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Restructure of lift_adat() functionality
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- `lift_adat()` now takes a `bridge =` argument,
  replacing the `anno.tbl =` argument. Lifting
  is now performed internally for a better (and safer)
  user experience, without the necessity of an
  external annotations file. Much simpler user experience.
- the majority of this refactoring was internal
  and the user should not experience a major
  disruption to the API.
- new internal objects `lift_master` and `lref`
  as sources of internal scaling factors (lifting)
- new function `is_lifted()`
- fixes SomaLogic#81, fixes SomaLogic#78
  • Loading branch information
stufield committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 784a2bf commit d1b7b50
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Showing 10 changed files with 251 additions and 192 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ export(getFeatures)
Expand All @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ export(is.apt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,6 +146,8 @@ importFrom(dplyr,ungroup)
Expand Down
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions R/adat-helpers.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ getAdatVersion <- function(atts) {

.ss_ver_map <- c(v3 = "1129", v3.0 = "1129",
v4 = "5k", v4.0 = "5k",
v4.1 = "7k",
v5 = "11k", v5.0 = "11k")

#' Gets the SomaScan version
#' @rdname adat-helpers
Expand All @@ -82,6 +76,20 @@ getSomaScanVersion <- function(adat) {

#' Gets the SomaScan Signal Space
#' @rdname adat-helpers
#' @inheritParams params
#' @examples
#' rfu_space <- getSignalSpace(example_data)
#' rfu_space
#' @export
getSignalSpace <- function(adat) {
attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$SignalSpace %||% getSomaScanVersion(adat)

#' Checks the SomaScan version
#' @rdname adat-helpers
Expand All @@ -92,7 +100,7 @@ getSomaScanVersion <- function(adat) {
#' is.null(checkSomaScanVersion(ver))
#' @export
checkSomaScanVersion <- function(ver) {
allowed <- c("v3.0", "v4", "v4.0", "v4.1", "v5", "v5.0")
allowed <- c("v4", "v4.0", "v4.1", "v5", "v5.0")
if ( !tolower(ver) %in% allowed ) {
stop("Unsupported assay version: ", .value(ver),
". Supported versions: ", .value(allowed), call. = FALSE)
Expand Down
168 changes: 57 additions & 111 deletions R/lift-adat.R
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Expand Up @@ -17,52 +17,64 @@
#' Likewise, "lifting" from `v4.0` -> `v4.1` requires
#' a separate annotations file and a `soma_adat` from SomaScan `v4.0`.
#' @param adat A `soma_adat` class object.
#' @param anno.tbl A table of annotations, typically the result of a call
#' to [read_annotations()].
#' @inheritParams params
#' @param bridge The direction of the lift (i.e. bridge).
#' @param anno.tbl Deprecated.
#' @return A "lifted" `soma_adat` object corresponding to the scaling
#' reference in the `anno.tbl`. RFU values are rounded to 1 decimal to
#' match standard SomaScan delivery format.
#' @examples
#' # `example_data` is SomaScan V4
#' # `example_data` is SomaScan V4 (5k)
#' adat <- head(example_data, 3L)
#' # read in version specific annotations file
#' # containing scaling values between assay versions
#' \dontrun{
#' tbl <- read_annotations("path/to/annotations_file.xlsx")
#' }
#' # mock annotations table in lieu of `*.xlsx` file
#' tbl <- tibble::tibble(SeqId = getSeqId(getAnalytes(adat)),
#' "Plasma Scalar v4.0 to v4.1" = 1) # scale by 1.0
#' # usually performed inside `read_annotations()`
#' # assign valid testing version to annotations table
#' attr(tbl, "version") <- "SL-99999999-rev99-1999-01"
#' getSomaScanVersion(example_data)
#' # perform the 'lifting'
#' lifted <- lift_adat(adat, tbl)
#' # `tbl` contained all scalars = 1.0 (same RFUs)
#' all.equal(adat, lifted, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' lift_7k <- lift_adat(adat, "5k_to_7k")
#' is_lifted(lift_7k)
#' # attributes updated to reflect the 'lift'
#' attr(lifted, "Header")$HEADER$ProcessSteps
#' attr(lifted, "Header")$HEADER$SignalSpace
#' attr(lift_7k, "Header")$HEADER$SignalSpace
#' attr(lift_7k, "Header")$HEADER$ProcessSteps
#' @importFrom tibble enframe deframe
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present deprecate_warn
#' @export
lift_adat <- function(adat, anno.tbl) {
lift_adat <- function(adat,
bridge = c("11k_to_7k", "11k_to_5k",
"7k_to_11k", "7k_to_5k",
"5k_to_11k", "5k_to_7k"),
anno.tbl = deprecated()) {

