the stbt control command line, with --keymap. It still defaults to ~/.config/stbt/control.conf.

  • and stbt.draw_text now draw a black background behind the text drawn to the saved video, so that the text is legible against light backgrounds.

Bugfixes and packaging fixes
  • stbt.debug no longer raises UnicodeEncodeError when writing a unicode string and stbt's output is redirected to a file. This was most visible when stbt.ocr, which calls stbt.debug internally, was finding non-English text.

  • Fixed using stbt.ocr's optional tesseract_config, tesseract_user_words and tesseract_user_patterns parameters on Fedora. Previously, attempting to use these would raise a RuntimeError saying "Installation error: Cannot locate tessdata directory".

  • Fixed stbt run crash when using GStreamer 1.4.

  • stbt batch run can now store results in a VirtualBox shared folder (or similar filesystems that don't allow fifos).

  • The Fedora package now installs libvpx if it's missing -- we need it for the videos recorded by stbt batch run and stbt run --save-video.

Maintainer-visible changes since 0.20
  • The python module has been split into a python package (stbt/, stbt/, etc). This is for code organisation and (in future) flexibility in deployment. Users of the public API (that is, test scripts) should continue to use the same API (for example stbt.get_config not stbt.config.get_config).

  • stbt.ocr now honours the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable, so you can test a locally-built version of tesseract.


Stb-tester ported to GStreamer 1; OCR accuracy improvements

6 Jun 2014.

For upgrade instructions from 0.18, see the release notes for the 0.19 beta release.

Thanks to Lewis Haley and Máté Szendrő for extensive testing, bug reports, and patches.

Breaking changes since 0.19 beta
  • stbt.ocr returns a unicode object rather than a string.
  • Note that 0.19 beta introduces significant breaking changes (to your stbt configuration files, not to your test scripts) from 0.18; see the 0.19 beta release notes for details.
User-visible changes since 0.19 beta

Changes to the Python API:

  • Improvements to OCR (optical character recognition):
    • Accuracy improvements (see this blog post for details).
    • Callers of stbt.ocr can specify the expected language.
    • Callers of stbt.ocr can pass custom dictionaries and custom patterns to tesseract (the OCR engine that stb-tester uses).
    • Callers of stbt.ocr can fine-tune any of tesseract's paramaters. Note that the effect, and even existence, of these parameters can vary from one version of tesseract to another.
    • For details see the stbt.ocr API documentation and OCR Tips.
    • stbt.ocr debug (enabled with stbt run -v) reports the region you specified.
    • stb-tester/tests/ is a script that you can use to measure the effect of changing OCR parameters against your own private corpus of test screenshots.
  • stbt.Region has new convenience methods to create a Region from x & y coordinates instead of width & height, and to check if a Region is contained within another. For details see the stbt.Region API documentation.
  • stbt.debug output is now UTF-8.

Changes to the command-line tools:

  • Improve stbt run latency on slow computers and after video-capture device restarts (issue #137, introduced in 0.19).
  • stbt power supports the ATEN brand of network-controlled power distribution units (thanks to Aiman Baharna).
  • stbt tv fixed on OS X (broken in 0.19 in the port to GStreamer 1).
  • stbt lint gives a better error message when no arguments are given.
  • stbt control no longer needs nose (a python testing tool) to run. (Dependency introduced in 0.19.)
  • stbt screenshot skips the first frame, because some V4L video-capture hardware delivers a single black frame before the real video stream.
  • stbt batch run classifies Blackmagic Intensity Pro problems correctly (broken in 0.19).
  • Fixed deprecation warning printed by stbt templatematch (introduced in 0.19).
  • stbt run with GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR defined will now dump the debugging information for the appropriate pipeline. Previously we dumped debugging information for the source pipeline, even if the error came from the sink pipeline.
  • All stbt run debug output is UTF-8.
  • stbt run -vv image-matching debug output shows more precise values for the threshold of the first pass of the image processing algorithm.

