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cburbridge edited this page Jan 24, 2014 · 1 revision

Simulating perception

To simulate the perception for each scene in a scenes file, use the '' script inside the strands_qsr_evaluation package. This will generate a perceptions file that contains artificial confidence values for the class of every object inside every scene.


rosrun strands_qsr_evalution [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --out=FILE   write scene perceptions to FILE
  -s FILE, --scenes=FILE
                        load the scenes from FILE
  -p P_TYPE, --perception=P_TYPE
                        generate perceptions of type P_TYPE
  -t OBJ_CLASS, --object_type=OBJ_CLASS
                        conside objects of type OBJ_CLASS
  -a, --all_objects     conside all objects in scenes (replaces -t)
  -O, --overwrite       overwrite output file if already exists.

for example

rosrun strands_qsr_evalution -o perceptions.json -s data/simulation/bham_office_desk_500.json -p gt_60 -t Mouse -t Keyboard -t Mug -t Monitor -t Headphone -t Pencil -t Keys -t Lamp -t Laptop 

Perception models

The perception model to use to generate the artificial object class confidences can be specified using the -p option. Available models:

  • random - every possible class is given equal confidence
  • gt_N where N is 1..100 - ground truth from 1 to 100%, the correct object label is given confidence N while the others are equally distributed 100-N.
  • a 'library' model

Library models are specified at the bottom of strands_qsr_evaluation/src/ as global variables. These are matrices that give p(perception_label | true_label). To define a new perception model, create a new variable at the bottome of the file using the existing model as a guide. The Gnumeric spreadsheet in the package can be used as a guide.

Perceptions file data format

JSON reprentation of a dictionary, key = scene_id, value is another dictionary where key is the object id in the scene and value is another dictionary of entries 'type' -> list of possible types for the object, 'confidence' - list of confidences associated to the type.