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Merge pull request #1253 from wafels/quantity_docs
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initial quantity docs
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Cadair committed Mar 24, 2015
2 parents 485885d + 431ac1f commit 290dddd
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108 changes: 104 additions & 4 deletions doc/source/dev.rst
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from inside the ``doc/source`` folder.

Use of quantities and units

Much code perform calculations using physical quantities. SunPy uses astropy's
`quantities and units <>`__
implementation to store, express and convert physical quantities. New classes
and functions should adhere to SunPy's `quantity and unit usage guidelines
<>`__. This document
sets out SunPy's reasons and requirements for the usage of quantities and
units. Briefly, SunPy's `policy <>`__
is that *all user-facing function/object arguments which accept physical
quantities as input **MUST** accept astropy quantities, and **ONLY** astropy

Developers should consult the
`Astropy Quantities and Units page <>`__
for the latest updates on using quantities and units. The `astropy tutorial on quantities and units
<>`__ also provides useful examples on their

Astropy provides the decorator `~astropy.units.quantity_input` that
checks the units of the input arguments to a function against the
expected units of the argument. We recommend using this decorator to
perform function argument unit checks. The decorator ensures that the
units of the input to the function are convertible to that specified
by the decorator, for example ::

import astropy.units as u
def myfunction(myangle):
return myangle**2

This function only accepts arguments that are convertible to arcseconds.
Therefore, ::

>>> myangle(20 *
<Quantity 400.0 deg2>

returns the expected answer but ::

>>> myangle(20 *

raises an error.

The following is an example of a use-facing function that returns the area of a
square, in units that are the square of the input length unit::

def get_area_of_square(side_length):
Compute the area of a square.

side_length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Side length of the square

area : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Area of the square.

return (side_length ** 2)

This more advanced example shows how a private function that does not accept
quantities can be wrapped by a function that does::

def some_function(length):
Does something useful.

length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
A length.

length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Another length

# the following function either
# a] does not accept Quantities
# b] is slow if using Quantities
result = _private_wrapper_function(length.convert('meters').value)

# now convert back to a quantity
result = Quantity(result_meters, units_of_the_private_wrapper_function)

return result

In this example, the non-user facing function *_private_wrapper_function* requires a numerical input in units of
meters, and returns a numerical output. The developer knows that the result of *_private_wrapper_function* is in the
units *units_of_the_private_wrapper_function*, and sets the result of *some_function* to return the answer in those


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,7 +769,7 @@ the module on the command line, e.g.::
for the tests for `sunpy.util.xml`.

To run only tests that been marked with a specific pytest mark using the
deocrator ``@pytest.mark`` (the the section *Writing a unit test*), use the
decorator ``@pytest.mark`` (the the section *Writing a unit test*), use the
following command (where ``MARK`` is the name of the mark)::

py.test -k MARK
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -725,16 +825,16 @@ everytime you run `git commit` to install it copy the file from
`sunpy/tools/` to `sunpy/.git/hooks/pre-commit`, you should also
check the script to make sure that it is configured properly for your system.

Continuous Intergration
Continuous Integration

SunPy makes use of the `Travis CI service <>`_.
This service builds a version of SunPy and runs all the tests. It also integrates
with GitHub and will report the test results on any Pull Request when they are
submitted and when they are updated.

The Travis CI server not only builds SunPy from source, but currently it builds all
of SunPy's dependancies from source as well using pip, all of this behaviour is
of SunPy's dependencies from source as well using pip, all of this behaviour is
specified in the .travis.yml file in the root of the SunPy repo.

New Functionality
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124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions doc/source/guide/tour.rst
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These constants are provided as a convenience so that everyone is using the same
(accepted values). More will be added over time.

