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stivlo edited this page Jun 27, 2011 · 22 revisions

obliquid-lib are Java classes that I use for my daily development and not bound to any specific application. This collection is released with LGPL3 licence. They are my personal code library that I've used in multiple projects. All classes are not meant to be comprehensive, but they contain what I need, YAGNI style.

Maven is used to pull dependencies and build the project. I wrote a Maven Quick Start page.

Overview of the packages

Classes managing DB interactions
Application configurations, allows to keep different configurations for different servers in the same codebase, so I can publish over and over without worrying about messing the configurations
All classes in this package extends the basic Abstract DataType Class, which provides get, set, isValid, ...
Classes dealing with Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)
Static Helper Classes providing support for basic Java Classes and Arrays
Small self contained command line applications for a specific task
Classes dealing with Amazon Simple DB
Utility classes