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Getting Started with Subutai

MarilizaC edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

Getting Started with Subutai

There are different ways to get started using Subutai, whether you want to set up peers and rent your compute resources or you want to look for available resources to rent.

⤿ Create a Bazaar account
Users who want to rent compute resources or those who are new to the Subutai platform could start with the basic Bazaar account. In Bazaar, check out the available peers and apps, like Blueprints or plugins that you can use. Create environments where you can set up and access those apps. Learn how create your Bazaar account.

⤿ Create and run peers
Peer owners or administrators can get started through these methods:

  • Do a quick install of PeerOS, using Vagrant with VirtualBox or other hypervisors, and then get a peer running in no time. Your journey begins here.
  • Those who need a user interface can create peers using the Control Center desktop application. You need a Bazaar account, which is used to log in to the Control Center. Get more information and instructions here.

⤿ Use a Subutai Blueprint
Use enhanced templates that we call “Blueprints” to create cloud environments and install applications at the same time. Using blueprints is a quick way of deploying applications within a cloud environment, on a peer that you own or rent from another user. Check our growing collection of Blueprints: file hosting (Nextcloud); CMS (WordPress, Grav); smart contract development (Blockchain in a Box); gaming (Minecraft Server), and lots more. Install a blueprint.

⤿ Install the software components
Peer owners, managers, and administrators can start using the software components built to easily access and manage peers, environments, and containers.

  • Using the E2E Plugin
    This browser plugin facilitates working with peers by managing PGP-based authentication and encryption. Tasks requiring authentication need PGP keys that can be generated and managed by the E2E plugin.
  • Using the Control Center
    This convenient desktop application is designed for working with Subutai Bazaar and PeerOS. Users can create and manage peers, environments, and containers using the features of the Control Center.
  • Using the Management Console
    This online application exposes PeerOS functionality to enable creation and management of peers, environments, and containers. It is automatically installed and set up during peer creation.
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