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Mark Pictor edited this page May 25, 2012 · 11 revisions

Extracted from README.scl

The SCL directory contains the following files and subdirectories.

This software release includes all the NIST software needed for creating new versions of the Data Probe program. Two example schemas are included in the data directory.



  • file discussing installation of SCL.


  • The file this was extracted from.

  • src/test/README

  • README discussing SCL coding examples under src/test/

  • doc/man/

  • Directory containing man pages for the software in the release. These man pages have been copied to the wiki, though the formatting is not perfect.

CMake build system files

  • cmake/*

    • Files used for configuration tests, and files that define macros used by */CMakeLists.txt
  • */CMakeLists.txt

    • These files tell CMake what to build, and how.


  • include/

    • shared headers
  • src/

  • Source code files for the C++ libraries included in this release.

  • src/cl*: Directories containing the source code for the C++ libraries in STEPcode. These libraries are documented in the VTS Design document (see DOCUMENTATION in README.scl). They are as follows:

    • src/clutils
      • utilities needed by the other libraries.
    • src/clstepcore
      • "core" classes representing EXPRESS types and dictionary info.
    • src/cldai
      • classes for a partial implementation of the Session schema of STEP's Standard Data Access Interface (STEP Part 23).
    • src/cleditor
      • classes for managing data instances and exchange files.
    • src/clivfasd
      • customizations to the Interviews class library.
    • src/clprobe-ui
      • user interface classes for the Data Probe.
    • src/clSchemas
      • Contain subdirectories with schema specific source code generated by the mkProbe script.
  • src/express

  • Directory containing the EXPRESS Toolkit.

  • src/exppp

  • Directory containing EXPRESS Pretty Printer Toolkit.

  • src/test

  • Directory containing example STEPcode applications.

  • src/fedex_plus

  • Directory containing source code for fedex_plus. Formerly contained fedex_idl and fedex_os, which generated code for obsolete Parts.

  • test/

  • Contains scripts and data used by CTest

Installed dirs and files

  • build/
    • this is the dir that cmake was ran from, e.g.
       cd scl
       mkdir build
       cd build
       cmake [-DVARIABLE=VALUE ...] ..
  • build/bin
    • compiled binaries
  • build/lib
    • compiled libraries
  • build/src
    • contains .o files, bison/flex output
  • build/CMakeCache.txt
    • stores configuration data for CMake. Make changes with cmake-gui or cmake -DVARIABLE=VALUE. Hand editing not recommended.
  • build/Makefile
    • the main Makefile. Always use this one.


  • data/
  • Directory containing various EXPRESS schemas. Also contains data for some of the examples.
  • See also: data/README
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