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TMDb collector

Used in Hollywood Network Visualizer.

Distributed and parallel collector from TMDb via its API, written with Rust, makefile and shell scripts. Designed if you have to quickly retrieve the full dataset of movies and actors. This programme is designed to be run on a fleet of machines accessible by SSH. It use the daily file exports of TMDb.


Until the end of 2019, the TMDb API had a usage limit of 40 requests over 10 seconds, or 4 requests per second. But since the beginning of the year, there is no longer a limit. We can therefore "bombard" the API to retrieve data as quickly as we want. To do this, we have developed a multi-threaded crawler in Rust. The choice of Rust was made for its performance, the accuracy of the code obtained and to practice the language as well. We used different Rust crates, such as reqwest for HTTP requests, serde and serde_json for the (de)serialisation of JSON and the standard Rust library for competition management (via channels). Each recovered movie is de-serialised and the following conditions are tested:

fn filter_movie(movie: &Movie) -> bool {
    const MIN_BUDGET: usize = 1000;
    const MIN_REVENUE: usize = 10000000;
    return movie.budget > MIN_BUDGET
        && movie.revenue >= MIN_REVENUE
        && !movie.genres.is_empty()
        && !movie.credits.cast.is_empty()
        && !movie.credits.crew.is_empty();

If these conditions are met, the movie is kept for writing to a file.

To further speed up recovery, the program can be distributed to different machines available via ssh. Using a second small Rust program, the splitter, and various Linux commands such as parallel-ssh, we were able to separate the IDs file from the films into as many equal parts as there were machines available. With a last script and, we were able to retrieve all the product files containing the complete movie information, one movie per line, from a nextcloud account in our possession.

To reproduce this recovery, you need GNU/Linux machines connected to the internet, which you can control with ssh, whose home directory is synchronised on each one, and fill in the .env file in a similar way to the following one:

IPS=ips.txt ; IPs machines hosts, one host/ip per line
REMOTE_USER=user ; SSH user
REMOTE_HOST= ; Main machine IP, for init
REMOTE_WORKING_DIR=working_dir ; Distant working directory
TMDB_API_KEY=1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j ; TMDb API key
THREADS=20 ; threads per machine

A makefile is available to perform each step of the recovery process.