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Releases: stereolabs/zed-ros2-wrapper


15 Mar 19:26
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v4.0.8 for ZED SDK v4.0.8

  • The parameter general.sdk_verbose has been moved to debug.sdk_verbose and set to 0 as default.
  • Add new parameter general.optional_opencv_calibration_file to use custom OpenCV camera calibrations.
  • Add new tutorial to illustrate how to integrate one or more ZED cameras on a robot
  • Add 'simulation.sim_enabled' parameter to enable the simulation mode
  • Add 'simulation.sim_address' parameter to set the simulation server address
  • Add 'simulation.sim_port' parameter to set the simulation server port
  • Add /clock subscriber to check the presence of the required message when use_sim_time is true
  • Force grab_frame_rate and pub_frame_rate to 60 Hz in simulation
  • Force grab_resolution to HD1080 in simulation
  • Remove the general.zed_id parameter. Always use general.serial_number to distinguish between different cameras in a multi-camera configuration.
  • The multi-camera example has been updated to match the new TF configuration
  • The old launch files are now obsolete: 'ros2 launch zed_wrapper <camera_model>' is replaced by 'ros2
    launch zed_wrapper camera_model:=<camera_model>'
  • The reference link for positional tracking is no longer 'base_link' but <camera_name>_camera_link.
    This will allow an easier ZED integration in existing robot configuration because the transform base_link -> camera_link
    is no longer published by the ZED ROS2 Wrapper. Thanks to @SteveMacenski for the advice
    • Remove parent and origin parameters from zed_macro.urdf.xacro
    • Remove launch argument cam_pose from
  • Move parameter publish_imu_tf from pos_tracking to sensors to make it available also in "no depth" configurations of the node
  • Add new parameter pos_tracking.pos_tracking_mode to exploit the new ZED SDK QUALITY mode for improved odometry and localization
  • New Video/Depth processing throttling method by using the grab_compute_capping_fps ZED SDK parameter instead of a dedicated thread
  • Advanced parameters to handle Thread scheduling policy and priorities (sudo required):thread_sched_policy,thread_grab_priority,
  • Add new GNSS calibration parameters: enable_reinitialization, enable_rolling_calibration, enable_translation_uncertainty_target, gnss_vio_reinit_threshold, target_translation_uncertainty, target_yaw_uncertainty
  • Add new Plane Detection parameters: pd_max_distance_threshold, pd_normal_similarity_threshold

Note: ROS 2 Foxy support is deprecated although this version still works with Foxy


04 Aug 12:27
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v4.0.5 - ZED SDK from v4.0.0 to v4.0.5

  • The parameter general.pub_resolution can now take only NATIVE and CUSTOM values. 'NATIVE' to use the same general.grab_resolution - CUSTOM to apply the general.pub_downscale_factor downscale factory to reduce bandwidth in transmission
  • Add new parameter general.pub_downscale_factor to be used with the new option CUSTOM for the parameter general.pub_resolution
  • ULTRA is the new default value for depth.depth_mode (better performance for odometry and positional tracking)
  • Add resolution HD1080 for ZED X
  • Fix issue with Body Tracking start/stop by service call. Now Body Tracking can be restarted multiple times
  • Fix depth grab performance by removing a not required PNG Write call. Thank you Esteban Zamora @ezamoraa
  • Fix bug with general.pub_resolution value, not allowing to select the correct data publish resolution
  • Add new launch parameter ros_params_override_path to provide the path to a custom YAML file to override the parameters of the ZED Node without modifying the original files in the zed_wrapper/config folder. Thank you David Lu @MetroRobots


29 Mar 08:29
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This is the latest release working with the ZED SDK v3.8.2


  • Removed annoying build log messages. Only warning regarding unsupported ROS2 distributions will be displayed when required.

  • Added a check on timestamp to not publish already published point cloud messages in the point cloud thread

  • Added Docker files (docker folder) ready to create Docker images for desktop host devices: Ubuntu 22.04, ROS2 Foxy, ZED SDK v3.8.2.

  • Changed the default depth mode to PERFORMANCE (1) for a faster node start in the case that the NEURAL depth AI model is not present.

  • Change general.grab_resolution and general.pub_resolution from integer to string.

  • Add new LOW value for general.pub_resolution (half the MEDIUM output resolution).