Other changes:

  • The report generated by stbt batch has improved the presentation of the currently-selected row: Instead of highlighting it in blue, you can still see the green/red/yellow colour so you can tell whether that test-run passed or failed.
  • The Virtual Machine creation script in extra/vm/ is now based on Ubuntu 14.04 (instead of 12.04) and installs stb-tester 0.20 from the Ubuntu PPA (instead of installing the version of stb-tester from your source checkout on the host machine).
  • Ubuntu packaging fixes: The stb-tester package now installs lsof (used by stbt batch run if you're using the Blackmagic Intensity Pro video-capture card), gstreamer1.0-libav (for H.264 decoder if you're using a video-capture device that provides H.264-encoded video; on Fedora you have to install this manually from rpmfusion), and the tesseract-ocr English language data.
  • Fedora packaging fixes: The stb-tester package now installs lsof, gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras (for the GStreamer decklinksrc element for the Blackmagic Intensity Pro).
Maintainer-visible changes since 0.19 beta
  • make check now passes with pylint 1.x (and it continues to pass with pylint 0.x).
  • The tarball generated by make dist is more deterministic (running make dist twice should now result in tarballs with the same checksum -- at least when running make dist on the same machine).


BETA RELEASE: Packaging fixes to 0.19

9 Apr 2014.

The 0.19 pre-built package wouldn't install on Fedora 19. Fedora 20 users are unaffected.


BETA RELEASE: Stb-tester ported to GStreamer 1.

4 Apr 2014.

0.19 is a beta release that is incompatible with your existing source_pipeline (and possibly sink_pipeline) configuration. No changes are needed to your test scripts themselves.

Please test this release and give us your feedback on the mailing list.

Installation instructions on Fedora 19 or 20

Fedora pre-built packages have moved from the OpenSuse Build Service to Fedora Copr (a new service from Fedora similar to Ubuntu's PPAs).

This means that existing users of stb-tester won't accidentally upgrade to an incompatible version if they do yum upgrade. All future versions of stb-tester will be released via Fedora Copr.

  • Remove your existing stb-tester yum repository (if applicable):

      sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/home:stb-tester.repo
  • Add the appropriate Copr repository. For Fedora 20:

      sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/stb-tester.repo \


    or for Fedora 19:

      sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/stb-tester.repo \

  • Install stb-tester:

      sudo yum install stb-tester
Installation instructions on Ubuntu 13.10

Starting from stb-tester 0.19 we provide pre-built packages for Ubuntu 13.10. If you had previously installed stb-tester from source, remember to uninstall that version.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common  # for "add-apt-repository"
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stb-tester/stb-tester
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stb-tester
Configuration changes

See "Porting from GStreamer 0.10 to GStreamer 1.0" in the stb-tester documentation.

Known issues

The HDPVR doesn't work with GStreamer 1's gst-plugins-good < 1.2.4.

As of this writing, 1.2.4 hasn't been released yet, so we have provided patched gstreamer1-plugins-good packages for Fedora 19 and 20 at the above Copr repository.

See also the list of known issues on github.

Breaking changes
  • Stb-tester ported to GStreamer 1.

    GStreamer 1 has been out for a year and a half now. The previous version of GStreamer, 0.10, is unsupported by the GStreamer project and thus no longer receives new features or bug fixes.

    GStreamer 1 isn't ABI or API compatible with GStreamer 0.10, but the only thing that stb-tester users need to change is their source_pipeline configuration. See "Porting from GStreamer 0.10 to GStreamer 1.0" in the stb-tester documentation.

  • stbt run passes optional arguments after script name to the script.

    Previously the following command-line would pass --source-pipeline=... to stbt run:

      stbt run --source-pipeline=videotestsrc

    ...whereas now --source-pipeline=... will be passed to the test script Options to stbt run must be passed before the test script name, like this:

      stbt run --source-pipeline=videotestsrc

    This change allows test scripts to take optional arguments of their own.

Other major new features
  • The template image passed to wait_for_match and detect_match can be an OpenCV image (that is, a numpy array). This allows template images to be created on-the-fly without having to write intermediate image files to disk. See commit [2c276e36] for some example uses.

  • Setting the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR environment variable will dump a graph of your GStreamer pipeline if an error occurs. This is useful for debugging problems in your source_pipeline configuration. See commit [7b3eaf33] for details.

