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Tale is the dialog editing component of GoNorth. You can access this by navigating to an npc in Kortisto and then pressing the Dialog button at the top.
Please note: While a user edits a dialog this dialog will be readonly for other users to prevent them from overwriting each others changes.
On the page you will see the following buttons at the top:
- Save: Saves the current dialog
- Mark as implemented: This button will only be visible if you are a member of the Implementation Status Tracker role. If the current dialog is not implemented you can click on this button to see the changes to the dialog and flag it as implemented. If the current dialog is already implemented this button will be labeled with implemented and be disabled.
- Statistics: This displays a dialog which shows dialog statistics. See below for details.
- Back to npc: By clicking this button you will return to the npc to which the dialog belongs.
Below the buttons you will find the available nodes. You can drag a node into the node graph below to add it to the dialog.
The following nodes are available:
- Player line: A simple text line said by the player
- Npc line: A simple text line said by the npc
Choice: A choice for the player to select an answer. By pressing the "+" at the top next to the "x" you can add a new choice. Next to each choice you find the following icons:
- Arrows: Using the arrows you can rearrange the the different choices
- Question Mark: By pressing the question mark you can edit the condition which controls if the choice should be shown or not. You can find more details in the section condition dialog below.
- Circle arrow: By clicking this icon you can toogle if the answer can be said multiple times or just once.
- Trash bin: By clicking this icon you can delete the choice
Action: An action to trigger. The following actions are available:
- Change player value: Change a value of the player. This can be used for training or paying gold etc.
- Change npc value: Change the value of the npc to which the dialog belongs.
- Spawn item in player inventory: Spawn a new item in the player inventory
- Spawn item in npc inventory: Spawn a new item in the npc inventory
- Give item to the player: Removes an item from the npc inventory and add it to the player inventory
- Give item to the npc: Removes an item from the player inventory and add it to the npc inventory
- Spawn item in choose npc inventory: Allows you to select an item and an npc. The selected item will be spawned in the inventory of the selected npc
- Remove item from choose npc inventory: Allows you to select an item and an npc. The selected item will be removed from the inventory of the selected npc
- Change pick quest value: Allows you to pick a quest and change a value of this quest (like counting found objectives etc.)
- Change quest state: Allows you to change the state of a quest
- Add quest text: Allows you to add text to a quest log
- Wait: Allows you to specify an amount of time to wait. The time can be specified in real time or game time. This action has two output ports: One output port that will be run once the timeout has finished and one to directly continue the flow without waiting. This can be useful if you want to continue the dialog, but trigger some quest changes or similar after a certain amount of time.
- Change player state: Allows you to change the state of the player. If you are using a state machine for npcs you can use this as a state in the state machine, if not you can use this to specify if the player is confused for example. You can configure proposed states in the Project config.
- Change npc state: Allows you to change the state of the npc. If you are using a state machine for npcs you can use this as a state in the state machine, if not you can use this to specify if the npc is angry for example. You can configure proposed states in the Project config.
- Player learns skill: Allows you to select a skill the player learns
- Player forgets skills: Allows you to select a skill the player forgets
- Npc learns skill: Allows you to select a skill the npc learns
- Npc forgets skills: Allows you to select a skill the npc forgets
- Change player skill value: Allows you to select a skill of the player and change the value of the skill.
- Change player skill value: Allows you to select a skill of the npc and change the value of the skill.
- Save dialog state: Marks this point in the dialog as a continue point if the dialog is stopped and the player talks to the npc again. This way you can mark the dialog state after an introduction and the next time the player talks to the npc the dialog will continue at this state.
- Open shop: Allows you to mark the start of a trade between the player and the npc.
- Play npc animation: Allows you to specify an animation that must be played for the npc. You can configure a list of animations that will be proposed in the Project config. But you will be able to also enter a different animation. This way you can have unqiue animations for some npcs and prevent flooding of the proposed animations.
- Play player animation: Allows you to specify an animation that must be played for the player. You can configure a list of animations that will be proposed in the Project config. But you will be able to also enter a different animation. This way you can have unqiue animations for some npcs and prevent flooding of the proposed animations.
