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Stefan Kalscheuer edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 9 revisions

Java Vault Connector


Java Vault Connector is a connector library for Vault by Hashicorp written in Java. The connector allows simple usage of Vault's secret store in own applications.


  • HTTP(S) backend connector
    • Ability to provide or enforce custom CA certificate
    • Optional initialization from environment variables
  • Authorization methods
    • Token
    • Username/Password
    • AppRole (register and authenticate)
    • AppID (register and authenticate) [deprecated]
  • Tokens
    • Creation and lookup of tokens and token roles
    • TokenBuilder for speaking creation of complex configurations
  • Secrets
    • Read secrets
    • Write secrets
    • List secrets
    • Delete secrets
    • Renew/revoke leases
    • Raw secret content or JSON decoding
    • SQL secret handling
    • KV v1 and v2 support
  • Connector Factory with builder pattern
  • Tested against Vault 1.11.2
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