  • New "samsung" control that can be used instead of an infrared emitter to control recent Samsung Smart TVs. Use control=samsung:<hostname> in the global section of your configuration file.

Minor changes
  • stbt.as_precondition preserves the screenshot from intercepted failures.
  • stbt.ocr doesn't print "Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.02.02 with Leptonica" to standard error.
  • Text read by stbt.ocr is printed when debug logging is enabled (with stbt run -v).
  • stbt.MatchTimeout and stbt.MotionTimeout error messages show timeout values smaller than 1 (previously they would show "0" instead of, for example, "0.5").
  • stbt.wait_for_match per-frame debug output includes the template filename.
  • The html debug visualisation created by stbt run -vv shows the region-of-interest found by the first pass of the image-matching algorithm.
  • stbt control detects duplicate keyboard keys in the keymap file.
  • stbt lint doesn't refuse to work with pylint 1.x.
  • stbt lint doesn't consider the string ".png" (on its own) as a missing image file.
  • stbt power returns the correct exit status when given invalid outlet.
  • stbt batch run supports test scripts not in a git repository.
  • stbt batch run only saves a screenshot if stbt run didn't already save one from a MatchTimeout exception.
  • stbt batch run -t supports tags containing spaces (you'll have to quote the tag so that the shell passes the entire string including spaces as the argument to -t: stbt batch run -t "my tag" ...).
  • If you interactively edit the "failure reason" or "notes" field in the reports hosted by stbt batch instaweb, the main table is updated immediately.
  • The Fedora package installs missing dependencies for stbt batch run and stbt batch instaweb.
  • The Fedora package doesn't overwrite a user-modified /etc/stbt/stbt.conf.

Thanks to Lewis Haley, Máté Szendrő, and Pete Hemery for their contributions to this release.


Bulk test runner & reporting; text recognition (OCR)

28 Jan 2014.

New tool stbt batch runs stb-tester scripts (once, or repeatedly if you want a soak test) and generates an interactive html report. For documentation and an example of the report see; see also stbt batch --help and This was previously available in the source distribution under extra/runner; now it is installed as stbt batch by make install and the RPM.

New python function stbt.ocr performs Optical Character Recognition and returns a string containing the text present in the video frame.

New python function stbt.is_screen_black checks for a black screen (with an optional mask). This is useful for measuring the time between channel changes. See the unit test test_using_frames_to_measure_black_screen for an example of usage.

New python function stbt.as_precondition to help manage which errors appear as failures (red) or as errors (yellow) in the report generated by stbt batch. For more details see now takes a new optional parameter interpress_delay_secs to ensure a minimum delay between subsequent key presses. This is to accommodate systems-under-test that don't register infrared signals if they are sent too closely together. The default value is read from press.interpress_delay_secs in the stbt configuration file, and defaults to 0.0.

Minor changes:

  • When wait_for_match raises a MatchTimeout exception, the screenshot member of the exception object is the exact frame that wait_for_match saw. (Previously, the screenshot was a frame captured slighly afterwards.) This also affects the screenshot saved by stbt run when the script terminates due to an unhandled MatchTimeout exception.

  • Fixed incorrect first-pass "matched" text in the match-related debug visualisation created in stbt-debug/ by stbt run -vv or stbt templatematch -v.

  • The tab-completion for stbt templatematch correctly completes the possible values for the match_method and confirm_method arguments.


Image matching optimisation; support for Teradek VidiU; stbt.press_until_match configuration; html summary of debug images; stbt lint; stbt tv -l.

17 Dec 2013.

Major user-visible changes:

  • stbt.wait_for_match and stbt.detect_match are now much faster in most cases (6 to 12 times faster according to my measurements), thanks to a performance optimisation called "pyramid matching" where scaled-down versions of the video frame and reference image are compared first to narrow down the region of interest for the match algorithm at the full-sized resolution. This optimisation is enabled by default; it shouldn't affect the behaviour, but you can disable it by setting match.pyramid_levels in your configuration file to 1.

  • stbt run end-of-stream handling to better support the behaviour of the Teradek VidiU, a video-capture device that delivers an RTMP stream over the network.

