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Visual Studio Extension for Google Cloud Platform

This repo contains the source code for the Visual Studio Extension for Google Cloud Platform.

To build and install the extension you will need to have Visual Studio 2015, with Update 3 as the recommended update level. You will need the the Visual Studio SDK feature installed to be able to develop and build the extension. After that just open the .sln file and build it, that is really it. If you get an error during the restoration of the NuGet packages ensure that you have enabled as a source in the NuGet Package Manager.

Support for Visual Studio 2017

To support Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015 we are going to buid the extension on Visual Studio 2015.

Build tools

To support VS 2017 we're going to use the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.14.0 package, instead of the current package being used Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools. The reason is that the new package supports producing the new VSIX 3 format, which is the format supported by VS 2017.

The problem that using the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.14.0 brings is that there's a bug in the tools that makes the build fail because the .vsix package fails to be extracted to the experimental instance. This is normally done to allow easy debugging of the extension. To make sure that the build suceeds we have disabled the automatic deployment of the .vsix package.

To continue being able to easily debug the extension we need to deploy the package by hand ourselves. I have created a small tools called vsix-tool that can install the .vsix package in the experimental instance. Use this tool after a build and before you press F5 to debug the extension

Because we work exclusively on VS 2015, to debug the extension to VS 2017 you need to just install the extension to it and debug the shell as it runs.

Dependencies on Google Cloud SDK

The Visual Studio extension depends on the Cloud SDK for certain functionality, make sure that you have at least version 146.0.0 of the Cloud SDK installed when running the extension.

You can install the Google Cloud SDK from You will also need to make sure that you have the "beta" and "kubectl" components.

  • The "beta" component is used for Windows VMs password management and for the deployment ASP.NET Core apps to App Engine Flex.
  • The "kubectl" component is used for interactions with Google Container Engine.

You can make sure that you have all the necessary components installed by running the command:

gcloud components install beta kubectl


We use appveyor to build on every push to this branch, the latest release build of the extension for the master branch can be found here.


To get help on using the Visual Studio Extension, please log an issue with this project. While we will eventually be able to offer support on Stack Overflow or a Google+ community, for now your best bet is to report issues in this Github project.

Patches are encouraged, and may be submitted by forking this project and submitting a Pull Request. See for more information.


Apache 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.




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