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Extract ReleaseTagService from Releasable
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Trying to limit the number of responsibilities that any one class has.
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jcoyne committed Nov 30, 2018
1 parent bab7420 commit cdccf45
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,345 additions and 388 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/dor-services.rb
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Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def logger
autoload :ProvenanceMetadataService
autoload :TechnicalMetadataService
autoload :MergeService
autoload :ReleaseTagService
autoload :ResetWorkspaceService
autoload :CleanupResetService
autoload :PublicDescMetadataService
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233 changes: 10 additions & 223 deletions lib/dor/models/concerns/releaseable.rb
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
module Dor
module Releaseable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
extend Deprecation
self.deprecation_horizon = 'dor-services version 7.0.0'

# Add release tags to an item and initialize the item release workflow
# Each tag should be of the form !{:tag => 'Fitch : Batch2', :what => 'self', :to => 'Searchworks', :who => 'petucket', :release => true}
Expand All @@ -23,166 +25,18 @@ def add_release_nodes_and_start_releaseWF(release_tags)
deprecation_deprecate add_release_nodes_and_start_releaseWF: 'No longer used by any DLSS code'

# Called in Dor::UpdateMarcRecordService (in dor-services-app too)
# Determine projects in which an item is released
# @param [Boolean] skip_live_purl set true to skip requesting from purl backend
# @return [Hash{String => Boolean}] all namespaces, keys are Project name Strings, values are Boolean
def released_for(skip_live_purl = false)
released_hash = {}

# Get the most recent self tag for all targets and retain their result since most recent self always trumps any other non self tags
latest_self_tags = get_newest_release_tag get_self_release_tags(release_nodes)
latest_self_tags.each do |key, payload|
released_hash[key] = { 'release' => payload['release'] }

# With Self Tags resolved we now need to deal with tags on all sets this object is part of.
# Get all release tags on the item and strip out the what = self ones, we've already processed all the self tags on this item.
# This will be where we store all tags that apply, regardless of their timestamp:
potential_applicable_release_tags = get_tags_for_what_value(get_release_tags_for_item_and_all_governing_sets, 'collection')
administrative_tags = tags # Get admin tags once here and pass them down

# We now have the keys for all potential releases, we need to check the tags: the most recent timestamp with an explicit true or false wins.
# In a nil case, the lack of an explicit false tag we do nothing.
(potential_applicable_release_tags.keys - released_hash.keys).each do |key| # don't bother checking if already added to the release hash, they were added due to a self tag so that has won
latest_tag = latest_applicable_release_tag_in_array(potential_applicable_release_tags[key], administrative_tags)
next if latest_tag.nil? # Otherwise, we have a valid tag, record it

released_hash[key] = { 'release' => latest_tag['release'] }

# See what the application is currently released for on Purl. If released in purl but not listed here, it needs to be added as a false
add_tags_from_purl(released_hash) unless skip_live_purl

# Take a hash of tags as obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags and returns all self tags
# @param tags [Hash] a hash of tags obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags or matching format
# @return [Hash] a hash of self tags for each to value
def get_self_release_tags(tags)
get_tags_for_what_value(tags, 'self')

# Take an item and get all of its release tags and all tags on collections it is a member of it
# @return [Hash] a hash of all tags
def get_release_tags_for_item_and_all_governing_sets
return_tags = release_nodes || {}
collections.each do |collection|
next if == id # recursive, so parents of parents are found, but we need to avoid an infinite loop if the collection references itself (i.e. bad data)

return_tags = combine_two_release_tag_hashes(return_tags, collection.get_release_tags_for_item_and_all_governing_sets)

# Take two hashes of tags and combine them, will not overwrite but will enforce uniqueness of the tags
# @param hash_one [Hash] a hash of tags obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags or matching format
# @param hash_two [Hash] a hash of tags obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags or matching format
# @return [Hash] the combined hash with uniquiness enforced
def combine_two_release_tag_hashes(hash_one, hash_two)
hash_two.keys.each do |key|
hash_one[key] = hash_two[key] if hash_one[key].nil?
hash_one[key] = (hash_one[key] + hash_two[key]).uniq unless hash_one[key].nil?

