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C++ project for the FCND estimation project.

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Quadrotor Sensor Fusion and Pose Estimation

In this continuation of the controls project, the sensor fusion and pose estimation code for a simulated quad drone will be implemented.

💡 Fun fact: Did you know that the word 🚁 "helicopter" isn't composed of the parts heli and copter, but of the parts helico and pter, from greek helix (spiral) and pteron (winged; think Pterodactylus)? So the pronounciation really should be helico-pter, and a "quadrocopter" actually is a "quadropter". Thanks for listening, now go have fun. 😁

Estimation and Control

Project Structure

Here are a couple of interesting points for working with the repo:

  • An Extended Kalman Filter is implemented in QuadEstimatorEKF.cpp
  • Parameters for tuning the EKF are in the parameter file QuadEstimatorEKF.txt
  • When various sensors are turned on (the scenarios configure them, e.g. Quad.Sensors += SimIMU, SimMag, SimGPS), additional sensor plots will become available to see what the simulated sensors measure.
  • The EKF implementation exposes both the estimated state and a number of additional variables. In particular:
    • Quad.Est.E.X is the error in estimated X position from true value. More generally, the variables in <vehicle>.Est.E.* are relative errors, though some are combined errors (e.g. MaxEuler).
    • Quad.Est.S.X is the estimated standard deviation of the X state (that is, the square root of the appropriate diagonal variable in the covariance matrix). More generally, the variables in <vehicle>.Est.S.* are standard deviations calculated from the estimator state covariance matrix.
    • Quad.Est.D contains miscellaneous additional debug variables useful in diagnosing the filter. You may or might not find these useful but they were helpful to us in verifying the filter and may give you some ideas if you hit a block.

config Directory

In the config directory, in addition to finding the configuration files for your controller and your estimator, you will also see configuration files for each of the simulations. For this project, you will be working with simulations 06 through 11 and you may find it insightful to take a look at the configuration for the simulation.

As an example, if we look through the configuration file for scenario 07, we see the following parameters controlling the sensor:

# Sensors
Quad.Sensors = SimIMU
# use a perfect IMU
SimIMU.AccelStd = 0,0,0
SimIMU.GyroStd = 0,0,0

This configuration tells us that the simulator is only using an IMU and the sensor data will have no noise. You will notice that for each simulator these parameters will change slightly as additional sensors are being used and the noise behavior of the sensors change.

The Steps

For a description of the original project tasks, see

Evaluating Sensor Noise

For the controls project, the simulator was working with a set of entirely noise-free sensors. In order to add realism to the problem, noise is now added back in. To do so, some noisy sensor data is collected in simulator scenario 06_NoisySensors and then evaluated.

In this scenario, a drone is kept motionless while sensor data is collected. When run, two CSV files are created:

The Python script scripts/ was written to evaluate the data. When executed like so,

scripts/ config/log/Graph1.txt

it gives something along the lines of

Found field names:
- Quad.GPS.X

- Series:     Quad.GPS.X
  Count:      23
  Min:        -1.571771
  Max:        0.976935
  Mean:       -0.06606665217391307
  Std. Error: 0.1379983888851819
  Std. Dev:   0.661817023581923

Note that time data has been removed from the output for brevity. A Conda environment is available in environment.yaml and can be set up using

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate udacity-fcnd

The obtained standard deviations are

  • GPS X/Y: 0.7077498542201446
  • Accelerometer X/Y: 0.4891275427009619

The config/06_SensorNoise.txt configuration file was updated with the obtained standard deviations, after which the simulator correctly detects that approximately 68% of all sensor data fall into the µ ± σ range. See config/SimulatedSensors.txt for sensor parameters shipped with the starter code.

Attitude Estimation by Complementary Filter

In theory, gyro data could be integrated constantly in order to obtain an attitude estimate. Due to the noise characteristics of a gyro sensor however and the fact that it gets integrated with every update, this approach performing extremely badly and results in noticeable drift.

To mitigate, a complementary filter-type solution can be used that combines attitude from integrated gyro roll rates with direct attitude estimation from the accelerometer, thus combining fast updates from the gyro with long-term stability of the accelerometer.

In order to first perform attitude estimation from the gyro, the starter code used a simple integration scheme like so:

auto predictedPitch = pitchEst + dtIMU * gyro.y;
auto predictedRoll  = rollEst  + dtIMU * gyro.x;
auto predictedYaw   = yawEst   + dtIMU * gyro.z;

The main problem with the this approach is that it is only a small-angle approximation, and - concretely - valid only with very small roll rates. Specifically is it based on the idea that a sinusoidal function is approximately linear in any small environment around zero and follow directly from a Taylor series approximation of the sin and cos functions (at zero).