  • stbt.press_until_match parameters interval_secs and max_presses can be set globally in your configuration file, in section [press_until_match]. Being able to change interval_secs without updating all your scripts is useful because press_until_match can be sensitive to timing issues, depending on your hardware configuration. See commit [e1a32b97] for details.

  • The debug images generated by stbt run -vv or stbt templatematch -v are now supplemented by an HTML file that serves as a guide to understanding the images.

  • stbt lint is a new tool that runs pylint over stb-tester scripts, with a custom pylint plugin that checks image paths given to stbt.wait_for_match (and similar functions) to ensure that the images exist on disk. See commit [96afe36d] for details on using stbt lint and on configuring pylint. Requires pylint 0.x (as of this writing, pylint 1.0 contains serious bugs and incompatibilities).

  • stbt tv -l will stream live video to another computer on the network; see stbt tv --help for details.

Minor user-visible changes and bugfixes:

  • stbt.get_config takes a type_ parameter, and raises ConfigurationError if the specified configuration value cannot be converted to the specified type.

  • stbt.MatchParameters checks the values given for match_method and confirm_method (previously, unexpected values of confirm_method were being treated as "absdiff").

  • Improved error messages when the reference image is larger than the source video frame.

  • Fix an uncommon null dereference error when stbt run is tearing down.

  • When the video-capture device is a Blackmagic Intensity Pro, stbt screenshot first captures a few seconds of video before taking the screenshot; Blackmagic cards have a known defect where the first few frames of video have a magenta or purple tint.

  • stbt tv will display the correct aspect ratio on screens smaller than the video stream.

  • stbt power now uses the HTTP interface of PDUeX network-controlled power supply units, instead of the SSH interface. This is to avoid lock-ups of the SSH interface, where it consistently refuses to accept connections after about a week of uptime.

Changes to the extra scripts in the source code repository:

  • Added plot of testrun durations to the HTML report generated by the bulk test-runner script in extra/runner.

  • Display Wilson Score confidence intervals instead of a single percentage, in the HTML report.

  • Minor bugfixes and usability improvements to the bulk test-runner script and report.

  • The Virtual Machine setup scripts in extra/vm install and configure an RTMP server, for users of Teradek VidiU video-capture hardware.

Changes visible to developers of stb-tester:

  • make check uses fakesink instead of ximagesink, so it doesn't pop up lots of X Windows that interfere with your typing.

  • tests/ accepts a test-suite filename as a command-line argument, to run just the self-tests in that file (for example

  • Self-tests can now return 77 to indicate a skipped test.

  • Fixed some race conditions in the self-tests.


stbt.wait_for_motion configuration; stbt.draw_text; error handling; stbt run --restart-source flag; irNetBox proxy

4 October 2013.

The default values for the noise_threshold and consecutive_frames parameters to stbt.wait_for_motion and stbt.detect_motion can now be set globally in the stbt configuration file. See the API documentation for details.

stbt.draw_text overlays the specified text on the video output. It is much easier to understand a test run if the video contains descriptions like "about to reboot" or "navigating to menu X". Note that since 0.15, draws the name of the pressed key on the video; now we expose the same functionality to user scripts. now waits for a reply from the underlying LIRC or irNetBox hardware before returning, and raises Exception if the reply timed out or indicated an error.

The global.restart_source configuration item is now documented, and can also be enabled on the stbt run or stbt record command line (with --restart-source). This causes the GStreamer source pipeline to be restarted when no video is detected for 10 seconds, to work around the behaviour of the Hauppauge HD PVR video-capture device upon HDMI renegotiation or other transient loss of input video signal.

irnetbox-proxy is a new utility to overcome a limitation of the RedRat irNetBox network-controlled infrared emitter. irnetbox-proxy behaves like a real irNetBox, except that unlike a real irNetBox it accepts multiple simultaneous TCP connections from different clients (and forwards requests to a real irNetBox over a single TCP connection).

stbt templatematch is around ~10x faster (only the command-line tool, not image matching in stbt run).

