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Merge pull request #43 from jasagredo/js/replicate-in-forall
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Replicate parallel executions in `forallParallelCommands`
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stevana committed Apr 2, 2024
2 parents 3748220 + 7553d3e commit bce278e
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124 changes: 7 additions & 117 deletions
Expand Up @@ -313,8 +313,6 @@ ParallelCommands
└──────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
AnnotateC "Read" (PredicateC (1 :/= 2))
However, some repetitions of this sequence of commands passed. Maybe there is a race condition?

As we can see above, a mutable reference is first created, and then in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,12 +378,10 @@ follows:
times with the part of the generated list that doesn't belong to the

2. initialize the state machine if necessary (see [this](#sut-initialization));

3. execute the prefix sequentially as in the section above (checking pre- and
2. execute the prefix sequentially as in the section above (checking pre- and

4. execute the suffixes in parallel without checking pre/post-conditions
3. execute the suffixes in parallel without checking pre/post-conditions
and gather the trace (or history) of invocations and responses of each

Expand All @@ -409,24 +405,24 @@ Commands: [A, B] ─┤ ├──┤ │ ├─ executed `conc
executed sequentially

5. if something goes wrong when executing the commands, shrink the generated
4. if something goes wrong when executing the commands, shrink the generated
commands and present a minimal counterexample;

6. otherwise, try to find a possible sequential interleaving of action
5. otherwise, try to find a possible sequential interleaving of action
invocations and responses that respects the post-conditions. For each
interleaving, this is done by advancing the `Concrete` model (starting at
`initialModel`) through the sequence of pairs of invocations to `command
Concrete` and the returned `response Concrete` emitted at step 3, and
checking the post-condition for each pair.

7. if no possible sequential interleaving was found, then shrink the generated
6. if no possible sequential interleaving was found, then shrink the generated
commands and present a minimal counterexample.

The last two steps basically try to find
a [linearisation]( of calls that
could have happend on a single thread.

Notice that step 6 above introduces a subtlety in the post-condition checks and
Notice that step 5 above introduces a subtlety in the post-condition checks and
transitions for the `model Concrete`. Despite the system under test running in a
concurrent way, the model can still be designed to work sequentially as *it will
not be run in parallel*, it will only be advanced in a sequential way when
Expand All @@ -435,117 +431,11 @@ be correct with respect to sequential execution before used in parallel testing.

As we cannot control the actual scheduling of the tasks, each sequence of
commands (already fixed in a concrete prefix and a concrete list of suffixes) is
actually executed several times by default, i.e. steps 2 to 7 will be executed
actually executed several times by default, i.e. steps 2 to 6 will be executed
multiple times for the same test case expecting that the scheduling of events
varies between runs. One can further increase entropy by introducing random
`threadDelay`s in the semantic function.

#### Why is a parallel property failing?

Unless in presence of more severe bugs, parallel properties can fail because of
mainly two reasons: a race condition is happening or a logic bug is present in
the code. Taking advantage of the fact that we are repeating multiple times each
sequence of commands, we can have some insight on which one of those cases seems
to be the cause.

The parallel counterexample will show one of the following messages:

- `However, some repetitions of this sequence of commands passed. Maybe there is
a race condition?`: In this case as some parallel executions of a given
sequence of commands have passed, it seems that the test outcome is being
affected by a race condition or a non-deterministic error. This message is
accurate in the sense that a logic bug will not result in some repetitions
- `And all repetitions of this sequence of commands failed. Maybe there is a
logic bug? Try with more repetitions to be sure that it happens consistently`:
In this case, one of two things can happen. Either there is a logic bug that
is triggered always (which is what the message suggest) or we were just super
unlucky (or super lucky, as we found an error) in this run and a race
condition manifested in all runs. In order to rule out this last case, one can
run the tests with more repetitions, which if the problem is that there is
indeed a race condition, should result in the other message being printed

#### SUT initialization

Some tests might require an environment that is used by the SUT to perform its
actions, for example some mutable variable. In these cases, the environment
should be isolated from other executions, and in parallel testing each sequence
of commands is executed several times as noted in the previous paragraph. The
way to ensure that the environment is not shared among those repetitions is by
defining the state machine inside a monadic action and use the
`runXCommandsXWithSetup` variants of the functions:

``` haskell

semantics :: Env -> Command Concrete -> m (Response Concrete)
semantics = ...

sm :: m (StateMachine Model Command m Response)
sm = do
env <- initEnv {- initialize the environment -}
pure $ StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = semantics env

smUnused :: StateMachine Model Command m Response
smUnused = StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = error "SUT must not be used during command generation or shrinking"

prop = forAllParallelCommands smUnused Nothing $ \cmds -> monadicIO $
prettyParallelCommands cmds =<< runParallelCommandsWithSetup sm cmds

This will ensure that each execution of the testcase initializes the environment
as a first step.

Note however that when running **sequential properties**, each test case is only
executed once, therefore these two are completely equivalent:

``` haskell
sm :: m (StateMachine Model Command m Response)
sm = do
env <- initEnv {- initialize the environment -}
pure $ StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = semantics env

smUnused :: StateMachine Model Command m Response
smUnused = StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = error "SUT must not be used during command generation or shrinking"

prop = forAllCommands smUnused $ \cmds -> monadicIO $
(hist, _model, res) <- runCommandsWithSetup sm cmds
prettyCommands smUnused hist (checkCommandNames cmds (res === Ok))


``` haskell
sm :: Env -> StateMachine Model Command m Response
sm env = StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = semantics env

smUnused :: StateMachine Model Command m Response
smUnused = StateMachine {
, QSM.semantics = error "SUT must not be used during command generation or shrinking"

prop = forAllCommands smUnused $ \cmds -> monadicIO $
env <- initEnv {- initialize the environment -}
(hist, _model, res) <- runCommands (sm env) cmds
prettyCommands smUnused hist (checkCommandNames cmds (res === Ok))

### More examples

Here are some more examples to get you started:
Expand Down
12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions src/Test/StateMachine.hs
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module Test.StateMachine
, existsCommands
, runCommands
, runCommandsWithSetup
, prettyCommands
, prettyCommands'
, checkCommandNames
Expand All @@ -35,17 +34,12 @@ module Test.StateMachine
-- * Parallel property combinators
, forAllParallelCommands
, forAllNParallelCommands
, forAllParallelCommandsNTimes
, forAllNParallelCommandsNTimes
, runNParallelCommands
, runNParallelCommandsWithSetup
, runParallelCommands
, runParallelCommandsWithSetup
, runParallelCommands'
, runParallelCommandsNTimes
, runParallelCommandsNTimesWithSetup
, runNParallelCommandsNTimes'
, runParallelCommandsNTimes'
, runNParallelCommandsNTimes
, runNParallelCommandsNTimesWithSetup
, runNParallelCommands'
, prettyNParallelCommands
, prettyParallelCommands
, prettyParallelCommandsWithOpts
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Test/StateMachine/ConstructorName.hs
Expand Up @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
((:*:)((:*:)), (:+:)(L1, R1), C, Constructor, D,
Generic1, K1, M1, Rec1, Rep1, S, U1, conName, from1,
unM1, unRec1)
(C, Constructor, D, Generic1, K1, M1, Rec1, Rep1, S,
U1, conName, from1, unM1, unRec1, (:*:)((:*:)),
(:+:)(L1, R1))
import Prelude

import Test.StateMachine.Types
Expand Down

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