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Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Usage
    1. Description
    2. Arguments
    3. Software configurations
    4. Commands
  3. Dependencies

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This repository contains python3 script,, for basic serial communication via UART.



When the tool is run, it polls for a serial device. First it searches for a ttyUSB device, then for a ttyACM device and finally for a ttyCOM device. If nothing is found, it exits. If found software configurations are initialized and script waits for and user input. Tool also starts logging errors and program messages in program log. This log file is deleted by default upon normal exit.

Arguments can be given to change UART configurations. These can only be given during the script call.

After initialization, user can enter data or issue commands. Anything that starts with a single \ considered a command, everything else data. To send a \, \\ should be entered. Data can be entered as a character or a number of different bases.

When the connection is lost, script automatically exits. User can also exit via exit commands or by keyboard interrupt.


User can change UART configurations via arguments when calling the script. Default configurations for the UART is 8-bit data with no parity and 1 stop bit; and baud rate set to 115.2k.

There are also helper functionalities provided with the arguments. One of these functionalities can be used at once, and script exits after doing its job. Passing --help as an argument provides information about the script call.

Interactive Call

One way to change UART configurations is interactive call. When -i (or --interactive) is passed as an argument when calling the script, tool is initialized in interactive mode. In this mode tool asks user for configurations. When an empty answer is given default value for asked configuration is used.

Configuration Arguments

User can also change UART configurations directly via arguments when calling the tool. User can also specify a serial device path. Device name must start with tty. Tool automatically detects arguments. Supported arguments (Bold for default values):

  • Data size: 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Baud rate: 115.2k, 1.2k<
  • Stop-bit size: 1, 1.5, 2
  • Parity: no, even, odd, mark, space (first letters also work)
  • Device path: /dev/tty*, /dev/ttyUSB*, /dev/ttyACM*, /dev/ttyCOM*
  • Poll range: 10...20

Tool also provide some helper functionality via arguments. When one of these arguments passed, tool exits after it's done. When multiple arguments are passed, only argument is processed.

Device Search mode

When --search (or -s) is given as argument, script searches for ttyUSB, ttyACM and ttyCOM devices. It lists the found devices and exits.

Software configurations

Software configurations handle how to interpret data and adds some options. Currently, implemented options (Bold for default values):

  • Data type: character, hexadecimal number, decimal number, binary number
    • Determines how the data is interpreted. In character mode, everything is displayed and received as their character value. In numeric modes, data is taken and displayed in chosen base. In this mode user can specify bases with 0x, 0b, 0o and 0d.
  • Safe transmit: Disabled
    • In numeric mode, when a non-numeric data entered stop sending.
  • Prefix: None
    • These bytes send before the data
  • Suffix: None
    • These bytes send after the data
  • Mute: Disabled
    • Do not print received data to terminal.
  • Dumping: Disabled
    • Dump received bytes into a file. If a file name is not provided, use default.
  • Keep program log: Disabled
    • Do not delete the program log on exit.

When in a numeric data mode; data must be entered as a numeric value with respect to current set data type or by specifying its base.


Commands allow user to change software configurations and interact with the script. Each command start with a single \, anything else considered as data. To send a \ as first byte, use \\. Table of available commands can be found below.

Command Shortened Description
bin - Binary data mode
binhex - Binary data mode, also print hexadecimal equivalent
char c Character data mode
dec - Decimal data mode
dechex - Decimal data mode, also print hexadecimal equivalent
dump [filename] - Dump received bytes into a file, filename can be given as argument
exit - Exits the script same as quit
getpath - Prints working directory
hex h Hexadecimal data mode
help - Prints information about the script
keeplog - Do not delete program log on exit
license - Prints license information
list - Prints connected devices
mute - Do not show received data on terminal
nodump - Stop dumping received data
pref [data] - Add bytes to prefix, data should be given as hexadecimal
rand [data size] r Send random bytes
quit q Exits the script same as exit
safe - Enable safe transmit mode
send s Send files
setpath - set directory for file operations, full or relative path, empty for cwd
suff [data] - Add bytes to suffix, data should be given as hexadecimal
unmute - Show received data on terminal
unsafe - Disable safe transmit mode
@ - Print the path to the connected device

When using numeric modes, following characters can be used as separators: _, '


Script uses sys, pyserial, threading, time, datetime, os, random and signal modules.

Tested on

  • Python 3.9.5 on Pop!_OS 21.04
  • Python 3.8.6 on Pop!_OS 20.10


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