Python scripts run with stbt run can now access their real path in __file__ and can import modules from the script's own directory (the same behaviour you get when you run a python script directly with python).


stbt power; stbt control can be used with stbt record; test scripts can take command-line arguments; shows key pressed in output video

19 August 2013.

stbt power is a new command-line tool to switch on and off a network-controllable power supply. See stbt power --help for details. stbt power currently supports the following devices:

  • IP Power 9258, a family of devices sold under various brand names, for example Aviosys.
  • The KWX product line from PDUeX.

stbt control, the interactive keyboard-based remote control input, can now be used as input for stbt record. Use --control-recorder=stbt-control. See the stbt(1) man page and stbt control --help for details.

stbt run now passes excess command-line arguments on to the test script. This allows you to run the same script with different arguments when you need to run multiple permutations of a test case. now draws the name of the pressed key on the output video. This makes it a lot easier to understand what is happening when watching a test run, and more importantly, when triaging a failed test from its recorded video.

The restart_source behaviour of stbt run and stbt record now works correctly with the Hauppauge HDPVR video-capture device. (This was broken since 0.14.)

Minor user-visible fixes:

  • stbt.frames() doesn't deadlock if called again when the iterator returned from a previous call is still alive.
  • stbt run and stbt record now honour global.verbose in the configuration file.
  • stbt run standard output includes the exception typename when a test script fails due to an unhandled exception.
  • stbt record fails immediately if no video is available (instead of failing after the second keypress of input).
  • stbt control now allows mapping the Escape key to a remote-control button.
  • stbt control displays a readable error message when the terminal is too small.
  • stbt control doesn't fail when you send keypresses too quickly.
  • stbt tv works correctly in a VirtualBox VM.
  • stbt screenshot takes an optional filename argument (overriding the default of screenshot.png).
  • stbt screenshot and stbt templatematch don't save a video if run.save_video is set in the user's configuration file.

Additionally, the following scripts are available from the source repository:


Arbitrary image processing in user scripts; stbt control; --save-video; miscellaneous improvements

9 July 2013.

stbt.frames allows a user's script to iterate over raw video frames in the OpenCV format (i.e. a numpy array). This allows a user's script to perform arbitrary image processing using the OpenCV python bindings. For an example see the self-test "test_using_frames_to_measure_black_screen". Note that detect_match, wait_for_match, detect_motion, etc. are now implemented on top of frames. get_frame and save_frame also return/operate on the OpenCV format.

stbt control is a new command-line tool to send remote control commands programmatically (from a script) or interactively (with the PC keyboard). The interactive mode requires a keymap file specifying the keyboard keys that correspond to each remote-control button. See stbt control --help for details.

stbt run accepts --save-video on the command line (or [run] save_video in the config file) to record a video to disk. The video's format is WebM, which is playable in web browsers that support the HTML5 video standard.

stbt run has always restarted the GStreamer source pipeline when video loss is detected, to work around the behaviour of the Hauppauge HD PVR video-capture device. Now this behaviour is configurable; if you use the Hauppauge HD PVR you should set restart_source = True in the [global] section of your stbt config file.

Minor user-visible fixes:

  • The default value for wait_for_motion consecutive_frames has changed from 10 to "10/20", as promised in the 0.12 release notes. This shouldn't affect most users.

  • The wait_for_motion visualisation has improved: It now highlights in red the parts of the screen where motion was detected, instead of flashing the entire screen red when motion was detected.

  • wait_for_match (and detect_match, wait_for_motion, etc.) raise stbt.NoVideo instead of stbt.MatchTimeout (etc.) when there is no video available from the video-capture device.

  • The GLib main loop, and the source-restarting functionality, operate continuously, not just inside wait_for_match (etc). User scripts that expect momentary video loss (e.g. scripts that reboot the device-under-test) can now be written as:

    wait_for_match("splash.png", timeout_secs=30)

    instead of:

  • stbt record now has the same recover-from-video-loss capability that stbt run has.

  • stbt.get_config works from scripts run with python (not just from scripts run with stbt run).

  • stbt.get_config accepts an optional default parameter, to return the specified default value instead of raising ConfigurationError if the specified section or key are not found in the config file.

Major changes under the covers (not visible to end users):

  • The image processing algorithms are implemented in using the OpenCV python bindings. Performance isn't significantly affected. This simplifies the code substantially; the stbt-templatematch and stbt-motiondetect GStreamer elements are no longer necessary.