Quantities and Units

Many capabilities in SunPy make use of physical quantities that are specified
in units. SunPy uses `astropy's units and quantities code <>`__ to
implement this functionality. For example, the solar radius above is a physical quantity
that can be expressed in length units. In the example above ::

>>> from sunpy.sun import constants as con
>>> con.radius
<Constant name=u'Solar radius' value=695508000.0 error=26000.0 units='m' reference=u"Allen's Astrophysical Quantities 4th Ed.">

shows the solar radius in units of meters. It is simple to express the same physical quantity in different units::

<Quantity 695508.0 km>

To get the numerical value of the solar radius in kilometers - without the unit information - use ::


Quantities and units are simple and powerful tools for keeping track of the units you're working in, and make it
easy to convert the same physical quantity into different units. To learn more about the capabilities of quantities
and units, please consult `the astropy tutorial <>`__.
SunPy's approach to the adoption of quantities and units in the codebase is described
`here <>`__.

Here's a simple example of the power of units. Suppose you have the radius of a circle and would like to calculate
its area. The following code implements this ::

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> @u.quantity_input(radius=u.m)
>>> def circle_area(radius):
return np.pi * radius ** 2

The first line imports numpy, and the second line imports astropy's units module. The beginning of the third line (the
"@" symbol) indicates that what follows is a Python decorator. In this case, the decorator allows us to specify what
kind of unit the function input variable "radius" in the following function "circle_area" should have. In this case,
it is meters. The decorator checks that the input is convertible to the units specified in the decorator. Calculating
the area of a circle with radius 4 meters using the function defined above is simple ::

>>> circle_area(4 * u.m)
<Quantity 50.26548245743669 m2>

The units of the returned area are what we expect, namely the meters squared (m2). However, we can also use other
units of measurement; for a circle with radius 4 kilometers ::

>>> circle_area(4 *
<Quantity 50.26548245743669 km2>

Even although the input value of the radius was not in meters, the function does not crash; this is because the
input unit is convertible to meters. This also works across different systems of measurement, for example ::

>>> circle_area(4 * u.imperial.foot)
<Quantity 50.26548245743669 ft2>

However, if the input unit is not convertible to meters, then an error is thrown ::

>>> circle_area(4 * u.second)
UnitsError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-5d2b19807321> in <module>()
----> 1 circle_area(4 * u.second)

/Users/ireland/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/utils/ in circle_area(radius)
515 def wrapper(func):
516 func = make_function_with_signature(func, name=wrapped.__name__,
--> 517 **_get_function_args(wrapped))
518 func = functools.update_wrapper(func, wrapped, assigned=assigned,
519 updated=updated)

/Users/ireland/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/units/decorators.pyc in wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
112 " '{2}'.".format(,
113 wrapped_function.__name__,
--> 114 target_unit.to_string()))
116 # Either there is no .unit or no .is_equivalent

UnitsError: Argument 'radius' to function 'circle_area' must be in units convertable to 'm'.

Also, if no unit is specified, an error is thrown ::

>>> circle_area(4)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-4c9fa37f7920> in <module>()
----> 1 circle_area(4)

/Users/ireland/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/utils/ in circle_area(radius)
515 def wrapper(func):
516 func = make_function_with_signature(func, name=wrapped.__name__,
--> 517 **_get_function_args(wrapped))
518 func = functools.update_wrapper(func, wrapped, assigned=assigned,
519 updated=updated)

/Users/ireland/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astropy/units/decorators.pyc in wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
122 raise TypeError("Argument '{0}' to function has '{1}' {2}. "
123 "You may want to pass in an astropy Quantity instead."
--> 124 .format(, wrapped_function.__name__, error_msg))
126 # Call the original function with any equivalencies in force.

TypeError: Argument 'radius' to function has 'circle_area' no 'unit' attribute. You may want to pass in an astropy Quantity instead.

Using units allows the user to be explicit about what the function
expects. Units also make conversions very easy to do. For example,
if you want the area of a circle in square feet, but were given
measurements in meters, then ::

>>> circle_area((4 * u.m).to(u.imperial.foot))
<Quantity 541.0531502245425 ft2>

or ::

>>> circle_area(4 * u.m).to(u.imperial.foot ** 2)
<Quantity 541.0531502245425 ft2>

Astropy units and quantities are very powerful, and are used throughout SunPy. To find out more about units and
quantities, please consult the `the astropy tutorial <>`__ and
`documentation <>`__

Working with Times

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