To fix this, a quaternion-based integration was implemented to apply body frame roll rates to inertial frame euler angles:

const auto orientation = Quaternion<float>::FromEuler123_RPY(rollEst, pitchEst, yawEst);
const auto rollRate    = Quaternion<float>::FromAxisAngle(gyro * dtIMU);
const auto predictedOrientation = rollRate * orientation;

const auto predictedPitch = predictedOrientation.Pitch();
const auto predictedRoll  = predictedOrientation.Roll();
const auto predictedYaw   = wrapAngle(predictedOrientation.Yaw()); // -π .. +π

Here, wrapAngle(radians) is a helper function that ensures a provided angle is in -π .. +π range.

Lastly, the complementary filter fuses the gyro-predicted roll and pitch angle with the accelerometer-predicted roll and pitch angles in the usual fashion:

const auto gyroWeight  = attitudeTau / (attitudeTau + dtIMU);
const auto accelWeight = 1 - gyroCoeff; // dtIMU / (attitudeTau + dtIMU);

rollEst  = wrapAngle(gyroWeight * predictedRoll  + accelWeight * accelRoll);
pitchEst = wrapAngle(gyroWeight * predictedPitch + accelWeight * accelPitch);

Here's the output after implementing the above:

Note that the pitch and roll errors temporarily reach (only) about ±0.02 rad, or about ±1.15°, and quickly go back to zero.

The yaw error permanently increases at the and of the cycle since the drone is performing a rotation around its up axis. However, the yaw angle is not yet fused with another sensor (note that in the above, yaw is only integrated from roll rates, which leads to the aforementioned drift). To fix this, extra information such as the magnetometer's absolute orientation information will be required.

For comparison, here's an excerpt from the starter code:

In the screenshot [below] the attitude estimation using linear scheme (left) and using the improved nonlinear scheme (right) [is shown]. Note that Y axis on error is much greater on left.

attitude example

EKF Prediction

The state and covariance prediction steps of the Extended Kalman Filter were implemented using scenario 08_PredictState and 09_PredictionCov of the simulator.

Note that scenario 08_PredictState uses only uses a noise-free IMU and suppresses the accelerometer by using an extremely high complementary filter weight for the gyroscope (QuadEstimatorEKF.attitudeTau = 100) in order to suppress drift from the doubly integrated accelerometer.

Not much is to say here; the PredictState() method was implemented to fast-forward the state vector:

const auto accelInertialFrame = bodyToInertialFrame(accel) - gravity;

predictedState(0) += predictedState(3) * dt;
predictedState(1) += predictedState(4) * dt;
predictedState(2) += predictedState(5) * dt;

predictedState(3) += accelInertialFrame.x * dt;
predictedState(4) += accelInertialFrame.y * dt;
predictedState(5) += accelInertialFrame.z * dt;

Here, the accelerometer data was used as control input u since it is a somewhat reasonable approximation of the actual (human-provided) controls.

Then, the Predict() method was updated to fast-forward the covariance matrix and produce a new state and covariance estimate:

// Build the transition function's Jacobian
gPrime(0,3) = dt;
gPrime(1,4) = dt;
gPrime(2,5) = dt;
gPrime(3,6) = (RbgPrime(0,0) * accel.x + RbgPrime(0,1) * accel.y + RbgPrime(0,2) * accel.z) * dt;
gPrime(4,6) = (RbgPrime(1,0) * accel.x + RbgPrime(1,1) * accel.y + RbgPrime(1,2) * accel.z) * dt;
gPrime(5,6) = (RbgPrime(2,0) * accel.x + RbgPrime(2,1) * accel.y + RbgPrime(2,2) * accel.z) * dt;

// Covariance update
ekfCov = gPrime * ekfCov * gPrime.transpose() + Q;

Here, RbgPrime is determined by the GetRbgPrime() helper method, which in turn constructs the Jacobian of the body-to-inertial frame rotation matrix (with the "g" in "Rbg" standing for global):

// Roll
RbgPrime(0, 0) = -cosTheta * sinPsi;
RbgPrime(0, 1) = -sinPhi   * sinTheta * sinPsi - cosPhi * cosPsi;
RbgPrime(0, 2) = -cosPhi   * sinTheta * sinPsi + sinPhi * cosPsi;

// Pitch
RbgPrime(1, 0) =  cosTheta * cosPsi;
RbgPrime(1, 1) =  sinPhi   * sinTheta * cosPsi - cosPhi * sinPsi;
RbgPrime(1, 2) =  cosPhi   * sinTheta * cosPsi + sinPhi * sinPsi;

Lastly, config/QuadEstimatorEKF.txt was updated to provide X/Y position and velocity standard deviations (QPosXYStd and QVelXYStd respectively) in order to capture the error ranges somewhat accurately over a small time horizon of one second. This process was done entirely empirically by eyeballing the error plots and resulted in the following values:

Parameter New value
QPosXYStd .05
QVelXYStd .2

Here's about how it looks:

good covariance

Note that while this is a picture from the starter code, it somewhat resembles the actual output.