  • make check runs the self-tests in parallel if you have GNU parallel installed (On Fedora: yum install parallel).


Image-matching algorithm is more configurable; changes to configuration API

21 May 2013.

Various parameters that affect the image-matching algorithm were previously hard-coded but are now configurable by the user. You can customise these parameters in individual calls to wait_for_match, detect_match, and press_for_match, or you can change the global defaults in your stbt.conf file. A new variant of the algorithm (confirm_method="normed-absdiff") has also been added, though the default algorithm remains unchanged. For details see the documentation for MatchParameters in the "test script format" section of the stbt(1) man page. See also

The noise_threshold parameter to wait_for_match, detect_match, and press_for_match is now deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. Set the confirm_threshold field of match_parameters instead.

stbt run and stbt record now support multiple LIRC-based USB infra-red emitters and/or receivers. For details see

Breaking change to the stbt.conf configuration file: If you have any of the following entries in the [run] or [record] section, move them to the [global] section:

  • control
  • source_pipeline
  • sink_pipeline
  • verbose

If you have the following entry in the [global] section, move it to the [run] section:

  • script

If you have the following entries in the [global] section, move them to the [record] section:

  • output_file
  • control_recorder

This change is unlikely to affect most users; it will only affect you if you changed the above configuration entries from their default sections. See commit [9283df1f] for the rationale of this change.

Breaking API change to the python stbt.get_config function: The function signature has changed from:

stbt.get_config(key, section="global")


stbt.get_config(section, key)

This will only affect users who have written python libraries or command-line tools that use stbt.get_config to access the stbt.conf configuration file. See commit [e87299a1] for details.

Breaking change to the stbt config command-line tool: The command-line interface has changed from:

stbt config [section] key


stbt config section.key

This will only affect users who have written command-line tools that use stbt config to access the stbt.conf configuration file. See commit [f1670cbc] for details.


New command-line tools; new stbt.get_config function; wait_for_motion non-consecutive frames

14 March 2013.

New command-line tools:

  • stbt config: Print configuration value.
  • stbt screenshot: Capture a single screenshot.
  • stbt templatematch: Compare two images.
  • stbt tv: View live video on screen.

Use stbt <command> --help for usage details, and see the git commit messages (e.g. git log stbt-screenshot) for the motivations behind each tool.

New python function stbt.get_config for stbt scripts to read from the stbt configuration file, using the search path documented in the "configuration" section of the stbt(1) man page.

To avoid false positives, wait_for_motion looks for consecutive_frames (10, by default) consecutive frames with motion. However, this can give false negatives, so the consecutive_frames parameter can now take a fraction given as a string, e.g. "10/20" looks for at least 10 frames with motion out of a sliding window of 20. In a future release we will probably make "10/20" the default.


Support for RedRat irNetBox-II; improved robustness after video loss; improved exception output

27 February 2013.

The RedRat irNetBox is a rack-mountable network-controlled infrared emitter. This release adds support for the irNetBox model II; previously only model III was supported. Thanks to Emmett Kelly for the patch.

The first wait_for_match after restarting pipeline (due to video loss) now obeys timeout_secs. Due to a bug, the total timeout in this situation used to be the specified timeout_secs plus the time the script had spent running so far (possibly many minutes!). See commit [cf57a4c2] for details.

Fixed bug observed with Blackmagic Intensity Pro video capture cards, where restarting the pipeline (after momentary video loss) caused the card to stop delivering timestamps in the video frames, causing stbt run to hang. See commit [53d5ecf3] for details.

stbt run now prints an exception's name & message, not just the stack trace. Since version 0.10, stbt wasn't printing this information for non-MatchTimeout exceptions.


Fix irNetBox connection retry

14 February 2013.

Release 0.10 was supposed to fix the irNetBox connection retry on Linux, but in fact broke it for everyone. This release fixes that, and also adds static analysis to "make check" so that this type of error doesn't happen again.