  • Fix distortion model (see Issue #128)

  • Added diagnostic warning if the frequency of the camera grabbing thread is minor than the selected general.grab_frame_rate value.

  • Improved the code for Moving Average calculation for better node diagnostics.

  • Temperature diagnostic is now always updated even if sensors.sensors_image_sync is true and no image topics are subscribed.

  • Improve Grab thread and Video/Depth publishing thread elaboration time diagnostic.

  • Improve thread synchronization when the frequency of the grab SDK function is minor of the expected camera frame rate setting because of a leaking of elaboration power.

  • Removed node parameter general.resolution, replaced by general.grab_resolution.

  • Added node parameter general.pub_resolution used to reduce node computation and message bandwidth.

    • Available output resolutions: HD2K, HD1080, HD720, MEDIUM, VGA. MEDIUM is an optimized output resolution to maximize throughput and minimize processing costs.
  • Removed node parameters video.img_downsample_factor and depth.depth_downsample_factor. Use the new parameter general.pub_resolution instead.

  • Set default DEPTH MODE to NEURAL (4)

  • Improved the

    • Added support for OpaqueFunction in order to automatically configure the launch file according to the value of the launch parameter cam_model.
    • Changed parameters to set camera pose in launch files. From 6 separated parameters (cam_pos_x,cam_pos_y,cam_pos_z,cam_roll,cam_pitch,cam_yaw) to one single array (cam_pose).
    • Removed the workaround for empty svo_path launch parameter values thanks to TextSubstitution.
    • Modified the "display" launch files in zed-ros2-examples to match the new configuration.
    • Added publish_tf and publish_map_tf launch parameters useful for multi-camera configuretion or external odometry fusion.
  • Added multi-camera example in zed-ros2-examples repository.

  • Added pos_tracking.set_as_static parameters for applications with a static camera monitoring a robotics environment. See PR #122 Thx @gabor-kovacs

  • Code lint and re-formatting according to ROS2 code rules.

  • Add support for automatic lint tools to all the packages.

  • Change LICENSE to Apache 2.0 to match ROS2 license.

  • Added zed_id and serial_number launch parameters to open the correct camera in multi-camera configurations.


21 Oct 14:59
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  • Fixed set_pose wrong behavior. Now initial odometry is coherent with the new starting point.
  • Added Plane Detection.
  • Fixed "NO DEPTH" mode. By setting depth/quality to 0 now the depth extraction and all the sub-modules depending on it are correctly disabled.
  • Added debug sub-set of parameters with new parameters debug_mode and debug_sensors.
  • Added support for ROS2 Humble. Thx @nakai-omer.
    The two ROS2 LTS releases are now supported simoultaneously.
  • Set read_only flag in parameter descriptors for non-dynamic parameters. Thx @bjsowa.
  • Enabled Intra Process Communication. The ZED node no longer publishes topics with TRANSIENT LOCAL durability.
  • Improved TF broadcasting at grabbing frequency
  • Improved IMU/Left Camera TF broadcasting at IMU frequency
  • Fixed data grabbing frame rate when publishing is set to a lower value
  • Added TF broadcasting diagnostic
  • The parameter general.sdk_verbose is now an integer accepting different SDK verbose levels.
  • Moved Object Detection parameters from cameras configuration files to common.yaml
  • Moved Sensor Parameters from cameras configuration files to common.yaml
  • New data thread configuration to maximize data publishing frequency
    • Sensor data publishing moved from timer to thread
    • RGB/Depth data publishing moved from timer to thread
  • Fixed random errors when closing the node
  • Fixed wrong timing when playing SVO in real-time mode
  • Fixed units for atmospheric pressure data. Now pressure is published in Pascals according to the definition of the topic.
  • [SDK v3.8] Add new parameter pos_tracking.transform_time_offset to fix odometry TF timestamp issues
  • [SDK v3.8] Added new parameter pos_tracking.depth_min_range for removing fixed zones of the robot in the FoV of the camerafrom the visual odometry evaluation
  • [SDK v3.8] Added new parameter pos_tracking.sensor_world to define the world type that the SDK can use to initialize the Positionnal Tracking module
  • [SDK v3.8] Added new parameter object_detection.prediction_timeout for setting the timeout time [sec] of object prediction when not detected.
  • [SDK v3.8] Added support for ZED SDK Regiorn of Interest:
    • Added parameter general.region_of_interest to set the region of interest for SDK processing.
    • Added the service resetRoi to reset the region of interest.
    • Added the service setRoi to set a new region of interest.


