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Epic Games Integration

suchmememanyskill edited this page Aug 7, 2022 · 1 revision

This wiki page contains some how-to's on common actions performed in relation to the Epic Games Integration plugin. The plugin uses legendary to interact with Epic's services

Logging in

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on Plugins in the top right, click on Epic Games Integration in the dropdown menu that appears, then click on Login
  3. Click on the orange link to open the Epic Games login page in your default browser. Log in in your browser
  4. After logging in, you'll see some text. Find the sid section, and copy the text after, without the quotes
  5. Paste the SID into Alfae, and press Login
  6. Your games on Epic Games should now appear in the application

Installing a game

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on a game you want to install, then click Install
  3. Wait until the game finishes downloading. After installing, the game will appear in the Installed section of Alfae

Launching a game

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on a game you want to launch, then click Launch

Configuring a game

The configuration menu allows you to see the installed version of the game, creator name, App id and Location on disk. You can configure if the game should launch offline, or if it should always skip checking for updates. You can also supply extra commandline arguments

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on a game you want to configure, then click More, then click Config/Info
  3. Make edits to the configuration of the game
    • Always launch offline: Always starts the game in offline mode. When the toggle is off, offline mode is only used when not connected to the internet. Also skips update checks
    • Always skip version check: Always start the game online without checking for updates
    • Additional game arguments: Supply extra commandline arguments to be passed along to the game
  4. Press Save to save your changes

Uninstalling a game

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on a game you want to configure, then click More, then click Uninstall
  3. Click on Uninstall to remove the game from your machine

Opening the Epic Games free game web page

What else is epic good for?

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on Plugins in the top right, click on Epic Games Integration in the dropdown menu that appears, then click on Open free games page
  3. Enjoy your free game :)
    • To reload the games from Epic Games, press Reload Games in the same menu

Adding installed games to Steam

You can add all installed Epic Games games, including cover art, logos and background art to steam

  1. Open Alfae
  2. Click on Plugins in the top right, click on Steam Exporter in the dropdown menu that appears, then click on Add games to steam
  3. Restart steam to see the changes