Fix irNetBox connection retry on Linux; other minor fixes

11 February 2013.

The irNetBox device only allows one TCP connection at a time, so when multiple stbt tests are using the same irNetBox simultaneously, clashes are inevitable. stbt run was supposed to retry refused connections, but this was not working on Linux due to non-portable assumptions about error numbers.

stbt run now saves a screenshot to disk for any exception with a screenshot attribute, not just stbt.MatchTimeout.

The script generated by stbt record qualifies commands with stbt. module, just to nudge people towards this best practice. In future we might stop stbt run from implicitly importing wait_for_match etc. into the top-level namespace, but for now the only change is to what stbt record produces.

Other minor fixes:

  • Better build system error messages.
  • Minor fixes to the bash tab-completion script.


Support for RedRat irNetBox; wait_for_motion more tolerant to noise

7 January 2013.

The RedRat irNetBox-III is a rack-mountable network-controlled infrared emitter with 16 separate outputs and adjustable power levels to avoid infrared interference between the systems-under-test. For further information see the --control=irnetbox configuration in the stbt man page, and commit messages [508941e] and [778d847]. Many thanks to Chris Dodge at RedRat for the donation of irNetBox hardware to the stb-tester project and of his time in answering questions.

wait_for_motion now takes a noise_threshold parameter; decrease noise_threshold to avoid false positives when dealing with noisy analogue video sources. Thanks to Emmett Kelly for the patch!

Other minor changes:

  • The remote control implementations of (Lirc, VirtualRemote, irNetBox) try to re-connect if the connection (to lircd, to the set-top box, to the irNetBox, respectively) had been dropped.

  • Build/packaging fix: Always rebuild stbt (which reports the version with stbt --version) when the version changes.

  • Minor fixes to the tab-completion script, self-tests and documentation.


Bugfixes; wait_for_match returns the MatchResult; adds get_frame, save_frame, debug

21 November 2012.

wait_for_match and press_until_match now return the MatchResult object for successful matches, and wait_for_motion returns the MotionResult. See commit [540476ff] for details.

New functions get_frame and save_frame allow capturing screenshots at arbitrary points in the user's script. New function debug allows user's scripts to print output only when stbt run "--verbose" was given. Also documented the (existing) exception hierarchy in the README / man-page.


  • Fixes a deadlock (introduced in 0.7) after GStreamer errors or video loss from the device under test.
  • Improves GStreamer pipeline restarting after transient video loss (see commit [2c434b2d] for details).
  • Fixes segfault in stbt-motiondetect GStreamer element when debugDirectory enabled with no mask.

Other minor changes:

  • The selftests now work correctly on OS X.
  • make install will rebuild stbt if given a different prefix directory than the prefix given to make stbt.


Exposes detect_match and detect_motion; removes directory argument, changes image search path

21 October 2012.

New functions detect_match and detect_motion provide low-level access to all the information provided by the stbt-templatematch and stbt-motiondetect GStreamer elements for each frame of video processed. To keep your test scripts readable, I recommend against using detect_match and detect_motion directly; they are intended for you to write helper functions that you can then use in your scripts. For an example see wait_for_match and wait_for_motion in They are now implemented in terms of detect_match and detect_motion.

wait_for_match, press_until_match and wait_for_motion no longer accept the optional directory argument. In most cases the correct upgrade path is simply to not give the directory argument from your scripts. These functions (plus detect_match and detect_motion) now search for specified template or mask images by looking in their caller's directory, then their caller's caller's directory, etc. (instead of looking only in their immediate caller's directory, or the directory specified as an argument). This allows you to write helper functions that take an image filename and then call wait_for_match. See commit message [4e5cd23c] for details.