25 Feb 15:03
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  • Add support for ZED SDK v3.7.x
  • ​Add support for sport-related OD objects
  • Add remove_saturated_areas dynamic parameter to disable depth filtering when luminance >=255
  • Add sl::ObjectDetectionParameters::filtering_mode parameter
  • Publish depth_info topic with current min/max depth information
  • Fix parameter override problem (Issue #71). Thx @kevinanschau
  • Add default xacro path value in Thx @sttobia
  • Fix zed-ros2-interfaces sub-module url, changing from ssh to https


03 Dec 14:52
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v3.6.x (2021-12-03)

  • Moved the zed_interfaces package to the zed-ros2-interfaces repository to match the same configuration of the ROS1 wrapper
  • The zed-ros2-interfaces repository has been added as a sub-module to this repository
  • Add new _base_link frame on the base of the camera to easily handle camera positioning on robots. Thx @civerachb-cpr
  • Improve URDF by adding 3° slope for ZED and ZED2, X-offset for optical frames to correctly match the CMOS sensors position on the PCB, X-offset for mounting screw on ZED2i
  • Add zed_macro.urdf.xacro to be included by other xacro file to easily integrate ZED cameras in the robot descriptions. See ROS1 PR #771 for details. Thx @civerachb-cpr
  • Fix URDF height value for ZED, ZED2 and ZED2i
  • Fix performances drop on slower platforms. Thx @roncapat
  • Fix SVO LOOP wrong behavior. Thx @kevinanschau
  • Add xacro support for automatic URDF configuration
  • Reworked launch files to support xacro and launch parameters
    • Use ros2 launch zed_wrapper <launch_file> -s to retrieve all the available parameters
  • Add svo_path:=<full path to SVO file> as input for all the launch files to start the node using an SVO as input without modifying 'common.yaml`
  • Improved diagnostic information adding elaboration time on all the main tasks
  • Improved diagnostic time and frequencies calculation
  • Added StopWatch to sl_tools
  • Enabled Diagnostic status publishing
  • Changed the default values of the QoS parameter reliability for all topics from BEST_EFFORT to RELIABLE to guarantee compatibility with all ROS2 tools
  • Fixed tab error in zedm.yaml
  • Fixed compatibility issue with ZED SDK older than v3.5 - Thanks @PhilippPolterauer
  • Migration to ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy

Foxy - SDK v3.5.x - Compile fix

12 Nov 10:29
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What's Changed

Foxy - SDK v3.5.x

21 Jul 14:11
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  • Migration to ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy
  • Add xacro support for automatic URDF configuration
  • Reworked launch files to support xacro and launch parameters
    • Use ros2 launch zed_wrapper <launch_file> -s to retrieve all the available parameters
  • Add svo_path:=<full path to SVO file> as input for all the launch files to start the node using an SVO as input without modifying 'common.yaml`
  • Improved diagnostic information adding elaboration time on all the main tasks
  • Improved diagnostic time and frequencies calculation
  • Added StopWatch to sl_tools
  • Enabled Diagnostic status publishing
  • Changed the default values of the QoS parameter reliability for all topics from BEST_EFFORT to RELIABLE to guarantee compatibility with all ROS2 tools
  • Fixed tab error in zedm.yaml
  • Fixed compatibility issue with ZED SDK older than v3.5 - Thanks @PhilippPolterauer

Eloquent - SDK v3.5.x

21 Jul 14:13
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  • Fixed tab error in zedm.yaml
  • Fixed compatibility issue with ZED SDK older than v3.5 - Thanks @PhilippPolterauer
  • Add support for SDK v3.5
  • Add support for the new ZED 2i
  • Add new parameter pos_tracking/pos_tracking_enabled to enable positional tracking from start even if not required by any subscribed topic. This is useful, for example, to keep the TF always updated.
  • Add support for new AI models: MULTI_CLASS_BOX_MEDIUM and HUMAN_BODY_MEDIUM
  • Depth advertising is disabled when depth is disabled (see sl::DETH_MODE::NONE)

ZED ROS2 wrapper - Crystal Clemmys

25 Sep 16:16
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