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Social network - music

Classe usage:


  • getId()

    • returns the User id
  • getUrl()

    • returns the User URL
  • getUsername()

    • returns the Username
  • getEmail()

    • returns the email
  • getPassword()

    • returns the password (sha1 encryption)
  • isPublicEmail()

    • returns true if the email is public
  • getPicture()

    • returns the profile picture path
  • isActive()

    • returns true if the account is activated

  • setUsername( $username:string )

    • changes the username
  • setEmail( $email:string )

    • changes the email
  • setPassword( $password:string )

    • changes the password
  • setPublicEmail( $public: boolean )

    • changes the visibility of the email (true = public, false = private)

  • __toString()
    • returns the username

  • matchUsers( $number:int )

    • default $number = 1
    • returns an array of User who look similar to the current User
  • getConnectionLog( $number:int)

    • default $number = 1
    • returns an array of Connection sorted by date (desc)
  • resetPassword()

    • generate a random new password
    • returns true if the new password has been properly stored into the database and sent by email
  • comment( $song:int, $text:string )

    • store a new comment or update the stored one comment
  • rate( $song:int, $grade:int )

    • store a new grade or update the stored one
  • addArtist()

    • create a new Artist
    • returns the new id
  • addAlbum()

    • create a new Album
    • returns the new id
  • getKnownSongs()

    • returns an array of Song known by the current User
  • getOwnedSongs()

    • returns an array of Song owned by the current User
  • getRatedSongs()

    • returns an array of Song rated by the current User
  • getCommentedSongs()

    • returns an array of Song commented by the current User
  • getKnownSongCount()

    • returns an integer: number of songs known
  • getOwnedSongCount()

    • returns an integer: number of songs owned
  • getRatedSongCount()

    • returns an integer: number of songs rated
  • getCommentedSongCount()

    • returns an integer: number of songs commented

  • static login( $username:string, $password:string )

    • returns 0 the login couple is wrong, the id if it's true
  • static logout()

    • logs the user out
  • static getIdFromUsername( $username:string )

    • returns the id that matches the username
  • static getUsernameFromId( $id:int )

    • returns the username that matches the id
  • static checkUsername( $username:string )

    • returns 1 if the username is in the databse, 0 otherwise
  • static checkEmail( $email:string )

    • returns 1 if the email is in the databse, 0 otherwise
  • static validateEmail( $email:string )

    • returns true if the email is genuine, false otherwise
  • static matchUsernamePassword( $username:string, $password:string )

    • returns 1 if the username matches the password, 0 otherwise
  • static count()

    • returns the number of users
  • static create( $username:string, $email:string, $password:string, $picture:string )

    • default $picture = ""
    • creates a new User
    • returns its id
  • static delete( $user:int )

    • deletes a user


Social network - music






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