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Behind the game

Momchil Todorov edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

What you need to start your journey

This article is a little ahead of its time, though it is definitely necessary!

This game is intended to be innovative. When we finally implement this, you would definitely need a MIDI keyboard and a normal keyboard, as well. Not only is the MIDI keyboard used for fighting, but also for opening chests and doors. It is a vital component of the system due to its modularity and easy-to-use mechanics.

And of course, who plays a game without at least a speck of imagination? ;)

Starting with Unity - a real hell!

Yes, I said it! We are some of the handful of people who find Unity difficult to start with. Having programmed in an array of programming languages like C/C++, Java, Ruby, Python, Shell etc., what we found extremely difficult was not the platform itself, but the lack of scripting when you start. And let's face it - it's a whole different perspective of programming. It's no longer just you and the terminal, best friends for eternity, you have so many tools to work with that it is quite intimidating to even start with it. Worry not, though, for we have power, as well! ... Or that's what we told ourselves so as to not give up. Eventually, we had to start from somewhere, we started planning the game with the clear view that only the demo will be done for 2 months and so it went!


Just because I was a rebel, there are a few files that are not named by convention a 'controller'. Although we should never forget the importance of conventions in the life of software developers, I thought that just by not obeying the convention, I was having sort of power over the script, like I was the master, and it - the slave. It's actually my ultimate tactic when it comes to embarking on a new technology - just take something and change whatever you can - even something as minimalistic as the name of the script in my case - so as to make it yours, feel like you can programme in your target language as if it were your mother tongue!

But let's get down to business, shall we? This script is quite descriptive on its own, nevertheless, it deserves its '5 minutes of fame' in this resemblance of a documentation. #to be continued

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