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Straal SDK for Android written in Java. A brilliant payment solution for disruptive businesses.


Straal for Android is a helper library to make it easier to make API requests directly from merchant's mobile Android app and perform 3D-Secure authentication in system browser. It utilises client-side encryption and sends data over HTTPS to make secure requests creating transactions and adding cards.


Straal for Android framework is implemented in Java and requires:

  • androidSdkVersion 17+
  • android.permission.INTERNET

IMPORTANT: In order to build and use this SDK you need to have the Java Cryptography Extension installed with an appropriate JCE Policy. Since JDK 6u181, 7u171, 8u161, 9b148 unlimited cryptographic policy is enabled by default (see explanation).

Back end

You also need a back-end service which will handle payment information and create CryptKeys for the app. For more see Straal API Reference.

Your back-end service needs to implement at least one endpoint at https://_base_url_/straal/v1/cryptkeys. This endpoint is used by this SDK to fetch CryptKeys that encrypt sensitive user data.

It is your back end's job to authorize the user and reject the CryptKey fetch if necessary.


Currently, you can integrate Straal into your Android project by:

  • adding this repository as a git submodule into your project
  • downloading this repository, building an AAR file and adding it to the libs folder in your project
  • addind dependency to gradle

Add gradle dependency

Add mavenCentral repository to your top level build.gradle file

    allprojects {
        repositories {

Add dependency to Straal SDK to your android module level build.gradle file

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.straal:straal-android:$straal_version'


To use Straal for Android, you need your own back-end service and an Android app which you want to use to accept payments.

This SDK lets you implement a secure payment process into your app. Your user's sensitive data (such as credit card numbers) is sent directly from the mobile application, so no card data will hit your servers. It results in improved security and fewer PCI compliance requirements.

The security of this process is ensured by a CryptKey mechanism. Your merchant back-end service is responsible for authorizing the app user for a specific CryptKey operation. This is done via headers in configuration.

Initial configuration

First, create a Straal.Config object (which contains your Merchant URL and authorization headers). Then, create your Straal object using the configuration.

class StraalPayment {
    private static final String MERCHANT_API_URL = "";
    private Map<String, String> headers;  // You have to authorize your user on cryptkeys endpoint using these headers!
    private DeviceInfo deviceInfo; // You have to create device info with necessary daya
    private Straal.Config config = new Straal.Config(MERCHANT_API_URL, headers, deviceInfo);
    private Straal straal = new Straal(config);

    // ...

Note: Once your app needs to change the authorization headers (user logs out or in), you need to create a new Straal object. Neither Straal nor Straal.Configuration objects are meant to be reused or changed.

Once you have your Straal object, you can submit objects of type StraalOperation to it.


Create a transaction with a card

Add required Manifest.xml entries

CreateTransactionWithCardOperation requires 3DS authentication in external browser. A URL scheme must be defined to return to your app from the browser. Edit your AndroidManifest.xml to include Auth3dsBrowserActivity and set the android:schemeand android:host.

You can use built in StraalTheme.Activity.Invisible for Auth3dsBrowserActivity or create your own with custom atributes values such as android:windowBackground to display your placeholder.

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                <data android:scheme="${applicationId}" android:host=""/>
Make payment

To make payment you have to create instance of Straal3dsTransactionHandler in your Activity or Fragment as soon as possible and pass it as success consumer to Straal.performAsync(...) method. Straal3dsTransactionHandler will handle response from Straal backend, perform 3D-Secure authentication using Auth3dsBrowserActivity and at the end inform you about the final result.

⚠️ Application id passed to CreateTransactionWithCardOperation must be the same as declared in your application Manifest.xml

class StraalPayment {
    // ...
    //initialize authenticationHandler as soon as possible
    private Straal3dsTransactionHandler authenticationHandler = new Straal3dsTransactionHandler(lifecycleOwner, activityResultRegistry, this::handleAuthenticationResult);

    private void makePayment() {
        // first, create credit card as before...
        CreditCard card = new CreditCard(cardholderName, cardNumber, cvv, expiryDate);
        // create transaction object with your order's details
        Transaction transaction = new Transaction(999, CurrencyCode.USD, "order:bI124dP2an");
        CreateTransactionWithCardOperation operation = new CreateTransactionWithCardOperation(transaction, card, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID);
                authenticationHandler, //pass authenticationHandler as onSuccess consumer
                straalException -> handleError(straalException)

    public void handleAuthenticationResult(int resultCode) {
            //handle final authentication result
            switch (resultCode) {
                case Auth3dsResult.AUTH_3DS_SUCCESS: {
                    //handle success
                case Auth3dsResult.AUTH_3DS_FAILURE: {
                    //handle failure
                case Auth3dsResult.AUTH_3DS_CANCEL: {
                    //handle cancel
                case Auth3dsResult.AUTH_3DS_RESULT_NOT_CAPTURED: {
                    //handle result not delivered

    // ...

We first fetch your cryptkeys endpoint to fetch a CryptKey. This time with JSON:

  "permission": "v1.transactions.create_with_card",
  "transaction": {
    "amount": 999,
    "currency": "usd",
    "reference": "order:bI124dP2an",
    "authentication_3ds": {
        "success_url": "",
        "failure_url": ""

It is your back end's responsibility to verify the transaction's amount (possibly pairing it with an order using reference) and to authorize the user using request headers.

After that our SDK will use fetched cryptkey to encrypt payment request send to Straal backend.


Coming soon


Any suggestions or reports of technical issues are welcome! Contact us via email.


This library is released under Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more info.