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How To – Suggested Security Schema

stwood edited this page Nov 9, 2011 · 1 revision

The following image shows the suggested security setting for the CMS, listing roles and their granted permissions.



A CMS Administrator has rights to introduce any changes on any list at MMPCM Root Site level. This user is in charge of maintaining general data such as Targeted Platforms, FTP Servers and Config lists.


A CMS Producer is able to introduce changes only to MMPCM Project sites he is responsible of. This includes any configuration that is at MMPCM Root Site level in the Projects list. A Producer is responsible for every Asset approval inside those projects, and any changes that may be introduced by a CMS Editor.


A CMS Editor is in charge of contributing to the Assets list of an MMPCM Project site. All the information that resides at MMPCM Project Site level should be uploaded by this user, but requires a CMS Producer to approve it.


This user has permissions to read all content at MMPCM Root Site level and Project Site level, but has no write privileges. In the MMPCM Root site, every role has read access, but only the CMS Admin role has write permission, as the image shows. As an exception to this rule, a CMS producer may introduce changes to the Projects List. This is graphically shown on the image below, and in the table at the right. Below the MMPCM Root Site is the MMPCM Project site level. At this level, CMS Editors and Producers have write permissions, but from different perspectives. A CMS Editor may introduce changes that a CMS Producer must approve later. A CMS Producer is able to introduce any changes whatsoever without anyone’s approval, and may approve CMS Editor changes.  

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