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Pronto State Estimator

Pronto is an efficient EKF state estimator for inertial and sensory motion estimation.

Pronto has been used to localize a Fixed-wing micro aerial vehicles and quadrotors aggressively flying indoors and outdoors. It has also been used to provide a 333Hz motion estimate for the Boston Dynamics Atlas humanoid.

Pronto has been used with a variety of inputs from sensors such as IMUs (Microstrain and Kearfott), laser ranger finders, cameras and joint kinematics.

As well as the source code we also provide some data samples to demonstrate the algorithm working on a fixed wing MAV and a the Atlas robot walking.

Pronto youtube video

The algorithms are built primarily in C/C++. A number of the local dependencies were developed for other robotics projects at MIT.

The software repository consists of two modules:

  • externals: required modules such as Eigen, octomap and visualization tools
  • pronto: the core estimator library (mav) and an adaptation for the Atlas robot (motion_estimate).

These compile instructions were tested on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 install, but is likely to work on other versions of Linux and MacOS.

Install these common system dependencies:

apt-get install git build-essential libglib2.0-dev openjdk-6-jdk python-dev cmake gtk-doc-tools libgtkmm-2.4-dev  freeglut3-dev libjpeg-dev libtinyxml-dev libboost-thread-dev libgtk2.0-dev python-gtk2 mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Check out the source code using git:

git clone
cd pronto-distro
git submodule update --init --recursive

Then start compiling:


The compile time is about 4 mins.

Running pronto

Some test logs and maps can be downloaded from. Place octomap.bt_blurred in the build/data/ directory.

To process a log run these processes:

se-fusion -U model_LN_RN.urdf -P drc_robot_02_mit.cfg
lcm-logplayer-gui typical-lcmlog-2014-04-21-15-13-robot-part

Some notes:

  • All the state estimation is done in se-fusion. It listens to messages published from the logplayer and produces POSE_BODY - the position and orientation of the robot's pelvis.
  • pronto-viewer is a GUI showing the sensor data and the position of the robot.
  • Make sure that POSE_BODY and STATE_ESTIMATOR_STATE are disabled (they were the position generated during the run)
  • bot-spy is a tool for inspecting the messages.
  • You can view the octomap that's being localized using octomap-server:

There are two other logs that work in the same way:

  • longstp-lcmlog-2014-04-21-16-12-robot-part
  • blocks3-lcmlog-2014-04-21-18-40-robot-part. TODO: I need a different map for this log.

All options are read from the cfg file located in pronto-distro-config.

  • By default, this demos initalizes using vicon data in the log via "init_sensors"
  • The Gaussian Particle Filter is disabled by removing it from "active_sensors".
  • Its not necessary but, we would suggest adding the binary path to your system path:
export PATH=<path-to-your-code>/pronto-distro/build/bin:$PATH

Technical details about the estimator are to be completed. Please read the attached publications for details or get in touch for support.

Having tried out the test examples. How can you use Pronto with your robot?

First of all, pronto can be used as an module within your system without any changes. It simply produces a better state estimator - enabling more rapid walking.

Performance: With inertial and kinematic input (i.e. no LIDAR input) the drift rate of the estimator is 2cm per 10 steps travelled. We estimate this to be 10 times better than the estimator provided by BDI. With the closed-loop LIDAR module, drift is removed entirely.

More specifically, the estimator can walk the robot to the top of a tower of cinder blocks, under BDI control - without stopping --- with the only input being the placement of footsteps. Recently this was executed 8 times consecutively in a public demo.

As the estimator was primarily developed for use on Atlas, performance has been heavily tested and is robust. The easiest use case is with BDI retaining lower body control. To get started we suggest disabling the LIDAR module, for simplicity.

We estimate the position of the robot with the Pronto position estimator while the BDI estimate is still used by their system.

When a set of footsteps are placed near the feet of the Pronto position estimate, the relevant Pronto-to-BDI transform is used to transmit footsteps to the BDI stepping system. As the robot walks, only this Pronto-to-BDI transform is changed to ensure that the executed footsteps truely hit the locations we have chosen.

Getting Started: To use the estimator on your robot, you simply need to provide the required inputs to our system:

  • ATLAS_STATE - contains the raw joint position, velocity information
  • ATLAS_IMU_BATCH - the raw IMU data
  • POSE_BDI - the position and orientation, as estimated by BDI
  • STATE_EST_READY - a simple trigger to say where to initialize the robot - usually the origin

Pronto will output:

  • POSE_BODY - the position, orientation and velocity of the robot's pelvis

Use this pose to render the robot in your system, and maintain the relative POSE_BDI-to-POSE_BODY estimate so as to transform footsteps to the correct positions for the stepping controller.