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • stbt run no longer requires an X-Windows display (unless you're using an X-Windows sink in your pipeline).
  • wait_for_motion and detect_motion visualisation: Detected motion is highlighted in red in the output video, and masked-out portions of the frame are darkened.
  • Additional wait_for_motion logging with stbt run -vv.
  • wait_for_motion fails immediately if a mask is given but not found on the filesystem.
  • Send an end-of-stream event in the pipeline teardown; this avoids corrupted videos when using a source or sink pipeline that records video to disk.
  • Reset wait_for_match after it fails. (If the user's script caught the MatchTimeout exception and continued, the stbt-templatematch element used to remain active, consuming CPU and showing the search rectangle on the output video.) Same fix for wait_for_motion, detect_motion, etc.
  • stbt record now accepts -v (or --verbose) command-line option (stbt run already did).
  • stbt run throws exceptions for all error conditions (instead of exiting with sys.exit(1) in some cases).
  • stbt run exposes the following exceptions directly in the script's namespace (so the script can say except MatchTimeout instead of import stbt; except stbt.MatchTimeout): UITestError, UITestFailure, MatchTimeout, MotionTimeout, ConfigurationError.
  • All functions and classes exposed to user scripts are now fully documented in the man page.
  • Fixes to the self-tests: test_record wasn't reporting failures; test_wait_for_match_nonexistent_{template,match} were failing intermittently.
  • RPM spec file in extras/


Improves templatematch, adds --verbose flag, certainty renamed to noise_threshold

5 September 2012.

The templatematch algorithm is more precise (see commit [ee28b8e] for details). Taking advantage of this, wait_for_match now waits by default for only one match.

The optional parameter certainty of wait_for_match and press_until_match has been removed. Since 0.4 it actually didn't have any effect. It has been replaced with the parameter noise_threshold, a floating-point value between 0 and 1 that defaults to 0.16. Increase it to be more tolerant to noise (small differences between the desired template and the source video frame).

Debug output is disabled by default; use --verbose or -v to enable. Use -v -v (or -vv) to enable additional debug, including dumping of intermediate images by the stbt-templatematch and stbt-motiondetect GStreamer elements (this is extremely verbose, and isn't intended for end users).'s stbt-templatematch element can now be installed alongside's templatematch element.

MatchTimeout is reported correctly if the GStreamer pipeline failed to start due to a v4l2 error (even better would be to detect the v4l2 error itself).

Limit the maximum attempts to restart the pipeline in case of underrun (e.g. on loss of input video signal). Previously, stbt run attempted to restart the pipeline infinitely.

Fix make install with Ubuntu's shell (dash).

Other non-user-visible and trivial changes since 0.5:

  • stbt-templatematch bus message's parameter result is renamed to match and is now a boolean.
  • make check returns the correct exit status for failing self-tests.
  • The bash-completion script completes the --help flag.
  • Fix "unknown property debugDirectory" warning from stbt-templatematch element.


make install installs stbt{-run,-record,.py} into $libexecdir

14 August 2012.

The only difference from 0.4 is this change to install locations, for the benefit of packagers.


Adds gstreamer plugin, improved templatematch, motion detection

14 August 2012.

New "" gstreamer plugin with stbt-templatematch (copied from gst-plugins-bad and improved) and stbt-motiondetect elements.

stbt scripts can use "wait_for_motion" to assert that video is playing. "wait_for_motion" takes an optional "mask" parameter (a black-and-white image where white pixels indicate the regions to check for motion).

The improved templatematch is more robust in the presence of noise, and can detect small but significant changes against large template images.

Other changes since 0.3:

  • Bash-completion script for stbt.
  • stbt no longer reads configuration from $PWD/stbt.conf.
  • extra/jenkins-stbt-run is a shell script that illustrates how to use Jenkins (a continuous-integration system with a web interface) to schedule stbt tests and report on their results. See commit message [d5e7983] for instructions.


Fixes stbt run freezing on loss of input video.

24 July 2012.

You will still see the blue screen when input video cuts out, but now stbt run should recover after 5 - 10 seconds and continue running the test script.

Other changes since 0.2:

  • Fix VirtualRemote recorder.
  • Clearer error messages on VirtualRemote failure to connect.
  • Added certainty optional argument to press_until_match (wait_for_match already takes certainty).
  • man stbt documents the optional arguments to wait_for_match and press_until_match.


Adds configurability, IR blaster support.

6 July 2012.

Major changes since 0.1.1:

  • The source & sink gstreamer pipelines, the input & output remote control, and the input & output script filename, are all configurable.
  • Support for LIRC-based infrared emitter & receiver hardware.
  • Handle gstreamer errors.
  • Automated self-tests.


Initial internal release, with packaging fixes.

21 June 2012.

The difference from 0.1 is that make install now works correctly from a dist tarball.


Initial internal release.

21 June 2012.