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馃専 Name Description 馃實
36 @open-rdc/orne_navigation This repository provides mobile robot navigation system with i-Cart mini for Tsukuba Challenge under Project ORNE.
22 @DaikiMaekawa/hector_slam_example Example for using openni or UTM-30LX with hector_slam of ROS node 鈫楋笍
10 @kunalkushwaha/wingpanel-indicator-weather Weather app for elementary os
10 @miurahr/cmake-optimize-architecture-flag CMake module to optimize cflags for architecture extensions such as SSE, AVX
9 @syohex/cpp-objective-c-project Sample project of linking C++ and Objective-C code
9 @wolfv/xtensor_ros ROS (Robot Operating System) bindings for xtensor, the multidimensional linear algebra library
7 @karupanerura/c-git-git git git git git git git git git status 鈫楋笍
6 @charmie11/PTAMonUbuntu14.04 a bash script and patches to compile PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping) on Ubuntu 14.04 with CMake
6 @flokart-world/cmake-supports A collection of utilities for creating projects with CMake scripts.
6 @kjunichi/mruby-webcam mruby can get image from webcam now!
5 @termoshtt/flat_ffi_example FFI example of C++/Python using FlatBuffers
5 @yoshimalucky/pepper_navigation
4 @januswel/ctest-gtest CTest with Google Test
4 @yossato/architect_robot Line tracer robot with gazebo and ROS.
3 @CIR-KIT-Unit03/cirkit_unit03_simulator Gazebo simulation for CIR-KIT-Unit03
3 @RyuYamamoto/turtlebot_octomap
3 @hideo55/CMake-FindSSE CMake module for check whether a SSE nstructions can be used on the machine.
3 @miurahr/cmake-qt-packaging-example CMake example to build pacakges for Qt GUI cross platform application in several format.
3 @okuoku/yunibase Yuni library test environment (Scheme implementations build script)
3 @pcboy/libwallet Script to compile monero libwallet for Android (used by monujo wallet)
3 @sugarsweetrobotics/UrgRTC
3 @wkentaro/cython_catkin_example Simple example of Catkin + Cython.