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Docker Deployment

Aritro Sinha edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

If you want to deploy GoNorth without using Docker you can find more details in the Deployment wiki page
If you want to use an installer you can find more details in the Installer Deployment wiki page

Installing Docker

Docker is an open-source software that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software packages in containers.
If you dont have it installed already, follow the steps described here to install docker.

Run Docker from repository

The GoNorth repository contains a dockerfile as well as a docker compose file. You can use those to start a docker image from the cloned source code.
To do so the following steps are required:

  • Create the docker volumes by running If you are on windows, just run all the commands inside the file.
    Please note: Since the paths inside this script are relative paths you must make sure your working directory is set to the checked out GoNorth source repository. To do use the command cd PATH_TO_GONORTH (replace PATH_TO_GONORTH with the actual path).
  • Open appsettings.docker.json and enter a first time deployment password, for example "Deploy".
  • Build GoNorth using the following command: docker-compose up --build
  • Once this command has finished GoNorth will be available at http://localhost:5000/
  • To create your admin account navigate to http://localhost:5000/Deployment
  • Enter the password you specified in the appsettings.json for the "FirstTimeDeploymentPassword" Key in the Text Field "First Time Deployment Password". If you used the example, that would be "Deploy".
  • Enter your Username, E-Mail Address and a Password. The password must have at least 8 characters. The password must have 1 digit and 1 uppercase character.
  • Press Save to create your admin account
  • You can now login at http://localhost:5000/ using the new account
  • Navigate to the administration area using the NavBar at the top
  • Create a default project:
    • Select Project Management on the left of the admin page
    • Click "Create Project"
    • Enter your project name (you can rename it later on, no worries)
    • Important: Click the checkbox Default Project.
    • More details in the Administration Wiki Page
  • Assign all roles to your admin account:
    • Click the Star Icon on the right of your user to edit your roles
    • Select all roles and click Add role
    • Click save to assign the roles
    • More details in the Administration Wiki Page
  • Logout and login back in again to make sure the new roles get active
  • You are now ready to use GoNorth
  • Next time you want to start GoNorth you can simply run docker-compose up, omitting the --build parameter.