- Script code: This action can be used if a you have to implement a special action that can not be covered using the node system. For this the action allows you to open a code editor and enter any script code you want. You will have to specify a name for the script for better usability.
- Show text above npc: Using this action you can show a floating text above the npc.
- Show text above player: Using this action you can show a floating text above the player.
- Show text above pick npc: Using this action you can show a floating text above the any npc. You can use a dialog to select the npc above which the text must be shown.
- Fade to black: By using this action you can fade the screen to black (for example if you want to change the time or teleport the player). You can specify how long it will take to fade the screen to black.
- Fade from black: By using this action you can fade the screen back to normal after fading it to black before. You can specify how long it will take to fade the screen back to normal.
- Set game time: Allows you to set the game time. If your project is not using a 24 hour day, you can change this in the Project Config.
- Disable daily routine event: This action disabled the daily routine event of an npc. You can pick the daily routine by searching for the npc and then expanding it to select the daily routine.
- Enable daily routine event: This action enables the daily routine event of an npc. You can pick the daily routine by searching for the npc and then expanding it to select the daily routine.
- Teleport npc: This action will teleport the npc to a target marker. You will have to specify an export name for a marker to be able to find it in the picker dialog, check the Karta wiki page for details.
- Teleport player: This action will teleport the player to a target marker. You will have to specify an export name for a marker to be able to find it in the picker dialog, check the [Karta](/steffendx/GoNorth/wiki/ Karta#editing-markers) wiki page for details.
- Teleport pick npc: This action allows you to pick an npc using a picker dialog and a target marker to which this npc will be teleported. You will have to specify an export name for a marker to be able to find it in the picker dialog, check the Karta wiki page for details.
Walk npc: This action will make the npc walk to a target marker. You will have to specify an export name for a marker to be able to find it in the picker dialog, check the Karta wiki page for details.
This node has two output ports: One output to specify a node flow after the goal is reached, and one to continue the flow without a break. This can be useful if you want to continue the dialog without waiting for the npc to arrive at is goal and at the same time change some values or play an animation as soon as the npc has reached its target. -
Walk pick npc: This action allows you to pick an npc using a picker dialog and a target marker to which this npc will walk. You will have to specify an export name for a marker to be able to find it in the picker dialog, check the Karta wiki page for details.
This node has two output ports: One output to specify a node flow after the goal is reached, and one to continue the flow without a break. This can be useful if you want to continue the dialog without waiting for the npc to arrive at is goal and at the same time change some values or play an animation as soon as the npc has reached its target. - Teleport npc to npc: This action will teleport the npc to a target npc. You can select the target npc using the npc picker dialog.
- Teleport player to npc: This action will teleport the player to a target npc. You can select the target npc using the npc picker dialog.
- Teleport pick npc to npc: This action allows you to pick an npc using a picker dialog and a target npc to which this npc will be teleported.
Walk npc to npc: This action will make the npc walk to a target npc.
This node has two output ports: One output to specify a node flow after the goal is reached, and one to continue the flow without a break. This can be useful if you want to continue the dialog without waiting for the npc to arrive at is goal and at the same time change some values or play an animation as soon as the npc has reached its target. -
Walk pick npc to npc: This action allows you to pick an npc using a picker dialog and a target npc to which this npc will walk.
This node has two output ports: One output to specify a node flow after the goal is reached, and one to continue the flow without a break. This can be useful if you want to continue the dialog without waiting for the npc to arrive at is goal and at the same time change some values or play an animation as soon as the npc has reached its target. - Spawn npc at marker: This action allows you to pick an npc and a marker. The selected npc will be spawned at the selected marker. You can also specify the rotation of the spawned npc.
- Spawn item at marker: This action allows you to pick an item and a marker. The selected item will be spawned at the selected marker. You can also specify the rotation of the spawned item.
- Npc uses item: This action allows you to pick an item that the current npc will use. This way you can have an npc drink a potion or equip a weapon.
- Player uses item: This action allows you to pick an item that the play will use. This way you can have the player drink a potion or equip a weapon.
- Choose npc uses item: This action allows you to pick an npc and an item. The selected npc will use that item. This way you can have any npc drink a potion or equip a weapon.
