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Back Story

Stefan Angelov edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Back Story

The game takes place in a world similar to our own the only difference that instead of fire, mankind discovered the magic of music. And from there on they did figure out how to cast a fire spell, but life was never the same. Everyone born with the power of music has to either come from a family of rich, famous or powerful people. And you can learn to do it, but using music magic without being born with the ability is considered illegal and is punishable by death. But then, in the year 1953, Cricko was born out, the child of the rich and famous actress Cathrina La Montein and the multimillionaire Buck Brickof, both well know as the best pianists in South Egardia. But their child was nothing like them. Cricko was born a monster, deaf and unable to create any music. Scientists coined a new term for his kind, an anti-musician, unable of creating music and only able to destroy it. Now, in the year of 1992, you (the MC) wake up in a cave with no memories of your previous life.

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