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36 lines (25 loc) · 1.7 KB

File metadata and controls

36 lines (25 loc) · 1.7 KB

Steps to release healpy


  • Review recent pull requests and update CHANGELOG.rst
  • Edit healpy/ and create a git tag
  • Draft a new release on Github using the same version name of the tag, add the same details added in the Changelog to the release description

PyPI - source

  • python build sdist
  • twine upload dist/*

Conda packages

Conda forge should automatically detect the PyPI package and try to build the conda package, review and merge the Pull Request at

PyPI - Wheels


mkdir -p wheelhouse && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/wheelhouse:/wheelhouse bash -c 'for PIP in /opt/python/*/bin/pip; do $PIP install numpy==1.13.3\;python_version\<\"3.7\" numpy==1.14.3\;python_version\>=\"3.7\" && $PIP wheel --no-deps healpy==1.12.7; done; for WHEEL in *.whl; do auditwheel repair $WHEEL; done'

macOS + MacPorts

sudo port -N install py{27,35,36,37}-{matplotlib,numpy,six,astropy,scipy,pytest-runner,six,setuptools,pip,wheel,virtualenv} gcc8 clang-6.0
sudo port select --set clang mp-clang-6.0
export CC=gcc-mp-8
export CXX=g++-mp-8
export CFLAGS=-Wa,-q
export CXXFLAGS=-Wa,-q
for VERS in {2.7,3.5,3.6,3.7}; do rm -rf env && virtualenv-$VERS --system-site-packages env && env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel && env/bin/pip install "numpy==1.13.3;python_version<'3.7'" "numpy==1.14.3;python_version>='3.7'" && env/bin/pip wheel --verbose --no-deps healpy==1.12.7; done
python3.7 -m venv --system-site-packages delocate
delocate/bin/pip install delocate
for WHEEL in *.whl; do delocate/bin/delocate-wheel -w wheelhouse $WHEEL; done