Magnetometer Update

Previously, only gyroscope and accelerometer were used for state estimation. In this step, the magnetometer is added in order to improve the drone's heading estimation; for this, scenario 10_MagUpdate of the simulator is used.

The UpdateFromMag() method obtains a measurement of the magnetometer, as well as the yaw prediction from the current EKF state, determines the observation function's Jacobian (with respect to the yaw measurement) and updates the state:

const auto measuredYaw   = ekfState(6);
measurementPrediction(0) = smallerAngle(measuredYaw, yawFromMagnetometer);
hPrime(0,6)              = 1.0;

Here, smallerAngle(predicted, measurement) ensures that angles ±180° are inverted (for example, +359° is equal to -1°).

Lastly, the yaw error standard deviation (QYawStd in config/QuadEstimatorEKF.txt) was obtained empirically by ensuring that about 68% of the sensor noise was captured. The following value was obtained this way:

Parameter New value
QYawStd .1175

The result looked somewhat like this (just better):

mag good, Hulk strong

Closed Loop and GPS Update

So far, only ideal estimators and IMUs were used. Using scenario 11_GPSUpdate, disabling the ideal estimator by setting Quad.UseIdealEstimator to 0 in config/11_GPSUpdate.txt gives the following beauty of a path:

You tried

Going one step further and allowing for a nonzero noise in the IMU by commenting out the zero-valued standard deviations like so ...

#SimIMU.AccelStd = 0,0,0
#SimIMU.GyroStd = 0,0,0

... sends the drone off to explore outer space 👋:

This is my life now

The GPS update (UpdateFromGPS()) can be implemented in a rather trivial fashion - the key here is that GPS measures both position and velocity directly, and we already have estimates for everything in the EKF's state. Likewise, the partial derivatives are just a diagonal matrix (the last column being all zeroes due to the yaw not playing a role in position updates):

for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
    zFromX(i) = ekfState(i);


After this, it was back to parameter tuning in config/QuadEstimatorEKF.txt. Here's the current set of values:

Parameter New value
QPosXYStd .1
QVelXYStd .15
QPosZStd .03
QVelZStd .025
QYawStd .1175
GPSPosXYStd .7
GPSPosZStd 2
GPSVelZStd .3
MagYawStd 1
attitudeTau 75
InitStdDevs all above

Note that the actual standard deviations for the GPS are known from config/SimulatedSensors.txt. It is also somewhat fishy that the position standard deviations are so close to the velocity ones, even though they're undergoing a pass of integrating noise - however, the results seem pretty good, so I'm not going to argue.

Patching in the Controller

In a final desperate move, the controller from the control project was added to replace the relaxed one that was used for implementing the state estimation.

Surely enough, just using the controller parameters that were obtained using ideal data doesn't fly (pun so intended):

Here are some soothing words from the Ghost of the README past:

If your controller crashes immediately do not panic. Flying from an estimated state (even with ideal sensors) is very different from flying with ideal pose. You may need to de-tune your controller. Decrease the position and velocity gains (we’ve seen about 30% detuning being effective) to stabilize it. Your goal is to once again complete the entire simulation cycle with an estimated position error of < 1m.

And ...

Hint: you may find it easiest to do your de-tuning as a 2 step process by reverting to ideal sensors and de-tuning under those conditions first.

What came as a shock to me was that detuning the gains by 30% wasn't even remotely helpful, and reducing gains by up to an order of magnitude was required. Here is the set of gains as they are used now:

Gain Old value New value
kpPosXY 35 5
kpPosZ 25 20
KiPosZ 42 15
kpVelXY 12 4
kpVelZ 15 9
kpBank 13 10
kpYaw 3 3
kpPQR 85, 85, 10 90, 90, 10

With a too high position P gain (kpPosXY), overshooting was noticeable, whereas a too high position D gain (kpVelXY) resulted in very unstable hover.


Thanks to Fotokite for the initial development of the project code and simulator.


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  • C++ 59.2%
  • C 40.7%
  • Other 0.1%