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String formatting module for string beautification, splits string optimally over multiple lines. Can be used for formatting addresses.


npm install --save string-formatting


const StringFormatter = require('string-formatting');

StringFormatting.apply(<string-to-be-formatted>, <options>);

Default configuration, can be overriden with user-defined options:

    numLines: 1,                            // number of lines to format to (numLines and lengthOfLine have overlapping use, please see below)
    lengthOfLine: [255],                    // length for each line as a number or length for each specific line in an Array (numLines and lengthOfLine have overlapping use, please see below)
    firstLineRequired: true,                // whether the first line in the array must have a value, else fail
    splitTokenRegex: / /,                   // regex to split the string with
    mergeToken: ' '                         // string to merge the string with in case multiple words join on the same line

NOTE: When both numLines defined and lengthOfLine is defined as an Array (where each line can have multiple lengths). string-formatting requires that the numLines and the length of lengthOfLine Array be the same. This is because in the scenario where lengthOfLine is defined per line, numLines is an extraneous value and can be omitted.


const StringFormatter = require('string-formatting');

const output = StringFormatting.apply('Hello World!', {
    lengthOfLine: [5, 6]                    // the first line is allowed to have a maximum length of 5, the second line, a maximum length of 6
// ['Hello', 'World!']

const output = StringFormatting.apply('Hello World! I am Node.js', {
    numLines: 2,
    lengthOfLine: 12
// ['Hello World!', 'I am Node.js']

const output = StringFormatting.apply('Hello World!', {
    lengthOfLine: [2, 100],
    firstLineRequired: false
// ['', 'Hello World!']

const output = StringFormatting.apply('Hello World!', {
    lengthOfLine: [4, 6],
    splitTokenRegex: /[aeiou]/,
    mergeToken: ';'
// ['H;ll', 'W;rld!']

For more workable examples, please see fixtures.