We provide a LCM-to-ROS translation bridge to allow easy integration with a ROS-based system. On ROS Indigo the follow contents should be added to bashrc:

export PATH=/home/drc/pronto-distro/build/bin:$PATH
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source /usr/share/drcsim/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<insert-path-to>/pronto-distro/build/lib/pkgconfig/:<insert-path-to>/pronto-distro/build/lib64/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<insert-path-to>/pronto-distro/build/lib/:<insert-path-to>/pronto-distro/build/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

This is a super set, not all of these are required. The package can then be compiled using catkin:

cd <insert-path-to>/pronto-lcm-ros-translators
source <insert-path-to>/pronto-distro/pronto-lcm-ros-translators/devel/setup.bash

And then a translators can be run in each direction:

rosrun pronto_translators ros2lcm
rosrun pronto_translators lcm2ros

You can test this: * Play back a ROS bag, traffic can be see with the bot-spy tool * Play back the logs mentioned above and some of the channels can be seen with rostopic

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo.

I have provided a skeleton translator which I assume you will need to modify to use in your system. Get in touch if you would like some help in doing this. These are the required messages: (to be confirmed if this is exhausive)

BDI's estimate of the Atlas position:

  • Source: BDI driver (pos_est, filtered_imu fields)
  • Publish: POSE_BDI (bot_core_pose_t)

The IMU measurements:

  • Source: BDI driver (the raw_imu field)
  • Publish: ATLAS_IMU_BATCH (atlas_raw_imu_batch_t)

BDI's joint angle velocities, positions and efforts. Also the FT sensors

  • Source: BDI driver (jfeed, foot_sensors, wrist_sensors)
  • Publish: ATLAS_STATE (atlas_state_t)
  • Wrist sensors not used

Ancillary data message from BDI (e.g. pump rpm, air sump pressure)

  • Source: BDI driver
  • Publish: ATLAS_STATUS (10Hz is fine)
  • TODO: revamp this, as I only need the current_behavior field (to distinguish walking and standing)

The Multisense Lidar Scan:

  • Source: Multisense driver
  • Publish: SCAN (bot_core_planar_lidar_t)

Angle of the Multisense SL Laser:

  • Source: both spindleAngleStart and spindleAngleEnd in CRL's lidar header
  • Publish: PRE_SPINDLE_TO_POST_SPINDLE (bot_core_rigid_transform_t)

Message to tell SE where in the world to start

  • Source: The user: I always use a point above the origin - (0,0,0.85)
  • Publish: MAV_STATE_EST_VIEWER_MEASUREMENT (mav_indexed_measurement_t)
  • Publish: STATE_EST_READY (a timestamp)

Simple timestamp messages - used to provide commands:


At MIT we use Pronto as our 333Hz Drake controller in a high-rate control loop. Latency and relability have allowed us to demonstrate challenging locomotion using the Atlas robot.

If you are interested in using the estimator with your own controller, please get in touch.

Currently Pronto uses LCM to receive data and to publish output.

Lightweight Communications and Marshalling (LCM) is a tool for efficient multi-process message passing originally developed at MIT for the DARPA Urban Challenge.

To those familiar with ROS, it serves the same purpose as the message passing in ROS: messages are typed data structures and code is compiled to allow C/C++, python and Java bindings. Data is received in a process via network communication and event-based function callbacks.

If you are interested in a native ROS application, please get in touch.

  • State Estimation for Aggressive Flight in GPS-Denied Environments Using Onboard Sensing, A. Bry, A. Bachrach, N. Roy, ICRA 2012.
  • Drift-Free Humanoid State Estimation fusing Kinematic, Inertial and LIDAR sensing, M. Fallon, M. Antone, N. Roy, S. Teller. Humanoids 2014.

Originally Developed by Adam Bry, Abe Bachrach and Nicholas Roy of the MIT Robust Robotics Group.

Extended to support humanoid motion by Maurice Fallon with the help of the MIT DARPA Robotics Challenge Team.

The License information is available in the LICENSE file attached to this document.

Maurice Fallon, October 2014.


Distribution of Pronto to required dependencies







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  • C 47.7%
  • C++ 41.9%
  • Python 8.6%
  • Java 1.4%
  • MATLAB 0.2%
  • Objective-C 0.1%
  • Shell 0.1%