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This is a full implementation of Abstract Binding Trees from Robert Harper's book, Practical Foundations for Programming Languages.

In particular, this differs from many implementations of ABTs in the following respects:

  • Unlike Nuprl-style ABTs, this is a library for many-sorted abstract binding trees.

  • We include a proper treatment of symbols and parameters in addition to variables. Recall that whilst variables support substitution, symbols support only fresh renaming. Operators are fibred over finite sets of symbols and sort assignments, and sort-preserving injective maps of symbols lift to renamings of operators' parameters. Valences account for the binding of both variables and symbols. Symbols are necessary in order to correctly implement assignables and exceptions.

  • Finally, the structure of terms has been generalized to support encodings other than lists for bindings & spines; in general, the ABT framework may be instantiated at any inductive fan.

Getting Started


You need either SML/NJ or MLton. Either download the binary installer or, on OS X, use homebrew:

brew update && brew install smlnj

Running the Example

Clone, then start the SML REPL:

git clone
cd sml-typed-abts
git submodule update --init --recursive 
rlwrap sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.78 [built: Sun Apr 26 01:06:11 2015]

At the - prompt, type:

- CM.make "";

You should see a lot of compilation messages and then, a prompt should appear, at which you can parse and sort-check/infer ABT expressions. Here's an example session:

Type an expression at the prompt

> lam([x]. dcl(x; {a}. set[a](x)))
lam([x@3].dcl(x@3; {a@7}.set[a@7](x@3)))

> ap(lam([x].x); num(3))
Error: Fail: expected exp == val

> ap(lam([x].x); ret(num(3)))
ap(lam([x@8].x@8); ret(num(3)))

The printer is in "debug mode", which means that all variables and symbols are annotated with a unique index; this is useful for convincing oneself that variables and symbols are being bound properly.


multi-sorted nominal abstract binding trees






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  • Standard ML 99.6%
  • Shell 0.4%