# Take a hash of tags and return all tags with the matching what target
# @param tags [Hash] a hash of tags obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags or matching format
# @param what_target [String] the target for the 'what' key, self or collection
# @return [Hash] a hash of self tags for each to value
def get_tags_for_what_value(tags, what_target)
return_hash = {}
tags.keys.each do |key|
self_tags = tags[key].select { |tag| tag['what'].casecmp(what_target) == 0 }
return_hash[key] = self_tags if self_tags.size > 0

# Take a hash of tags as obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags and returns the newest tag for each namespace
# @param tags [Hash] a hash of tags obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags or matching format
# @return [Hash] a hash of latest tags for each to value
def get_newest_release_tag(tags)
Hash[ { |key, val| [key, newest_release_tag_in_an_array(val)] }]
releases.released_for(skip_live_purl: skip_live_purl)

# Takes an array of release tags and returns the most recent one
# @param array_of_tags [Array] an array of hashes, each hash a release tag
# @return [Hash] the most recent tag
def newest_release_tag_in_an_array(array_of_tags)
latest_tag_in_array = array_of_tags[0] || {}
array_of_tags.each do |tag|
latest_tag_in_array = tag if tag['when'] > latest_tag_in_array['when']

# Takes a tag and returns true or false if it applies to the specific item
# @param release_tag [Hash] the tag in a hashed form
# @param admin_tags [Array] the administrative tags on an item, if not supplied it will attempt to retrieve them
# @return [Boolean] true or false if it applies (not true or false if it is released, that is the release_tag data)
def does_release_tag_apply(release_tag, admin_tags = false)
# Is the tag global or restricted
return true if release_tag['tag'].nil? # no specific tag specificied means this tag is global to all members of the collection

admin_tags = tags unless admin_tags # We use false instead of [], since an item can have no admin_tags at which point we'd be passing this var as [] and would not attempt to retrieve it

# Takes an array of release tags and returns the most recent one that applies to this item
# @param release_tags [Array] an array of release tags in hashed form
# @param admin_tags [Array] the administrative tags on an on item
# @return [Hash] the tag, or nil if none applicable
def latest_applicable_release_tag_in_array(release_tags, admin_tags)
newest_tag = newest_release_tag_in_an_array(release_tags)
return newest_tag if does_release_tag_apply(newest_tag, admin_tags)

# The latest tag wasn't applicable, slice it off and try again
# This could be optimized by reordering on the timestamp and just running down it instead of constantly resorting, at least if we end up getting numerous release tags on an item

return latest_applicable_release_tag_in_array(release_tags, admin_tags) if release_tags.size > 0 # Try again after dropping the inapplicable

nil # We're out of tags, no applicable ones

# Helper method to get the release tags as a nodeset
# @return [Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet] all release tags and their attributes
def release_tags
release_tags = identityMetadata.ng_xml.xpath('//release')
return_hash = {}
release_tags.each do |release_tag|
hashed_node = release_tag_node_to_hash(release_tag)
if !return_hash[hashed_node[:to]].nil?
return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] << hashed_node[:attrs]
return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] = [hashed_node[:attrs]]

# Convert one release element into a Hash
# @param rtag [Nokogiri::XML::Element] the release tag element
# @return [Hash{:to, :attrs => String, Hash}] in the form of !{:to => String :attrs = Hash}
def release_tag_node_to_hash(rtag)
to = 'to'
release = 'release'
when_word = 'when' # TODO: Make to and when_word load from some config file instead of hardcoded here
attrs = rtag.attributes
return_hash = { :to => attrs[to].value }
attrs.tap { |a| a.delete(to) }
attrs[release] = rtag.text.casecmp('true') == 0 # save release as a boolean
return_hash[:attrs] = attrs