"`adat` must be a `soma_adat` class object." = inherits(adat, "soma_adat"),
"`adat` must have intact attributes." = is_intact_attr(adat)

# syntax check for allowed params
bridge <- match.arg(bridge)

if ( is_present(anno.tbl) ) {
"SomaDataIO::lift_adat(anno.tbl =)",
"SomaDataIO::lift_adat(bridge =)",
details = paste0("Proceeding with ", .value(bridge), ".")

stopifnot(inherits(adat, "soma_adat"))
atts <- attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER
anno_ver <- attr(anno.tbl, "version")

# the 'space' refers to the SomaScan assay version signal space
# prefer SignalSpace if present; NULL if absent
from_space <- getSignalSpace(adat)
from_space <- map_ver2k[[from_space]] # map ver to k and strip names
new_space <- .check_direction(from_space, bridge) # check and return new space

if ( grepl("Plasma", atts$StudyMatrix, = TRUE) ) {
scalar_col <- ver_dict[[anno_ver]]$col_plasma
ref_vec <- .get_lift_ref(matrx = "plasma", bridge = bridge)
} else if ( grepl("Serum", atts$StudyMatrix, = TRUE) ) {
scalar_col <- ver_dict[[anno_ver]]$col_serum
ref_vec <- .get_lift_ref(matrx = "serum", bridge = bridge)
} else {
"Unsupported matrix: ", .value(atts$StudyMatrix), ".\n",
Expand All @@ -71,92 +83,26 @@ lift_adat <- function(adat, anno.tbl) {

if ( scalar_col %in% names(anno.tbl) ) {
anno.tbl <- anno.tbl[, c("SeqId", scalar_col)]
} else {
"Unable to find the required 'Scalar' column in the annotations file.\n",
"Do you have the correct annotations file?",
call. = FALSE

# the 'space' refers to the assay version signal space
from_space <- atts$SignalSpace # prefer this; NULL if absent
if ( is.null(from_space) ) {
from_space <- atts$AssayVersion # if missing; use this

.check_direction(scalar_col, from_space)

new_space <- gsub(".*(v[0-9]\\.[0-9])$", "\\1", scalar_col)
attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$SignalSpace <- new_space
new_step <- sprintf("Annotation Lift (%s to %s)", tolower(from_space), new_space)
# update attrs with new SignalSpace information
attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$SignalSpace <- map_k2ver[[new_space]]
new_step <- sprintf("Lifting Bridge (%s -> %s)", tolower(from_space), new_space)
steps <- attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$ProcessSteps
attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$ProcessSteps <- paste0(steps, ", ", new_step)
ref_vec <- deframe(anno.tbl)
scaleAnalytes(adat, ref_vec) |> round(1L)

# Checks ----
# check attributes of annotations tbl for a version
# x = annotations version from annotations tbl
.check_anno <- function(x) {
if ( is.null(x) ) {
stop("Unable to determine the Annotations file version in `anno.tbl`.\n",
"Please check the attributes via `attr(anno.tbl, 'version')`.",
call. = FALSE)
if ( !x %in% names(ver_dict) ) {
stop("Unknown Annotations file version from `anno.tbl`: ", .value(x),
"\nUnable to proceed without knowing annotations table specs.",
call. = FALSE)

# check that SomaScan data has been ANML normalized
# x = Header attributes
.check_anml <- function(x) {
steps <- x$ProcessSteps
if ( is.null(steps) | !grepl("ANML", steps, = TRUE) ) {
stop("ANML normalized SOMAscan data is required for lifting.",
call. = FALSE)

# check supported versions: v4, v4.0, v4.1
.check_ver <- function(ver) {
allowed <- c("v4", "v4.0", "v4.1")
if ( !tolower(ver) %in% allowed ) {
"Unsupported assay version: ", .value(ver),
". Supported versions: ", .value(allowed), call. = FALSE

