Miscellaneous of Fiji macros. To use save the relevant .ijm file locally and run it as a macro in Fiji.
[czi_to_tiff.ijm] Batch process all files in a folder and save them by converting from .czi images (Bioformats) to .tiff format
[save_all_open.ijm] Save all open images in .tiff format in an output folder of choice
[save_separate_channels.ijm] Batch process all .tiff files in a folder and save 3 channels separately
[clahe_stack.ijm] Apply local contrast enhancement (CLAHE) to a Z-stack
[segment_nuclei_threshold.ijm] Batch process all files in a folder and segment blobs (nuclei) in .tiff single channel images by auto-thresholding. The input and output file name pattern can be defined by the user.