# convert all the attrs beside :to to strings, they are currently Nokogiri::XML::Attr
(return_hash[:attrs].keys - [to]).each do |a|
return_hash[:attrs][a] = return_hash[:attrs][a].to_s if a != release

return_hash[:attrs][when_word] = Time.parse(return_hash[:attrs][when_word]) # convert when to a datetime
def releases
@releases ||= ReleaseTagService.for(self)

# Determine if the supplied tag is a valid release tag that meets all requirements
Expand All @@ -206,7 +60,9 @@ def valid_release_attributes_and_tag(tag, attrs = {})

deprecation_deprecate valid_release_attributes_and_tag: 'No longer used by any DLSS code'

# TODO: Move to dor-services-app
# Add a release node for the item
# Will use the current time if timestamp not supplied. You can supply a timestap for correcting history, etc if desired
# Timestamp will be calculated by the function
Expand All @@ -227,6 +83,7 @@ def add_release_node(release, attrs = {})
identity_metadata_ds.add_value(:release, release.to_s, attrs)

# TODO: Move to dor-services-app
# Determine if the supplied tag is a valid release node that meets all requirements
# @param tag [Boolean] True or false for the release node
Expand All @@ -244,75 +101,5 @@ def valid_release_attributes(tag, attrs = {})


# Helper method to get the release nodes as a nodeset
# @return [Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet] of all release tags and their attributes
def release_nodes
release_tags = identityMetadata.ng_xml.xpath('//release')
return_hash = {}
release_tags.each do |release_tag|
hashed_node = release_tag_node_to_hash(release_tag)
if !return_hash[hashed_node[:to]].nil?
return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] << hashed_node[:attrs]
return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] = [hashed_node[:attrs]]

# Get a list of all release nodes found in a purl document
# Fetches purl xml for a druid
# @raise [OpenURI::HTTPError]
# @return [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] parsed XML for the druid or an empty document if no purl is found
def get_xml_from_purl
url = form_purl_url
handler = proc do |exception, attempt_number, total_delay|
# We assume a 404 means the document has never been published before and thus has no purl
Dor.logger.warn "[Attempt #{attempt_number}] GET #{url} -- #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}; #{total_delay} seconds elapsed."
raise exception unless exception.is_a? OpenURI::HTTPError
return if == '404' # ["404", "Not Found"] from OpenURI::Meta.status

with_retries(:max_retries => 3, :base_sleep_seconds => 3, :max_sleep_seconds => 5, :handler => handler) do |attempt|
# If you change the method used for opening the webpage, you can change the :rescue param to handle the new method's errors "[Attempt #{attempt}] GET #{url}"
return Nokogiri::HTML(OpenURI.open_uri(url))

# Take the and create the entire purl url that will usable for the open method in open-uri, returns http
# @return [String] the full url
def form_purl_url
'https://' + Dor::Config.stacks.document_cache_host + "/#{remove_druid_prefix}.xml"

# Pull all release nodes from the public xml obtained via the purl query
# @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] The druid of the object you want
# @return [Array] An array containing all the release tags
def get_release_tags_from_purl_xml(doc)
nodes = doc.xpath('//html/body/publicobject/releasedata').children
# We only want the nodes with a name that isn't text
nodes.reject { |n| ||'text') == 0 }.map { |n| n.attr('to') }.uniq

# Pull all release nodes from the public xml obtained via the purl query
# @return [Array] An array containing all the release tags
def get_release_tags_from_purl

# This function calls purl and gets a list of all release tags currently in purl. It then compares to the list you have generated.
# Any tag that is on purl, but not in the newly generated list is added to the new list with a value of false.
# @param new_tags [Hash{String => Boolean}] all new tags in the form of !{"Project" => Boolean}
# @return [Hash] same form as new_tags, with all missing tags not in new_tags, but in current_tag_names, added in with a Boolean value of false
def add_tags_from_purl(new_tags)
tags_currently_in_purl = get_release_tags_from_purl
missing_tags = -
missing_tags.each do |missing_tag|
new_tags[missing_tag.capitalize] = { 'release' => false }

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