#' @param x the name of the scalar column from the annotations table.
#' @param y the assay version from the adat header information.
#' @noRd
.check_direction <- function(x, y) {
y <- tolower(y)
if ( grepl("4\\.1.*4\\.0", x) & y == "v4" ) {
"Annotations table indicates v4.1 -> v4.0, however the ADAT object ",
"already appears to be in version ", y, " space.", call. = FALSE
if ( grepl("4\\.0.*4\\.1", x) & y == "v4.1" ) {
"Annotations table indicates v4.0 -> v4.1, however the ADAT object ",
"already appears to be in version ", y, " space.", call. = FALSE
#' Test for lifted objects
#' [is_lifted()] checks whether an object
#' has been lifted (bridged) by the presence
#' (or absence) of the `SignalSpace` entry
#' in the `soma_adat` attributes.
#' @rdname lift_adat
#' @return Logical. Whether `adat` has been lifted.
#' @export
is_lifted <- function(adat) {
x <- attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions R/s3-print-soma-adat.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ print.soma_adat <- function(x, show_header = FALSE, ...) {
atts_symbol <- if ( attsTRUE ) symb_tick else symb_cross
meta <- getMeta(x)
ver <- getSomaScanVersion(x) %||% "unknown"
ver <- sprintf("%s (%s)", ver, .ss_ver_map[tolower(ver)])
ver <- sprintf("%s (%s)", ver, slug_version(ver))
signal <- slug_version(getSignalSpace(x))
n_apts <- getAnalytes(x, n = TRUE)
pad <- strrep(" ", 5L)
dim_vars <- c("SomaScan version", "Attributes intact", "Rows",
dim_vars <- c("SomaScan version", "Signal Space", "Attributes intact", "Rows",
"Columns", "Clinical Data", "Features")
dim_vals <- c(ver, col_f(atts_symbol), nrow(x), ncol(x), length(meta), n_apts)
dim_vals <- c(ver, signal, col_f(atts_symbol), nrow(x), ncol(x),
length(meta), n_apts)
if ( inherits(x, "grouped_df") && !is.null(attr(x, "groups")) ) {
dim_vars <- c(dim_vars, "Groups")
group_data <- attr(x, "groups")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,3 +87,10 @@ print.soma_adat <- function(x, show_header = FALSE, ...) {
writeLines(cli_rule(line = 2, line_col = "green"))

# map internal version to
# external commercial name
slug_version <- function(x) {
ver <- x %||% "unknown"
Binary file added R/sysdata.rda
Binary file not shown.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions R/utils-lift.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@

# map external commercial names to
# internal SomaScan version names
# ----------------------------------
map_ver2k <- c(
V3 = "1.1k",
v3 = "1.1k",
v3.0 = "1.1k",
V4 = "5k",
v4 = "5k",
v4.0 = "5k",
V4.1 = "7k",
v4.1 = "7k",
V5 = "11k",
v5 = "11k",
v5.0 = "11k"

map_k2ver <- c(
"1129" = "v3.0",
"5k" = "v4.0",
"7k" = "v4.1",
"11k" = "v5.0"

# matrx: either serum or plasma
# bridge: direction of the bridge
.get_lift_ref <- function(matrx = c("plasma", "serum"), bridge) {
matrx <- match.arg(matrx)
df <- lref[[matrx]][, c("SeqId", bridge)]
setNames(df[[2L]], df[[1L]])

# Checks ----
# check that SomaScan data has been ANML normalized
# x = Header attributes
.check_anml <- function(x) {
steps <- x$ProcessSteps
if ( is.null(steps) | !grepl("ANML", steps, = TRUE) ) {
stop("ANML normalized SOMAscan data is required for lifting.",
call. = FALSE)

#' @param x the 'from' space.
#' @param y the bridge variable, e.g. '5k_to_7k'.
#' @return The 'to' space, from the 'y' param.
#' @noRd
.check_direction <- function(x, y) {
x <- tolower(x)
from <- gsub("(.*)_to_(.*)$", "\\1", y)
to <- gsub("(.*)_to_(.*)$", "\\2", y)

if ( isFALSE(x == from) ) {
"You have indicated a bridge from ", .value(from),
" space, however your RFU data appears to be in ",
.value(x), " space.", call. = FALSE
if ( isTRUE(x == to) ) {
"You have indicated a bridge to ", .value(to),
" space, however your RFU data already appears to be in ",
.value(x), " space.", call. = FALSE

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions man/adat-helpers.Rd

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