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Deploy vue app to s3 and Cloudfront with versioning and activation features.

                                     _                  _                                 _____ 
 __   __  _   _    ___            __| |   ___   _ __   | |   ___    _   _           ___  |___ / 
 \ \ / / | | | |  / _ \  _____   / _` |  / _ \ | '_ \  | |  / _ \  | | | |  _____  / __|   |_ \ 
  \ V /  | |_| | |  __/ |_____| | (_| | |  __/ | |_) | | | | (_) | | |_| | |_____| \__ \  ___) |
   \_/    \__,_|  \___|          \__,_|  \___| | .__/  |_|  \___/   \__, |         |___/ |____/ 
                                               |_|                  |___/                       

This package doesn't build the app, instead use webpack or vue cli to build your application instead.

Table of Contents


npm i -g vue-deploy-s3

# or

yarn global add vue-deploy-s3



 Usage: vue-deploy-s3 [options] [command]


    setup                 run deployment configuration file
    deploy [env]          deploy code to s3 bucket with specific environment
    list [env]            list deployed version from s3
    activate <key> [env]  activate version with or specific environment


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

To initialize setup file for vue-deploy-s3 , go inside your vue app project root directory and use following command

vue-deploy-s3 setup

                                     _                  _                                 _____ 
 __   __  _   _    ___            __| |   ___   _ __   | |   ___    _   _           ___  |___ / 
 \ \ / / | | | |  / _ \  _____   / _` |  / _ \ | '_ \  | |  / _ \  | | | |  _____  / __|   |_ \ 
  \ V /  | |_| | |  __/ |_____| | (_| | |  __/ | |_) | | | | (_) | | |_| | |_____| \__ \  ___) |
   \_/    \__,_|  \___|          \__,_|  \___| | .__/  |_|  \___/   \__, |         |___/ |____/ 
                                               |_|                  |___/                       


✓ Deployment file created

➡  Type help command to proceed further

It will automatically create a deploy.js file. Now inside deploy.js file put your s3 bucket name, along with ACCESSKEYID and SECERETKEY.

After building your vue app. It's time to deploy your app to S3 bucket.

vue-deploy-s3 deploy development

Checking configuration file


Starting 'upload:development'...
Finished 'upload:development' after 1ms

Revision created successfuly

It will upload your assests to the s3 bucket with uniquely generated file name. upload revisions

In order to get revision of deployed files we use list command.

vue-deploy-s3 list development

Checking configuration file
Starting 'list:development'...
Finished 'list:development' after 4ms
│ RevisionKey       │ Commit Date                  │
│   index:01403ec   │ 2018/04/04 14:26:29          │
│   index:527cd76   │ 2018/04/04 14:34:49          │
│   index:6993120   │ 2018/04/04 14:09:03          │
│   index:fa51993   │ 2018/04/04 15:41:51          │

To activate a specific version use the activate command followed by key.

vue-deploy-s3 activate fa51993 development

Checking configuration file
Starting 'activate:fa51993'...
Finished 'activate:fa51993' after 6ms
Activating index file of key fa51993
Revision activated successfully

To revert application to a specific version use the activate command followed by key.

vue-deploy-s3 activate 6993120 development

Checking configuration file
Starting 'activate:6993120'...
Finished 'activate:6993120' after 6ms
Activating index file of key 6993120
Revision activated successfully


Contributors are welcome. Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © sumn2u

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