Condition: A condition to branch the dialog. By pressing the "+" at the top next to the "x" you can add a new condition. By pressing on the condition text you can edit the condition, see condition dialog below. Next to each condition you find the following icons:
- Arrows: Using the arrows you can rearrange the the different conditions
- Trash bin: By clicking this icon you can delete the condition
- Reference: The reference node can be used to reference a lot of different objects in the dialog. In addition to selecting a referenced object you can provide a description text to explain this reference.
You can move the nodes by clicking on them and dragging them to a new position. If you want to drag multiple nodes at once, you can use ctrl + drag to select multiple nodes and then drag them to a new position.
On the left side of each node you will find a red input port, on the right side of each node you will find one or more output ports. You can drag the output port of a node into the input port of a different node. This way you can control the flow of the dialog. If you hover over a connection you can use the displayed buttons to either delete this connection, add a label to the connection or hide all children.
On the top right of each node you will find a "x" button which allows you to delete the node.
You can move the view by clicking outside of a node in the gray area and drag the screen and zoom using the mouse wheel. Alternatively you can use touch control.
On the top left of the node system you will find a display of your current position and zoom in the node system. Next to these coordinates you can find an arrow to expand or collapse the mini map of the node system.
When editing a condition the condition dialog will open. At the top of the condition dialog you will find the following buttons:
- Add condition: Adds a new condition. By default all conditions on the root level are grouped with and "And" operator
- And: Group the selected conditions with an "And" operator
- Or: Group the selected conditions with an "Or" operator
Below you find a list of conditions. You can select a type of condition from the drop down list. The following conditions are available:
- Check player value: Check a value of the player. This could be used to give a different answer based on the charisma of the player etc.
- Check npc value: Check a value of the npc.
- Check npc alive state: Allows you to pick an npc and check if the npc is alive or dead
- Check player inventory: Allows you to pick an item that will be searched in the player inventory and compare the count to a value you define. This can also be used to check if an item is equipped.
- Check npc inventory: Allows you to pick an item that will be searched in the npc inventory and compare the count to a value you define. This can also be used to check if an item is equipped.
- Check pick quest value: Allows you to pick a quest and check a value of this quest
- Check quest state: Allows you to pick a quest and check the state of the quest
- Check game time: Allows you check if the current game time is before or after a specified time. If your project is not using a 24 hour day, you can change this in the Project Config.
- Check player skill value: Checks the value of a skill the player can cast. You can pick the skill using a dialog and specify the value condition.
- Check npc skill value: Checks the value of a skill the npc can cast. You can pick the skill using a dialog and specify the value condition.
- Player can use skill: Checks if the player can use a skill
- Player can not use skill: Checks if the player can not use a skill
- Npc can use skill: Checks if the npc can use a skill
- Npc can not use skill: Checks if the npc can not use a skill
- Check random value: Allows you to compare a random value to a certain value using different operators. This can be used if you want to add some varity in a dialog.
- Check daily routine event is disabled: Checks if a daily routine event of an npc is disabled. You can pick the daily routine by searching for the npc and then expanding it to select the daily routine.
- Check daily routine event is active: Checks if a daily routine event of an npc is enabled. You can pick the daily routine by searching for the npc and then expanding it to select the daily routine.
- Script code: This condition can be used if a you have to implement a special condition that can not be covered using the node system. For this the condition allows you to open a code editor and enter any script code you want. You will have to specify a name for the script for better usability.
On the right of each condition you will find the following icons:
- Arrows: Allows you to rearrange the conditions
- Move indicator: Allows you to drag the condition into a different condition group
- Trash bin: Allows you to delete the condition. If you click this for a group the conditions will stay and just the grouping will be removed
At the bottom you can press confirm to confirm the condition and cancel to cancel the editing of the condition.
The statistics dialog displays word count, condition count as well as node count.
The word count is based on the different text lines, choice nodes as well as actions like adding text to quests. By clicking on a headline the detailed statistics can be viewed.
The condition count is based on the conditions for choices as well as condition nodes.
Below one can find the count of total nodes in the dialog.
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