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A single page application or a SPA for Queenstown Tourism, which finds accomodations based on user input, is a summative project for Yoobee Colleges, Wellington, NZ. Languages used for the completion of this projects are HTML, CSS / SCSS, JS / jQuery and a variety of JS plugins.

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Queenstown Tourism - Home of Adventure

Single Page Application by Mohnish Leuva

A single page application or a SPA for Queenstown Tourism, which finds accomodations based on user input, is a summative project for Yoobee Colleges, Wellington, NZ.

Languages used for the completion of this projects are HTML, CSS / SCSS, JS / jQuery and a variety of JS plugins.


Queenstown’s journey to becoming an internationally acclaimed four season resort began with the support of Kiwis who used it as a popular summer holiday destination. As better roads and facilities were developed the town became a picturesque overnight stop for coach tours and became a thriving winter ski resort when Coronet Peak opened in 1947. Queenstown Tourism works with the tourism industry to positively promote Queenstown internationally. They have a new campaign that is aimed at visitors staying for short periods, booking their own accommodation and arranging their own transport.

Libraries and Plugins

  • jQuery - mainly for the custom javascript.

  • Fullpage.js - for making horizontal and vertical scrolls and for a single page application.

  • ScrollOverflow - for scrolling inside sections and slides of the application.

  • Anime.js - for animating different targets on the application.

  • Hotel Date Picker - for a date range picker.

  • Fecha - a must have plugin if you are using Hotel Date picker.

  • Parsley - for validating inputs on the application.

  • Mapbox - for integrating maps on the application.

  • FontAwesome 4 - for different icons.

  • Adobe Fonts - for fonts.

  • Gulp - for js linting, sass compiling.

Production Tools

  • Atom - for editing and writing all the necessary code.

  • Adobe Photoshop - for resizing and color grading images.

  • Adobe XD - for wireframing and concepting.

  • Overflow - for creating userflows.

  • Google Chrome - for viewing the outputs and inspecting the console for errors or warnings.

  • Terminal - for running gulp and pushing to GitHub

Javascript Style Guide - Idiomatic

  • The javascript style guide used in this project is based on Idiomatic Js style guide. Which mainly consists of

    • Eliminating white spaces - keeping the code clean and readable.

    • Beautiful syntax

      // if/else/for/while/try always have spaces, braces and span multiple lines
      // this encourages readability
      // Examples of really cramped syntax
      if(condition) doSomething();
      while(condition) iterating++;
      for(var i=0;i<100;i++) someIterativeFn();
      // Use whitespace to promote readability
      if ( condition ) {
        // statements
      while ( condition ) {
        // statements
      for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
        // statements
    • Quotes - either use single quotes or double quotes. Don't mix up both!

    • Naming - use proper naming conventions such that human eyes can read that properly, i.e., readable structure.

        // Example of code with poor names
        function q(s) {
          return document.querySelectorAll(s);
        var i,a=[],els=q("#foo");
      // Example of code with improved names
      function query( selector ) {
        return document.querySelectorAll( selector );
      var idx = 0,
        elements = [],
        matches = query("#foo"),
        length = matches.length;
      for ( ; idx < length; idx++ ) {
        elements.push( matches[ idx ] );
    • Comments

      • Single line above the code that is subject
      • Multiline is good
      • End of line comments are prohibited!
    • Read more about Idiomatic here

How it works?

  • Card animation

      targets: '.card', //targets classes with card name
      translateY: -500, // changes the position of the cards
      delay: anime.stagger(500, {
        from: 'center' // stagger animation allows to "STAGGER"
      duration: 2000, //time duration of the animation
      loop: false //doesn't run it in a loop
  • Date Picker

    var datepicker = new HotelDatepicker(document.getElementById('stayDates'), {
      minNights: 1, // sets minimum nights
      maxNights: 15, // sets maximum nights
      format: 'MMMM D, YYYY' // sets date format
  • Mapbox

    mapboxgl.accessToken = '';
    var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
      container: 'map', // container ID
      style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10', // style URL
      center: [long.itude, -lat.itude], // starting position [lng, lat]
      zoom: 16 // starting zoom
  • Fullpage js

    var myFullpage = new fullpage('#fullpage', {
      licenseKey: null,
      controlArrows: false, //hides the control arrows on the slides
      scrollOverflow: true //to scroll inside of sections & slides
    fullpage_api.setScrollingSpeed(2000); //setting scrolling speed to 2s
    fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(false); //setting auto scrolling to false
    fullpage_api.moveSectionDown(); //moves a section down
    fullpage_api.moveSectionUp(); //moves a section down
    fullpage_api.moveSlideLeft(); //moves a slide to left
    fullpage_api.moveSlideRight(); //moves a slide to right
  • Parsley js

    //do validation on #formID
    var form = $('#formID').parsley();
    // find #buttonID in #formID and set up a click function on it
    $('#formID').find('#buttonID').click(function() {
      // Validate the form on click
    // only runs when form is successfully validated
    form.subscribe('parsley:form:success', function(e) {
      // HOCUS POCUS

Code Validation

  • HTML - using W3 Online HTML Validator
11 warnings, 0 errors
Warnings regarding empty h1 and h3 tags which are later
changed via DOM manipulation

HTML Validation

  • CSS - using W3 online CSS Validator
0 errors
![CSS Validation](img/css-validation.png)
  • JavaScript - using Gulp linter
0 erros in custom.js file
![JS Validation](img/js-validation-2.png)
2 errors regarding Fullpage licensing in the console
As I am using latest version 3.1.1 which needs a license key to run
Using 2.9.6 / 2.9.7 broke the code so using 3.1.1
1 error regarding Gulp localhost in the console

JS Validation

Future Development

  • As for the future development, I would like to implement transport options to the application, which would allow users to select a transport option based on their inputs.


  • Video - Tourism New Zealand
  • Images - & Queenstown Tourism
  • Fonts - Adobe Fonts


A single page application or a SPA for Queenstown Tourism, which finds accomodations based on user input, is a summative project for Yoobee Colleges, Wellington, NZ. Languages used for the completion of this projects are HTML, CSS / SCSS, JS / jQuery and a variety of JS plugins.






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