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Supported sensors

blakadder edited this page Nov 6, 2019 · 64 revisions
  • ADS1x15 A/D Converter (I2C)
  • AM312 PIR Motion Sensor
  • APDS-9960 Ambient Light, RGB Color and Proximity Sensor with Gesture Detection
  • [AZ-7798](AZ 7798) CO2 Meter Datalogger
  • BH1750 Luminosity Sensor
  • BME280 (BMP085, BMP180, BMP280, BME280) Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor
  • BME680 Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor
  • CC2530 Zigbee Adapter (Serial)
  • CCS811 Gas and Air Quality sensor (I2C)
  • DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor
  • DHT22 (DHT21, AM2301, AM2302, AM2321) Humidity & Temperature Sensor
  • DS18x20 Temperature sensor (GPIO)
  • DS3231 Real-Time-Clock (I2C)
  • HM16/HM17 Bluetooth iBeacon reader (Serial)
  • HR-E Water Meter Encoder interface (Serial)
  • HC-SR04 (SR04+, SR04T) Ultrasonic Sensor
  • HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
  • HTU21 Temperature and Humidity sensor (I2C)
  • HX711 Load Cell sensor (GPIO)
  • INA219 High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I2C)
  • IR Remote Control DIY
  • K30, K70, S8 CO2 sensor (I2C)
  • LM75AD Temperature Sensor (I2C)
  • MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor (SPI)
  • MAX31865 RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier (SPI)
  • MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor (I2C)
  • MCP23008 / MCP23017 I/O Expander (I2C)
  • MGC3130 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller
  • MH-Z19B CO2 Sensor
  • MLX90614 MLX IR Temperature sensor (I2C)
  • MPR121 Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller (I2C)
  • MPU6050 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor (I2C)
  • P1 Energy Meter
  • PAJ7620 Gesture & Proximity Detection Sensor
  • PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED controller (I2C)
  • PCF8574 8-port I/O Expander (I2C)
  • PMS3003-5003-7003 Particle Concentration sensor (Serial)
  • PN532 NFC/RFID controller
  • PZEM-0XX Energy Monitor (Serial)
  • RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar Presence detection
  • RDM6300 125Khz RFID Module
  • RX-4M50RR30SF / RX-AM8SF RF Sensor receiver (GPIO)
  • SCD30 CO2 sensor (I2C)
  • SDM120 Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
  • SDM630 Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
  • SDS011 (SDS021) Laser Dust Sensor
  • SGP30 Gas and Air Quality sensor (I2C)
  • SHT1x Temperature and Humidity sensor (I2C)
  • SHT30 Humidity & Temperature Sensor
  • SI114x UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor (I2C)
  • Smart Meter Interface (Serial)
  • Soil Moisture Sensor (I2C)
  • SolaX X1 SolaX X1 inverter (Serial)
  • SPS30 Particulate Matter (PM) sensor (I2C)
  • Stepper Motor Controller
  • TM1638 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor (GPIO)
  • TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor
  • TX20 La Crosse Wind (Anemometer) sensor (GPIO)
  • VEML6070 UV Sensor
  • VL53L0x Time of flight sensor (I2C)
  • WS2812B RGB Shield
  • WS2812B/WS2813B LED Strip
  • Xadow, Grove Multi-channel Gas sensor (I2C)

Expanding your devices

(written originally for D1 mini but the majority of the information applies to other peripherals)

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